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Four Blasts Hit London, Killing at Least 2

Jul 7 8:57 AM EDT

Three explosions rocked the London subway and one tore open a packed double-decker bus during the morning rush hour Thursday. The blasts killed at least two people and injured about 300 in what a shaken Prime Minister Tony Blair called a series of "barbaric" terrorist attacks.

double-decker bus:双层公车
Prime Minister:英国首相
a series of:一系列


Blair said it was clear the attacks were designed to coincide with the opening of the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. The prime minister said the meeting of world leaders would continue but that he would return to London.

coincide with:与..相一致
G8 summit:八国集团峰会


A group calling itself "The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe" posted a claim of responsibility for the blasts, saying they were in retaliation for Britain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Web statement, republished on the site of the German magazine Der Spiegel, could not be immediately confirmed.

The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe:
...posted a claim of responsibility for the blasts:
Der Spiegel:德国《明镜》周刊(德国最著名的周刊之一,自称是在德国最具意义,在欧洲发行量最大的杂志,每周的平均发行量有110万册之多。)



Boy, 11, stabbed screaming baby

July 05 2005  

The sound of crying had made child lose points on his PlayStation game, court is told.
A boy aged 11 stabbed his nephew with a kitchen knife after the baby's crying put him off his PlayStation game, a court was told yesterday.

stab: 刺
nephew:侄子 外甥
put off:使分心 干扰


The boy admits he stabbed the seven-month-old child but denies attempted murder and alternative charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm or unlawful wounding.  

attempted murder:蓄意谋杀
alternative charge:交替控罪


After the attack the boy, now aged 12, readily confessed. He told police that he had been using his PlayStation in his bedroom when the baby woke up in the next room and began screaming “dead loud”. The boy paused the game, went into the kitchen and closed the door and took a knife out of the drawer “because he wanted to mend a plastic toy he had got with a meal from a McDonald's restaurant”.  

readily:欣然地 乐意地
confess:坦白 招供
plastic toy:塑料玩具


He then went into the bedroom where the baby was crying with the knife in his hand. He said:“Without realising it, I stabbed him and did not realise that I did until it happened.” When asked the reason why he had stabbed his nephew he said he had felt like a volcano about to erupt because he kept losing his lives in his PlayStation game.  




On Target:NASA Rocket Slams Into Comet

Jul 4 8:39 AM EDT

It sounded like science fiction NASA scientists used a space probe to chase down a speeding comet 83 million miles away and slammed it into the frozen ball of dirty ice and debris in a mission to learn how the solar system was formed.  

science fiction:科幻小说
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
space probe:空间探测器
chase down:找寻
debris:残骸 碎片
solar system:太阳系


The unmanned probe of the Deep Impact mission collided with Tempel 1,a pickle-shaped comet half the size of Manhattan, late Sunday as thousands of people across the country fixed their eyes to the southwestern sky for a glimpse.

Deep Impact:深度撞击号
(这是以电影《彗星撞地球》Deep Impact的名字命名)
collide with:撞击 冲击
Temple 1:坦普尔1号
fix one's eyes:注视


The cosmic smash-up did not significantly alter the comet's orbit around the sun and NASA said the experiment does not pose any danger to Earth-unlike the scary comet headed for Earth in the 1998 movie,"Deep Impact."

comet's orbit:彗星的飞行轨道
headed for:朝..的方向
"Deep Impact":这里是指那部《彗星撞地球》的电影



Egypt ambassador to Iraq kidnapped

Sunday July 3 2005 12:02 GMT

Egypt's ambassador to Iraq has been kidnapped in Baghdad, according to a source in the Egyptian Embassy there.The source said Ihab al-Sherif was abducted near his home on Saturday.

ambassador to Iraq:驻伊大使(注意介词是用to)
kidnap:绑架 挟持
Egyptian Embassy:埃及大使馆
Ihab al-Sherif:伊哈布·谢里夫(埃及驻伊大使)
abduct: 绑架      ↓


U.S. and Iraqi officials strongly discourage paying ransom or acquiescing to kidnappers' demands in any way--for fear it will inspire insurgents to use the tactic more frequently.

discourage:阻碍 反对
acquiesce:同意 默认
in any way:用任何方式


Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales arrived in Baghdad Sunday on a surprise visit, officials at the U.S. Embassy confirmed. The officials said Gonzales would meet with staff members of the Department of Justice in Iraq and other U.S. officials.  

