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A very nice song:Jewel: Satisfied

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:06 编辑 Jewel: Satisfied If you love somebody, you better let it out Don't hold it back While you're trying to figure it out Don't be timid Don't be afraid to hurt Run toward the flame Run toward the fire Hold on for all your worth Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know Is the sorrow of regret When you don't let you feelings show So did you say it, did you mean it Did you lay it on the line Did you make it count Did you look him in the eye Did they feel it? Did you say it in time, did you say it out loud Cause if you did hon Then you lived some that feeling inside That is called satisfied Busy people walking by Can't help but worry some With so many things to do, so little love gets done Empty hearts everywhere Drowning but dying of thirst If you want love, it's not that tough Start by giving it first It's easy to give Baby can't you see Just close you eyes, open you heart And do what comes naturally So did you say it, did you mean it Did you lay it on the line Did you make it count Did you look him in the eye, did they feel it Did you say it in time Did you say it out loud Cause if you did hon Then you lived some that feeling inside That is called satisfied Horses are buil to run The sun is meant to shine above Flowers are made to bloom And then there us We were born to love We were born to love So did you say it, did you mean it Did you lay it on the line Did you say it, did you mean it Did you lay it on the line Did you make it count Did you look him in the eye Did they feel it Did you say it in time Did you say it out loud Because if you did hon Then you lived some that feeling inside That is called satisfied 如果你爱上某人 最好亲口说出 不要犹豫不决 当你试图找到答案 不要胆怯害羞 不要惧怕受伤 赴汤蹈火 在所不惜 为值得你做的一切坚持不懈 因为刻骨铭心的痛 便是追悔莫及 你没有流露真情 因此,你是否表白 你是否真心实意 你是否实话实说 你是否全心全意 你是否含情脉脉 他们是否心领神会? 你是否及时表白 你是否大声表白 亲爱的 如果你做到了 心中之喜 油然而生 真可谓心满意足 忙碌之人 行色匆匆 忧心匆匆 爱莫能助 千头万绪 百端待举 真心真意 寥寥无几 百无聊懒 无处不在 萎靡不振 望眼欲穿 如果我们需要真爱 这并非难事 首先要舍得付出 付出并非难事 宝贝,难道你不明白吗? 只需闭上眼睛,敞开心扉 一切顺其自然 因此,你是否表白 你是否真心实意 你是否实话实说 你是否全心全意 你是否含情脉脉 他们是否心领神会? 你是否及时表白 你是否大声表白 亲爱的 如果你做到了 心中之喜 油然而生 真可谓心满意足 骏马天生奔跑 太阳注定普照万物 鲜花一定会盛开绽放 而我们两人 命中注定相亲相爱 命中注定相亲相爱 因此,你是否表白 你是否真心实意 你是否实话实说 你是否全心全意 你是否含情脉脉 他们是否心领神会? 你是否及时表白 你是否大声表白 亲爱的 如果你做到了 心中之喜 油然而生 真可谓心满意足

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:06 编辑 回复 1# xiaomeixin

Jewel出生于美国犹他州的Payson,之后她随着家人搬到了更靠北部的阿拉斯加州的Anchorage。六岁时,Jewel就开始了她的歌唱生涯,她经常跟随父母在所居住的爱斯基摩村落里演出,倍受当地村民喜爱。父母离婚后,她跟随父亲到处演出,直到她考上了密歇根州的Interlochen美术学院。毕业后她去圣地亚哥找到了母亲,并找了一份工作,但是她受不了那种朝九晚五的工作方式,于是她决定把自己的主要精力放在音乐上。她被赞誉为现今流行乐坛最有才华且最出色的歌手之一。至今,她在全球的唱片销售量高达2,300万张。Jewel的首张专辑《Pieces Of You》因为在美国销售量超过1,000万张而获得尊贵至极的“钻石唱片”称号。这张专辑包含畅销单曲“You Were Meant For Me”、“Who Will Save Your Soul”和“Foolish Games”,在Billboard专辑榜上停留了114周,最高名次为第四名。不管是一个人带着一把吉他,或是带领着一个乐团上台,Jewel一向是一个很有大众魅力的现场演唱歌手。大师级歌手Bob Dylan和Neil Young都称赞过她,并邀请她为他们的演唱会唱暖场。


这首《Satisfied》收录在Jewel于2010年发行的专辑《Sweet And Wild》中。Jewel在歌中鼓励人们大胆去追求爱情,不要因为患得患失而错过,“因为刻骨铭心的痛便是追悔莫及”。Jewel纯真的声音使得这首歌听起来尤为亲切。

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回复 3#

    Thank you very much.


回复 4# 李武军

    I'm very glad that you love it.


回复 7# kuangye678

    I am learning to sing this song now.I wish I can sing it at the KTV next time.


回复 9# 懂你LOVE

    You've written a wrong word.Try to find it out.I like this song and the singer too.


回复 11# kuangye678

    Thank you.

