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标题: BBC英语新闻2016.04.25 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2016-4-26 10:45     标题: BBC英语新闻2016.04.25


BBC news with Iain Purdon.North Korea has fired two ballistic missiles into the sea off itseastern coast days after the country's leader Kim Jung-unordered more nuclear warhead on missile tests. The UnitedStates has responded with a call to Pyongyang to refrain from raising tensions in the region. SteveEvans reports from Seoul. "_____________. The United Nations imposedtougher sanctions on the defiant regime in Pyongyang. It in turn has launched missiles culminatingin the latest launch. It's hard to see whether series of tit for tat acts ends. North Korea hasthreatened another nuclear test ." 艾因.普顿为您报道BBC新闻. 朝鲜领导人金正恩要求导弹测试中加强核弹头的使用,数天后朝鲜向其东海发射了两枚弹道导弹.联合国迅速做出回应,要求平壤不要再加剧地区紧张形式.斯蒂夫.埃文斯从首尔发回报道."____________________. 联合国对肆无忌惮的平壤政权实施越来越严厉的制裁,而朝鲜则不断升级发射的导弹作为反抗.很难预测双方争锋相对的局面何时才能到达尽头.朝鲜威胁称将会再次进行核试验."


作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2020-11-13 15:04

The past two months has seen escalating actions and re-actions of North Korea's testing over a nuclear device on January 6th.

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