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标题: 专家教你如何回忆梦境 [打印本页]

作者: 星期一    时间: 2010-6-4 09:35     标题: 专家教你如何回忆梦境

What can you do to recall your dreams more often and interpret them more clearly? The experts offer these tips:

    1. Incubate an idea. Before you go to sleep, consciously thinkabout a topic or a person you'd like to dream about. Pose a questionthat's troubling you and see how your dream responds to it.
    Follow these tips so you will be able to interpret your own dreams.
    1. 酝酿你的想法。在你入睡之前,下意识地去想你希望梦到的某件事情,或是某个人。提出一直困扰你的问题,然后看看梦境是如何为你解答的。按照这些方法做,你就能解释自己的梦境了。

    2. Keep track. Next to your bed, place a pad and pen, or a taperecorder or laptop, to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.
    2. 跟踪梦境。 在你的床旁边,放好本子和笔,或是录音机,又或是笔记本电脑,这样你可以在醒来时马上记录下你的梦境。

    3. Try to awaken naturally, without the help of an alarm clock orbarking dog that can disrupt your dream cycle. If your schedule doesn'tallow you to sleep in during the week, begin your dream journal on aweekend or during a vacation.
    3. 睡到自然醒。不要让闹钟或狗叫声打扰你的睡眠周期。如果你的时间表令你无法在工作周睡到自然醒,那么你可以选择在周末或是假期的时候睡大觉。

    4. Wake up slowly. For the first moment after you awaken, lie stilland keep your eyes closed, because your dream may be connected to yourbody position while you slept. Try to recollect the dream and thenstore it in your memory by giving it a name like "Late for an Exam" or"My Date with Ashley Judd." When you rise, immediately write down asmany images, feelings and impressions as you can.

    5. Connect the dots. To better interpret your dreams, try to makeconnections between your recalled dreams and recent events. Do yourecognize people from the present or past? Can you detect any themesfrom the dream? Look for patterns over several dreams that might helpexplain an individual dream.
    5. 把梦境碎片串连起来。为了更好的解释你的梦,设法把你回想起的梦境与最近发生的事情联系起来。你能认出那些人是现在的还是过去认识的吗?你能从梦境中探索到任何思想主题吗?寻找能串连几个梦境的线索能帮你去解释一个单一的梦。

    6. Change the outcome. If you have recurring nightmares that makeit difficult to sleep, try to change the endings. Once you awaken froma bad dream, visualize a change in the action to create a more positiveoutcome. If you are trapped, try to fly. In your dream, you can do whatyou want!
   6. 扭转乾坤。如果你因不停做恶梦而难以入睡,设法把梦的结局改掉。一旦你从一个恶梦中醒来,试想象着一个行动上好的改变,从而扭转乾坤,让梦的结局变得积极。如果你被梦境困住了,尽力去想象吧。在你的梦境里,你可以做任何你想做的事!

    7. Be patient. It may take days or weeks before you're able torecall your dreams in detail, but the experts advise to keeppracticing. Dream memories are fragile, and trying to recall all theplot twists and turns on consecutive nights seems to have a cumulativeeffect.
    7. 要有耐心。 可能你需要花几天或几个星期的时间才能回想起自己梦境中的细节,但专家们鼓励多尝试。梦境的记忆是很模糊的,能回想起所有起伏跌宕的情节和贯穿几个晚上的梦境是努力的累积得来的。
作者: hellokitty    时间: 2010-6-5 10:18

I never remember my dream unless I was waken up by some one or something.. 1# 星期一

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