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标题: VOA标准英语2014.11.02 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-11-3 10:28     标题: VOA标准英语2014.11.02


Henry Ridgwell has more from London. 以下是亨利`里德维尔从伦敦发回的详细报道. Kurdish fighters in northern Syria struggle to halt the advance of well-armed Islamic State militants. 19-year-old Dalil Boras recorded the battle on his cell phone. On Sunday, he led his family over the Turkish border to safety. He now plans to return to Syria. 叙利亚北部的库尔德武装人员奋力抗争,以停止装备精良的'伊斯兰国'激进分子向前推进.年仅19岁的达利勒`博拉斯用其手机记录了这场战斗.本周日,达利勒带领其家人穿越叙土边境,抵达安全地带.他现正计划着返回叙利亚. "The battle has been so brutal, because ISIS has 50 tanks," he says. "这场战斗分外惨烈,因为'伊斯兰国'有50辆坦克",他说道. "They captured around 50 villages and they are still advancing and killing everyone, children, women, anyone Kurdish, saying they are infidels." ___________________________ Henry Ridgwell, for VOA News, London. "他们夺取了约50个村庄,现正不断向前推进,肆意屠杀每一个人,小孩、妇女、任何一个库尔德人都不放过,声称他们是异教徒." ____________________________ VOA新闻记者亨利`里德维尔,伦敦报道


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