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标题: VOA标准英语2015.07.11 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2015-7-13 09:37     标题: VOA标准英语2015.07.11


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has cut short an international trip after breaking his leg in a bike accident outside Geneva, Switzerland. Kerry was hospitalized Sunday. _____________________________________ Beau Biden, the 46-year-old former Delaware state attorney-general died Saturday of brain cancer. He was the oldest son of Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, who had served in the military in Iraq, had been receiving treatment for cancer at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Mitch McConnell is the majority leader of the Senate, where Vice President Biden is the presiding officer. "Beau Biden was known to many as a dedicated public servant, a loving father of two and a devoted partner to the woman he loved, Haley." Beau Biden is survived by his wife and two children. 美国国务卿约翰`克里在瑞士日内瓦因自行车事故摔断腿后,而缩短了国际之旅的行程.克里于周日入院治疗.______________________________ 博`拜登,这位46岁的前特拉华州司法部长于周六死于脑癌.他是副总统乔`拜登的大儿子.拜登曾参军在伊拉克服役,因为癌症而在沃尔特里德陆军医疗中心接受治疗.明奇`麦康奈尔是参议院的多数党领袖,而副总统拜登正是参议院的议长. "对很多人来说,博`拜登是敬业的人民公仆,是两个孩子的慈父和他所挚爱的女人-哈利的丈夫." 博`拜登因妻子和两个孩子才努力活下来.


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