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The United Arab Emirates says it is sending a squad of F-16 aircraft to Jordan to support the kingdom\'s forces in an intense programme of air strikes against Islamic State militants as part of the US-led coalition. From Dubai here\'s Mark Lobel. ____________________________________________________ The alleged pullout was said to have taken place after Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh was captured in Syria in December after his jet crashed during a bombing mission. The recent confirmation of the Jordanian flight lieutenant\'s death burnt alive in a cage by his captors has, however, prompted Jordan and its allies to intensify its efforts. The announcement is intended to dispel rumours of a split in moderate Sunni Arab support for air strikes on those parts of Syria and Iraq now under the control of the Sunni extremists IS. World News from the BBC 作为以美国为首的联盟成员国之一,阿拉伯联合酋长国表示,按照紧锣密鼓的计划,他们将向约旦输送一队F-16战机,以增强约旦军空中打击伊斯兰国激进分子的力量。马克?罗伯,迪拜报道。 _______________________________________________________ 据称美国宣布退出是在去年12月约旦飞行员卡萨贝斯在叙利亚执行轰炸任务时,飞机坠毁,他本人被俘之后。然而,最近刚刚确认的该约旦飞行少尉被抓捕者关在笼子里活活烧死一事使得约旦及其盟友加强了对伊斯兰国的打击。这份声明意在破除有关支持空中打击伊斯兰国的温和逊尼派阿拉伯人内部分裂的谣言,如今激进逊尼派激进组织伊斯兰国控制了部分叙利亚和伊拉克领土。 BBC世界新闻。

