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Straw said ministers would also seek "to ensure that there are the most adequate contingency plans across Europe to deal with any transfer of the avian flu virus to human beings."

The EU's executive Commission last week said not all 25 EU states had enough stocks of anti-viral drugs in place to tackle an influenza pandemic if it hit the continent.

Adequate 充分的contingency plans 应急计划
Transfer 转移(这里指的是禽流感传染给人)
executive Commission 执行委员会
stocks 库存
anti-viral drugs 抗滤过性病原体的的药物
tackle 处理,解决


British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, chairing the meeting, said the main purpose was to reassure citizens that every precaution was being taken to prevent the avian influenza outbreak from mutating into a pandemic that could kill humans.

Asked what he hoped would come out of the talks, Straw told reporters: "Reassurance for citizens across Europe that the European Commission and member states really are coordinating very effectively ... to ensure any outbreaks of avian flu amongst poultry or other bird stocks are dealt with very swiftly, very efficiently, and the outbreaks are contained."

Chair 主持
Citizens 老百姓
Precaution 预防
Outbreak 爆发
Mutating 变异
Pandemic 全国流行的
come out of 取得^^^^
Coordinate 协调
Effectively 有效地
amongst 在……之中 poultry 家禽
Swiftly 很快地,即刻
Efficiently 高效地


Ministers gathered a day after Greece reported that the first case of bird flu in an EU member state had been detected on the Aegean island of Chios, following confirmed cases of the virus in Romania and Turkey.

Dead birds from Romania and Turkey tested positive last week for the H5N1 strain of the disease which has killed more than 60 people in Asia since 2003. The strain involved in Greece is still under examination.

Greece 希腊
Ministers 部长
the first case of 第一例
detect 发现
Aegean 爱琴海的
Romania and Turkey. 罗马尼亚和土耳其
test positive 测试为阳性
H5N1 strain of the disease  


"We have already taken all steps necessary. Once it has touched European soil, then we have raised all the measures we should take," European Health Commissioner Marcos Kyprianou told reporters as he arrived for the special meeting on trade and bird flu in Luxembourg.

"I don't think we have to enter into panic," EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said.

taken steps 采取措施
Commissioner 委员
Luxembourg. 卢森堡
enter into panic 感到惊慌
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana 欧盟外交政策执委索拉纳


EU Holds Emergency Talks on Bird Flu 欧盟召开禽流感紧急会议

European Union officials sought to reassure the public on Tuesday as foreign ministers held emergency talks following the disclosure that bird flu has spread to at least three southeast European countries.

sought to(seek to ) 试图  
reassure 使…安心
disclosure (被揭露的)事实
spread to 传到, 波及, 蔓延到  
bird flu=avian infuenza=禽流感  
(顺便提一下mad cow disease疯牛病)


The statement says the Chinese government and people express strong indignation over the Japanese Prime Minister's action and lodge a strong protest to the Japanese side.  

In Tokyo, China's ambassador to Japan, Wang Yi, said Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine was a "grave provocation" to the Chinese people.  

Ambassador Wang Yi stressed that the Japanese Prime Minister must shoulder the historic responsibility for undermining Sino-Japanese relations, saying China opposes Prime Minister Koizumi making a visit to the shrine, "at any time or in any form".  

Prime Minister Koizumi visited the Yasukuni Shrine on Monday morning. The visit was the fifth since he took office in 2001.

Indignation 愤怒
Lodge 提出严正声明
Protest 抗议
grave provocation 严重的挑衅
Shoulder 承担
Historic responsibility 历史责任


Immediately following the visit, China's Foreign Minister, Li Zhaoxing, summoned the Japanese Ambassador to China, Koreshige Anami, and delivered a statement condemning the visit.

Li Zhaoxing says such a move hurts the feelings and dignity of the countries and peoples who suffered from Japanese aggression during World War II and seriously undermined Sino-Japanese  

Summon 召见
Deliver 递交,提出 statement声明 condemn 谴责
feelings and dignity自尊心和感情
undermine 破坏
suffer from 遭受
Sino-中国的 Sino-Japanese relations. 中日关系


China has cancelled a planned visit by Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan on Tuesday.
The spokesman attributed the cancellation to the "current gloomy situation".  

Foreign Ministry 外交部
Spokesman 发言人
Attribute 归咎于
current gloomy situation 当前令人沮丧的局势


manned spaceship/spacecraft 载人飞船
manned spaceflight 载人航天
manned space program 载人航天计划
space shuttle 航天飞机
unmanned spaceship/spacecraft 无人飞船
experimental spacecraft 试验太空船
Shenzhou(Divine Vessel) 神舟号
multistage rocket 多级火箭
capasul 太空舱
recoverable satellite 返回式卫星
communication satellite 通信卫星
remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星
carrier rocket or rocket launcher 运载火箭
Long March carrier rocket 长征(系列)运载火箭
payload capability 有效载荷能力
low Earth orbit 近地轨道
weather satellite or meteororlogic satellite 气象卫星
satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星
geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星
orbital module 轨道舱
re-entry module 返回舱
propelling module 推进舱
command module 指令舱
service module 服务舱
lunar module 登月舱
launch pad 发射台
emergency oxygen apparatus 紧急供氧装置
space physics exploration 空间物理探测
International Space Station 国际空间站
solar panel 太阳能电池板
Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜
outer space or deep space 外太空
Milky Way 银河系
NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstation)美国航空航天管理局


