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2011-01-09 美文欣赏:生命有难 解决有道(双语) part1

本帖最后由 星期一 于 2011-1-10 18:35 编辑

生命有难 解决有道

1. 眼光狭隘

1. Tunnel Vision : The tendency to focus only on the immediate crisis or sore spot. Under stress, things look worse or more complex than they really are.
       1. 眼光狭隘:倾向于只关注眼前的危机、或是一个单独。在压力之下,事情会看起来比它们本身糟糕和复杂。

The solution

Perspective : Ask if it will matter in 6 months. Ask what else is going on? How did I create this situation and, in an ideal world, what would I like to do about it?

2. 恐惧

2. Fear : The anxiety or terror that things will go badly, that we will fail or be embarrassed.
       2. 恐惧:担心事情会变遭,或者自己会失败、蒙羞。

The solution

Humor and Curiosity : Modern life has very few saber-tooth tigers . The situation is rarely life or death. Ask, What's the worst that can happen? What's the best? What can I learn? What would I do if I had no fear?

3. 迷茫

3. Confusion : The sense of being lost or unclear about our direction. The sense that we don't know our own priorities anymore.
       3. 迷茫:一种迷失的感觉、找不到自己的方向、看不到自己的优势所在。

The solution

Responsible Choices : Choose your values and priorities and set your own path. Your life is yours. Check your moral compass, pick a direction and do something extraordinary!

4. 负罪感

4. Guilt : The belief that we have hurt or failed or sinned and deserve punishment . Guilt is either accurate, because sometimes we do behave badly, or it is false and simply an illusion.
       4. 负罪感:相信我们伤害了他人、让别人失望了、或是做了什么错事、应该受到惩罚。负罪感有可能是真实的:因为有的时候我们确实做得不好;也有可能不真实、只是一种自己的幻觉。

The solution

If we have transgressed, we must make restitution, ask forgiveness, learn from our error and move on . If it is false guilt, set it down as an unnecessary and irrational burden.

5. 羞愧

5. Shame : The belief that we are worth-less than others, that we have a terrible, incurable flaw . It is not that we have done something wrong (guilt), but that we are bad or wrong.
       5. 羞愧:相信自己不如其他人、自己有什么可怕的、无法纠正的缺陷。这种感觉不是因为自己做错事(这种叫负罪感),而是因为相信自己人很坏、不好。

The solution

Clear, rational thinking : Everyone has behaved badly, but no one was created badly! Any flaws only serve to make you stronger, more heroic or more compassionate toward others.

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