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情景会话:你可以打包带回家You can take the leftover home

A:Morgan, can I ask you a question? 摩根,我可以问你一个问题吗?

B:sure, what is it? 当然可以,什么事?

A:I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant. 我想知道中国人在饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家.

B:in most cities in China, doogie bags are quite uncommon. 中国大多数城市的人都很少打包的.

A:what happen to all the leftover food? 那剩饭剩菜怎么处理呢?

B:it usually goes to the dump. 一般就倒掉了.

A:that seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal? 那可太浪费了!大家为什么不少点一些菜呢,这样就可以避免吃完饭后剩下太多了.

B:ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today. 在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是中国人的一项传统习惯.要知道,过去人们可不像现在这样什么都能吃得起.

A:I guess that makes sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home. 你这么解释我就明白了.我只是觉得把剩菜打包会更好.

B:well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. 嗯,如果你愿意,你就打包带回去吧.

A:no, that's OK. You know what they say when in Rome… 不用,没关系的.你知道俗话说的好:入乡…(随俗)

B:I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet. I heard that many foreigners don't like to eat them. 你敢吃猪蹄我很惊讶.我听说很多外国人都不爱吃这个.

A:many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think they are OK. 我这一代的人不怎么吃猪蹄,不过,我父母他们小时候常吃,所以我觉得吃这个也无所谓.

B:did you like them? You could take the last one home with you. 你觉得好吃吗?你可以把最后一个带回家.

A:that's OK. I'll try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough! 还行.我一般什么东西都会尝尝,不过,有的东西吃一次就足够了.

Throw away: 扔掉
Eat out: to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home 上馆子吃饭;在外用餐
make sense :to have a meaning that you can easily understand 有道理;有意义;讲得通
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