Attorney General美)司法部长
Alberto Gonzales:阿尔韦托·冈萨雷斯
staff memeber:成员
Department of Justice:司法部


☆天天学英语☆105:entertainment→Live 8 慈善演唱会开唱  
Live 8 opens to rock world into helping the poor
(Global event to boost Africa awareness,pressure leaders kicks off in Tokyo)

8:09 a.m. ET July 2,2005

What has been billed as the greatest music show ever kicked off in Tokyo on Saturday, as the first in a galaxy of rock stars took to the stage in a global event aimed at pushing world leaders to do more to help the poor.

kick off:开唱 开场
a galaxy of rock stars:浩大的巨星阵容

=============Shows in all G8 countries=============

Live 8全球八地同步演唱会拥有近年来最浩大的明星阵容:

·Will Smith ·Bon Jovi ·Maroon 5 ·JayZ ·P.Diddy 
·Rob Thomas ·Dave Matthews Band etc.
·Celine Dion ·Bryan Adams ·Tragically Hip etc.
·Sting ·Mariah Carey ·Coldplay ·Madonna
·Elton John ·Robbie Williams ·Dido ·Keane etc.
·A-ha ·Beach Boys ·Brian Wilson ·Lauryn Hill etc.
·Jamiroquai ·Craig David ·Andrea Bocelli etc.
·Duran Duran ·Faith Hill ·Tim McGraw etc.
·Petshop Boys ·Bravo ·Moral ·Code X ·B2 etc.
·Bjork ·Good Charlotte ·McFly ·Drams Come True etc.


“We're here today to make poverty history,” singer Tom Fletcher of British boy band McFly told the audience as he stepped on to the stage in a conference center outside of Tokyo.
“This is the most important show that we’ll ever play and this is the most important show that you’ll ever see.”

to make poverty history:让贫穷成为历史
step on to the stage:登上舞台


In a letter to the leaders published on Saturday, the Live 8 organizers said: “Just as people demanded an end to slavery, demanded women's suffrage, demanded the end of apartheid--we now call for an end to the unjust absurdity of extreme poverty.”

suffrage: 选举权 参政权




NASA: Shuttle launch date July 13
  --"We're currently go for launch"

NASA's manned space flight program will resume July 13, when the space shuttle Discovery blasts off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
manned space flight program:载人航天计划
space shuttle:航天飞机
blast off:发射 点火起飞
Kennedy Space Center:肯尼迪航天中心


"Based on a very thorough and very successful flight readiness review, we're currently go for launch of Discovery on July 13," Griffin said.
Senior NASA officials and shuttle program managers announced the launch date after a two-day "flight readiness review" for Discovery.

flight readiness review:飞行准备检测
Senior NASA official:美航空航天局高层官员


The shuttle fleet has been grounded since February 1, 2003, when Columbia broke apart over Texas while on landing approach to Florida's Kennedy Space Center, killing all seven astronauts on board.

shuttle fleet:航天飞机
ground:搁浅 使...停飞
break apart:碎裂 崩溃  │
astronaut: 宇航员    ↓



Ex-US hostages accuse Iran president

30 June 2005 7:22 GMT  

In interviews with The Washington Times published on Thursday, the former hostages recalled Iran's President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad interrogating captives.
"He was one of the top two or three leaders," said Scott, a former hostage "The new president of Iran is a terrorist."

The Washington Times:《华盛顿时报》  ┏━━━━━━━━┓
President-elect: 已当选未就任的总统  ┃6.25德黑兰市长内┃
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 艾哈迈迪·内贾德→┃贾德以绝对优势当┃
interogate:审讯            ┃选为伊朗总统。 ┃
captive: 俘虏             ┗━━━━━━━━┛
terrorist: 恐怖分子


Another former hostage, retired US Navy Captain Donald Sharer remembered Ahmadinejad as "a hardliner, a cruel individual," the newspaper reported.  

US Navy Captain: 美国海军上校
hardliner: 强硬路线者


Not everyone agrees. Former hostage and retired US Air Force Colonel Thomas Schaefer said he does not recognise Ahmadinejad, by face or name, as one of his captors.  
Several former students among the hostage-takers also said Ahmadinejad did not participate. And a close aide to Ahmadinejad denied the president-elect took part in the seizure of the embassy or in holding Americans hostage.  

US Air Force Colonel: 美空军上校
captor: 逮捕者
hostage-taker: 挟持人质者
aide to Ahmadinejad: 内贾德的助手
take part in: 参与



Britain backs curb on cheap flights  


The majority of Britons believe that there must be restrictions on cheap air travel if the increasing problem of global warming is going to be tackled.
The striking results of an Observer/ICM poll show that people are starting to realise that flying across Europe, often for less than £20, is damaging the environment.

