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标题: 微博精华 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2017-12-3 19:20     标题: 微博精华


1. I’m crazy about traveling. My dream is to set foot in every continent and visit at least 100 countries.

be crazy about sth 非常喜欢...

set foot in ... 踏上...的土地、进入...、参观...

continent 大洲

2. We dragged ourselves out of bed extremely early that morning in order to capture the sunrise over the rice terraces.

drag oneself out of bed 挣扎着起床

capture sth 拍...照片

sunrise over ... ...上的日出

rice terrace 梯田

3. By the time we got there, there were already hundreds of people. Everybody was waiting eagerly for the sun to come up.

by the time ... 当...的时候

wait eagerly 急切地等待

4. That was the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. It really took my breath away.

the most ... I've ever seen 我见过的最...的东西

take my breath away 美的令我知悉

5. They both have wanderlust and they’ve traveled all over China over the past five years.

have wanderlust 非常热爱旅行

travel all over China 游遍中国

6. When you’re on a trip, unexpected things can happen. For example, I met my boyfriend while touring in Guilin.

go on a trip 去旅行

unexpected 出乎意料的

tour in ... 在...旅行

7. Going to Phuket was the smartest decision I’ve ever made. It was there that I met the girl of my dreams.

Phuket 普吉岛

the girl of my dreams 我梦中的女孩儿

8. I’ve been yearning to go to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkel there.

yearn to do sth 渴望...

Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

snorkel 浮潜

9. I’ve been longing to go skydiving in Fiji ever since our English teacher told us about his skydiving experience there.

long to do sth 渴望...

skydiving 高空跳伞

Fiji 斐济

10. My dad is an experienced driver and so he likes to go on long journeys by car.

go on long journeys by car 开车长途自驾


1. under the weather 略有不适、身体不舒服(小病)

e.g. I don't know why, but I've been under the weather since I got up this morning.

e.g. Serena is under the weather. She has a mild headache.

2. fair-weather friend 不能共患难的朋友、酒肉朋友

e.g. John was really helpful and supportive when I was going through the breakup with my ex, but other people turned out to be fair-weather friends.

3. “天气预报”可以直接说the weather。当然,我们也可以说weather report/forecast。

e.g. My mom listens to the weather every day so that she knows what to wear.

4. weather还可用作动词,意思是“经受住…、平安地渡过(困难)”。weather the storm是一个固定搭配,意思是“经受住考验(这行风暴的考验)”。

e.g. It'll be hard trying to become a lawyer, but I'm sure you'll be able to weather the arduous journey.

e.g. She refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm.

【雅思口语考官答案:having clear goals】雅思口语考官可能会在Part3问出关于“目标”的问题,如“有明确的目标是否重要?”我们看看这道前雅思考官Simon写的答案,学习一下思路、逻辑和语言。


Do you think that it's better to have clear aims for the future, or is it best to take each day as it comes?


I think it’s best to have a good idea of what you want to do with your life, especially in terms of studies and career. Having aims allows you to plan what you need to do today and tomorrow in order to achieve longer-term objectives. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to choose the right subjects at school, get the right exam results, and work hard at university. Without a clear aim, it would be impossible to take the necessary steps towards a career in medicine, or any other profession.


it's best to ... 最好...

have a good idea of ... 清楚地知道...

in terms of ... 在...方面

aim=objective=goal 目标

allow sb to do sth 使某人能够...

in order to ... 为了...

longer-term ... 更长期的...

take the necessary steps 采取必要的行动

medicine 医药学

profession 职业领域

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