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标题: BBC英语新闻2016.05.02 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2016-5-5 09:42     标题: BBC英语新闻2016.05.02


Hello, I am Justine Greene with the BBC News. Barack Obama and Raul Castro have sparked over human rights and the US trade embargo at a tense press conference on the second day of the US President's visit to Cuba. Mr. Obama said Cuba had to make progress on political reform and human rights. President Castro accused the US of double standards. This is Aspen from Jon Sopel in Havana. "__________________. Raul Castro says look, if this gonna be normalization of relations. You have got lift the embargo immediately and of course the political reality in the United States because it would have to be voted in congresses, the people want to see progress on human rights abuses before that happens and so that's the kind of area where there slightly locked at the moment, but you know, you just have to kind of keep pinching yourself that 18 months ago the idea that any of these could possibly happen would have been frankly ridiculous. On the fact that it has happened, they have kind of made jokes together at a news conference is a sign of the remarkable progress. Nevertheless that has been made." 大家好,我是贾斯汀?格林尼,以下是BBC新闻.在美国总统访问古巴的第二天,贝拉克?奥巴马与劳尔?瓦斯特罗在一场紧张的记者招待会上就人权和美国贸易禁运争论激烈.奥巴马称古巴必须在政治改革和人权上取得进步.古巴领导人卡斯特罗指责美国双重标准.阿斯彭带来乔恩?索培尔从哈瓦那发回的报道:"______________________. 劳尔?卡斯特罗说看吧,如果要关系正常化,美国必须立刻解除贸易禁运,当然还要改变美国国内的政治现状,因为贸易解禁需要国会投票通过才能实现.而想要看到人权进步的人士则要求古巴先做出让步.因此目前局面有点僵硬.不过,要知道在18个月之前,这些即将可能会发生的设想在当时看上去是十分荒诞的 但是仍然要继续坚持下去,正因为当初的设想都变成了现实,两位领导人才能在新闻发布会上做出类似互相调侃的举动,这是取得重大进步的标志.不管怎样,这一步已经做到了."


作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2020-11-19 15:55

He was right that the differences will show and not gross over because they are profound.
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2020-11-19 16:03


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