Briton: 英国人
restriction: 约束 限制
global warming: 全球变暖
tackle: 解决 处理
Observer: 英国《观察家报》
ICM: 英国一著名的民意调查机构


The poll also shows that more than three quarters of the population believe climate change is taking place and that humanity is to blame. A total of 58 per cent said they thought climate change now posed a significant threat.  

humanity: 人类
pose: 引起 造成
threat: 威胁


The findings will be a major boost for the government as it prepares for next week's climate change negotiations at the G8 summit at Gleneagles. The Prime Minister is pushing for global action to limit carbon emissions, but is opposed by the Bush administration in the United States.  

boost: 动力 推进        ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
negotiation: 协商 谈判     ┃G8峰会将于今年七月六日至八日┃
G8 summit: G8 (八国集团)峰会—→┃在苏格兰鹰阁举行,会议焦点为┃
Gleneagles: 苏格兰鹰阁   —→┃第三世界的贫穷和全球变暖等。┃
Prime Minister: 此处指英国首相 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
carbon emission: 碳排放 ———┓
G8 summit: G8 (八国集团)峰会 │
Bush administration:布什政府 │
碳排放强度(carbon emission intensity)是温室气体排放的衡量指标



Bush Tries to Ease Doubts Over Iraq War

Jun 28, 4:08 AM EDT

President Bush is using the first anniversary of Iraq's sovereignty to try to ease Americans' doubts about the mission and outline a winning strategy for a violent conflict that has cost the lives of more than 1,740 U.S. troops and has no end in sight.

the first anniversary of Iraq's sovereignty: 伊拉克主权移交一周年
outline: 勾勒 概述
violent conflict: 暴力冲突
no end in sight: 长期
*has no end in sight 在文中可以翻成┃没有结束的迹象┃


His assessment comes on the heels of a recent Associated Press—Ipsos poll that showed public doubts about the war reaching a high point ~ with more than half saying that invading Iraq was a mistake.

assessment: 估计
on the heels of: 紧随其后
Associated Press-Ipsos poll: 美联社与Ipsos联合的民意调查
Ipsos: 以全球性调查为基础的一民意调查机构
invade: 侵略


He has refused to give a timetable for troop withdrawal, even though some Democrats and a few Republicans in Congress are supporting a resolution that calls for Bush to start bringing them home by Oct.1, 2006.
withdrawal: 撤退 撤出
Democrat: (美)民主党人
Republican: (美)共和党人
Congress: 美国国会
call for: 要求


☆天天学英语☆100olitics→ 欧盟深陷严重危机

◆The European Union summit has broken up with a deal on the constitution that means different things to different leaders, and no agreement on the EU's budget at all. Even the Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, admitted that Europe has slipped into a “deep crisis”.

the European Union (EU):欧盟
summit: 峰会
constitution(the EU constitution):《欧盟宪法》
Luxembourg prime minister Jean-Claude Juncker:欧盟轮值主席国卢森堡首相容克

◆Several countries used the summit to make it clear that they are deferring planned referendums or parliamentary ratifications of the constitution into the indefinite future.

defer..into the indefinite future:无限期推迟
parliamentary ratifications:议会批准

◆Jack Straw, the British foreign secretary, argues that *the longer the constitution is put in the deep freeze, the harder it will be to revive it.*

the British foreign secretary:英国外交大臣
the longer...the harder...:越..越..[句型]

*The longer the constitution is put in the deep freeze, the harder it will be to revive it.*



They offered a good salary, but I didn't rise to the bait.  

解析:to rise to the bait解释为中圈套,上当等。英语含义为to accept an offer or suggestion that seems good but is really a trick.



The boss is up in arms about the company's poor sales record in the past few months.

解析:to be up in arms的意思是大动肝火,十分生气。英语含义为to be very angry.


☆天天学英语☆之九十七:刁 难  

I did't mean to make it hot for you.

解析:to make it hot for sb的意思是刁难某人,找某人麻烦等。英语解释为to make things uncomfortable or dangerous for sb.



She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.

解析:to have an ax to grind的意思为心怀叵测,另有企图,别有用心。英语可以解释为to have a selfish motive or personal stake in a matter.


you can learn day to day!



Let's play it by ear when we get there.

解析:to play it by ear 解释为见机行事,看情况处理,应对。英语含义为to decide what to do according to the way a situation develops.



I wouldn’t like to steal the show before these leading personnels.

解析:to steal the show解释为喧宾夺主,抢出风头。英语含义为to make oneself the focus of.



The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis.

解析:to bite the bullet 的意思是咬紧牙关,下定决心解决一件棘手的事情。英语含义为To face a painful situation bravely and stoically



After several years of practice, I think I will finally get the hang of spoken English.

解析:to get the hang of sth 的意思是抓到方法,找到窍门,尤其是经过一段时间的努力之后。英语含义为to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple



After graduation my classmates and i drifted apart.

解析:to drift apart 可以解释为各奔东西,渐渐不再联络了。用英语可以这样解释,If people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends.

