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Buster Being Bad

One evening when I was getting dressed to go out for dinner with my parents, I could not find my nice new shoes. I looked under my bed, and they were not there. I looked under my dresser, and they were not there. I looked everywhere in my room and still could not find them. Finally when I was passing by Buster, he looked at me with a guilty look on his face. Then I saw them - my shoes - they were next to him.

I picked up my shoes and they felt wet and slimy. Then I knew - Buster had been chewing on them. My new shoes now had teeth marks all over, and one heel was missing. I was very upset. I yelled at him. I cried. For a few days after that, every time I walked by him, I told him he was a bad dog. But I got over it after that when I could tell that he was sorry about what he did. I forgave him.
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谢谢楼主 分享 很喜欢


Buster is Warm

My dog Buster is very nice. When I am home, he follows me around. When I go to my bedroom, he follows me there. When I go to the living room, he follows me there too. But nowadays it is very hot, and I think he enjoys going with me to the kitchen most because there he can lie down on the cool kitchen floor with all his paws stretched out.

I am glad I am not a dog because when it is very hot, he does not have any clothes to take off! But it must be nice to be a dog in the winter. His hair must be like a coat and keeps him warm. I like holding him in the winter because he is very warm. Actually I like him even in the summer because he is nice!
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Thanks a lot


Feeding Buster

We feed Buster two times every day. Most of the time, we give Buster dry dog food. Dry dog food comes in small and hard pieces. One morning, I forgot to give Buster his food, and he was very hungry when I finally remembered to feed him. When I poured the food into his big red bowl, the food made noise as it hit the bottom of the bowl. Buster heard his food falling into the bowl and came running to eat because he was very hungry.

On certain days, we give Buster wet food that comes in a can. Wet food does not make noise, but Buster can always smell it. Buster usually does not move if he hears his dry food falling into his bowl, but he always waits by his bowl when Daddy puts wet food in it because he knows that the wet food tastes very good.
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怎么了?没有neyney了吗? :qq86]






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Buster At The Pier

Last week, we took Buster with us to the pier. I like to watch the boats at the pier. Buster just liked walking around and exploring. He sniffed at everything there. I remember one time I went fishing with Daddy and his friend. Daddy's friend had a big boat that went fast and had several big fishing poles on it. When we went out far into the ocean, I held on tight to the boat so that I would not fall off. The waves seemed very high.

We caught several big fish. I helped Daddy reel one of the fish in on one of the big fishing poles. It was very fun! However, I did not like holding the slimy fish in my hands. I am glad I did not have to help my daddy cut up the fish. Mommy cooked the fish that we caught. It tasted very good!
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Buster's Nose

One day, I saw a man with his dog in a park. The man had a special whistle for his dog, but when the man blew into the whistle, I did not hear anything. I asked Mommy if the whistle that the man had was broken. Mommy told me that dogs have ears that can hear many more things than mine can. The whistle was not broken; it just made a very high noise that only the dog could hear.

Mommy also told me that God made dogs with very sensitive noses as well as ears. Dogs can be trained to smell many different things with their noses. When Buster was a puppy, we used to hide a piece of dog food and let Buster find it by smelling it with his nose. Mommy also said that many animals have eyes and ears that see and hear things that my eyes and ears cannot.
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