Before landing, Shenzhou-6 has been racing around the Earth one circle in every 90 minutes 343 km above the Earth at a speed of 7.8 km per second. It has flown 3.25 million kilometers in space.  
The astronauts have conducted a series of unprecedented experiments on the spacecraft, including the maneuvers between the orbital and re-entry capsules, taking on and off space suits, using space toilet and the self-test of blood pressure.  
During China's maiden space flight in 2003, lone astronaut Yang Liwei never left his seat in the re-entry capsule nor take off his space suit.  
That space mission has made China the third country to put human into space following Russia and the United States.

conduct 完成,操作
astronauts 宇航员
unprecedented 空前的 precedent先例
self-test 自测
maneuver 操作
take on( off) 穿上(脱下)


He added the successful mission would help elevate China's prestige in the world, promote China's economic, scientific defense capabilities, and its national cohesiveness.

elevate China's prestige 提升中国的声望
scientific defense capabilities 科学防御能力
national cohesiveness 国家凝聚力


At the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center, Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo declared China's second manned space mission a complete success.  
He stressed that it signifies landmark progress of China's space technology and great achievement of China's space experiments.  

top legislator 人大委员会委员长
stress 强调
signify 标志着
landmark 里程碑
landmark progress of China's space technology 中国空间技术发展的里程碑
great achievement of China's space experiments. 中国太空试验的巨大成就


They landed just 1 km away from the preset spot after a 115-hour-and-32-minute space flight, which was more than five times that of China's maiden manned space flight two years ago.  
Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stepped down a ladder from the capsule by themselves, and were seated for a bouquet of flowers and to get used to gravity conditions on the ground.  

preset spot 预定地点
maiden 首次的,处女作的
step down 走下
a bouquet of 一束
get used to  适应,习惯于
gravity conditions 重力情况


The re-entry capsule of China's Shenzhou-6 spacecraft carry two astronauts landed on earth safely at 4:33 a.m. Monday, marking a "complete success" of China's second manned space mission.  
Doctors say both astronauts are in fine conditions after physical checkup upon landing.

Spacecraft 太空船
re-entry capsule 返回舱
be in fine conditions 身体情况良好 physical checkup 体检


This conference first makes it clear that all research work on Chang'e No1 satellite and its carrier rocket should be completed and ready to leave factory in October 2006, and the launch should be carried out in December 2006 as planned. The conference also confirmed the network chart of the project program and propose definite requirements on the key points in the project systems as required by the administration of the project.

makes it clear 确认,确定
confirm 确定,批准
network chart 图表网,图表系统
administration 负责(嫦娥计划的)的政府部门


At the following general coordination conference, the chief designer and the deputy chief designer coordinated and solved the problem of important connection between the major systems and all key problems in the process of research.

general coordination conference 总体协调会
chief 首席的,主要的
the major systems and all key problems 主系统和所有的关键问题
key 关键的


At the conference, Mr. Luan granted the letter of appointment to the general directors of the five systems, namely, satellite, carrier rocket, ground application, launch and observation and control, to clarify the responsibilities of the five systems and make the general directors and chief designers to take office.

grant 同意
appointment 任命,委派
satellite, carrier rocket, ground application, launch and observation and control
namely, 即,也就是
clarify 阐明,明确
take office. 就职


Luan Enjie, the general director of the project, made a report at the conference. He arranged all the work for research on the project, and proposed requirements on promoting understanding, enhancing leadership, arranging carefully, managing scientifically and paying attention to quality to ensure successful accomplishment of the general target of the project and all the work in 2004.

general director 总指挥
Propose 提出
promoting understanding, enhancing leadership 增进了解,提高领导能力
arranging carefully, managing scientifically 合理安排,科学布署
paying attention to 注意
quality 质量 accomplishment 完成


On March 24 to 25, 2004, Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense held the first Chang'e Project Working Conference & General Coordination Conference in Beijing. After the lunar probe project was ratified by the State Council in January this year, the leading group of lunar probe project decided to name the project “chang'e Project" and the first satellite around the moon the “Chang'e No1". This was the first time when the project  
formally debut as the name Chang'e Project.

Working Conference & General Coordination Conference  
luna radj. 月的, 月亮的
probe探针, 探测器
the lunar probe project 月球探测计划
ratify vt .批准, 认可  
State Council 国务院
“chang'e Project" 嫦娥工程
formally 正式
debut 首次提出,出台


March 25, 2002: China sends unmanned Shenzhou-3 into orbit and after circling the earth 108 times, the craft returns to earth, landing in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on April 1.  

Dec. 30, 2002: Shenzhou-4, also an unmanned spacecraft, also launches successfully.  

Oct. 15, 2003: Shenzhou-5 blasts off into space from Jiuquan launch center, and China sends its first astronaut into orbit.
blast off v. 点火起飞
astronaut 宇航员

