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LESSON 22 break even

   listen to the material carefully,although it is difficult and sometime you can't write down the correct answer.As long as you have tried,whatever you write down will be the harvest of yours.You should believe that only by accumulating little by little could you learn English welll.so come on.

Bob always played with cold, hard cash -- onlycoins and dollar bills.
鲍勃通常使用现金(cold, hard cash)赌博。

Sometimes my friend would clean up. He would win a lot of money on one card game.
有时他会赢钱(clean up)。一场牌戏下来,他可以赢很多钱。

He liked to tell me that one day he would break the bank. What a feeling it must be to win all of the money at a gambling table!
他喜欢告诉我,有一天他会赢得比庄家还要多的钱(break the bank),也就是说,他会赢得赌桌上所有钱。

Other times my friend would simply break even. He neither won nor lost money.
有时候,鲍勃不赢不输(break even)。


When this happened, my friend would have to go in the hole. He would go into debt and owe people money.
这时,他就会陷入财政困难(in the hole),背上债务。


