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On the 1st, change something you don't like. Whether it's a bad haircut, a lousy job, or a friendship that's turned into an emotional drain, take action. You'll feel better, guaranteed. By the 4th and 5th, get into close contact with your support network -- it will make all the difference in how you're feeling. On the 9th, if you aren't in tip-top emotional shape, put on your tap shoes and dance the night away, even if you're by yourself in the living room! On the 13th and 14th, you're at the center of things. The folks at work think you're the cat's pajamas, and so do the folks at home. Enjoy it! On the 17th, be on your toes (metaphorically); you could encounter a bit of turbulence. On the 21st, whether it's a problem with a holiday menu or a holiday guest, you've got a solution. By the 25th and 26th, you feel great, you look great and you're getting along with everybody in your vicinity. And you have a fantastic couple of workouts, too! On the 28th, why not think about ditching a bad habit, whether it involves saturated fats or emotionally unavailable partners. On the 31st, whatever you resolve now will come to be later (with the help of your hard work, of course). So make a few resolutions, then enjoy the party!


If you start the month feeling particularly territorial, especially on the 1st, don't fret. After all, if you were a bear, it would be hibernation season, and you wouldn't want anybody coming in and disturbing your rest! Even though you're human (and don't actually hibernate), you could have some bearlike impulses if, say, your partner's ex starts calling and leaving messages on the answering machine all the time. Before you roar and swipe at them with your big paw, take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you're a person, not a bear. And calmly let them know how you feel. By the 2nd and 3rd, turn to your nearest and dearest for some support (they know you're just a big bear cub, and they're more than willing to give you some bear hugs). On the 6th and 7th, you're feeling a lot better. In fact, you're feeling great! Enjoy! On the 11th and 12th, it could be time to deal with a few things. How about the things that are constantly irritating you but you aren't able to change? The things that you perhaps need to reexamine and approach from a whole new perspective? By the 17th, you have a new feeling of control, and that's terrific. On the 22nd and 23rd, you're right in the middle of something big. What is it? By the 29th, you know, and knowing is great. On the 31st, celebrate!



On the 1st, it's time to wrap up the year by taking stock of where you are. After all, if you don't know where you are, how can you get where you want to go? (Answer: You can't!) How can you make those New Year's resolutions at the end of the month if you don't do a little self-reflection now? So sit down, turn off the TV or the radio and just think. Oh, and drink some hot chocolate. (Why not?) On the 2nd and 3rd, you're at a real turning point -- so enjoy it! Things are always exciting when they're in motion. Spoil yourself a little on the 8th and 9th. After all, it's the holiday season! If you don't take yourself out for a massage, though, somebody else probably will -- the universe is on your side this weekend. On the 13th and 14th, if you want something to happen, by golly, make it happen. By the 19th, you should get to the mall (or the local organic farmer's market and craft fair) if you haven't done your holiday shopping yet. Then, on the 22nd and 23rd, relax! By the 28th, you're ready to do a little more reflecting, and what you learn about yourself could have some pretty far-reaching consequences. On the 31st, you know what time it is: Put on your party clothes, sit down at your coffee table and write up your resolutions. Then go out and have a great time! Happy New Year!



'Whoa!' is what you might say on the 1st. Wow! Wee! Yippee! Why? Well, there's a whole lot going on, that's why. Lots of it is good, while some of it could be tricky. Phone calls, emails, activities, events, openings, closings, parties, romance -- you name it, it could be happening to you. So go ahead and catch your breath on the 2nd and 3rd. By the 6th and 7th, you start to make a few changes. Less barhopping and more working out leaves you a little more energized, perhaps? Just be sure not to cut out all of the fun. On the 11th and 12th, you've struck a balance. Things are going fantastically, and you might even surprise yourself with how good you feel (the regular gym visits don't hurt, do they?). By the 17th, you could be counseling all kinds of folks -- disgruntled coworkers, disgruntled family members, disgruntled friends -- and helping them find ways out of their problems. Well, if you've got the knack, you've got the knack -- what can you say? You're feeling pretty darned in control by the 21st. Why not do something to celebrate the shortest day of the year? By the 25th, you're ready for a break (so take one!). On the 30th, draw up your resolutions a day early so you can spend the whole of the 31st celebrating!



On the 1st, put on your mittens and your wool cap and sit yourself down on a sled at the top of a hill, then push off! Let the thrills begin! On the 4th and 5th, go ahead and take a step back to check out the hillside. Is it covered in new-fallen powder? A dirty gray slush? Is there any snow at all? Are those rocks you see? Assess the sledding situation before you hike up to the hilltop -- a cool eye is as important as a steady hand, you know. On the 9th, whether you're building a snowman, a snowwoman or an igloo -- or repainting the living room and telling someone how much you love them -- get creative. Your keyword on the 11th and 12th is: housecleaning. And it doesn't necessarily apply to your house (but it could). By the 13th, you're feeling brand-spanking-new, and just about everything is going great. The 14th is more of the same. On the 19th, don't be too shocked if you come up with a really deep insight or two into something like, say, the meaning of life. Sometimes you just hit on something great! By the 22nd, you could be the recipient of a very public congratulations message. Great! On the 28th, you're ready to coast a little. Go for it. On the 31st, reflect, resolve and then ... go to a party!



Your task for the first day of the last month of the year is to make sure you're connected. Yes, if you look up from your desk and realize you haven't checked in with the five most important people in your life in the last couple of months, then you have your work cut out for you. Put aside those spreadsheets and call them up -- yes, all five of them. Indeed, it takes time out of your day. And yes, you could spend that time working instead of chatting. But having a solid social network is one of the best ways to maintain your strength through thick and thin. Something to think about this holiday season, no? On the 4th and 5th, you may already see some unexpected benefits cropping up in your work. On the 9th, creativity is key for you. By the 13th and 14th, you see a way to make things better. Implement said way to make things better ASAP! On the 19th, let go of something old and try something new. Whether it's a pie-baking method or an approach to disagreements with your sweetie, the results could prove very interesting. Prepare yourself for success on the 23rd. On the 25th and 26th, everything is already on its way, so just sit back and let it happen. By the 31st, you can really take credit for all of the good things you've done this year. Cheers to that!



On the 1st, spend as much of the day outdoors as you can. Go skiing. Go running. Go for a long stroll on the beach. Go skipping. Go jumping. Just get some fresh air in your lungs and feel your heart fill with gladness (and it's good for your blood pressure, too!). There's no better way to start the last month of the year. On the 5th, you're in communication mode. Good for you! On the 9th, if the spirit moves you, go ahead and sing! On the 13th and 14th, spend your days solving a few sticky problems. Yes, you know -- the ones nobody else knows how to deal with. On the 18th and 19th, whether you're hiking, biking, snowboarding or scuba diving, you feel pretty darn fantastic. Breathe in deeply! Exhale! Now, kiss somebody! Ah, winter time. On the 23rd, you suddenly feel freed up. Somehow, in spite of the holiday season's stresses, you have more time, not less, to spend with the folks who mean the most to you. How did you swing that? By being grounded and healthy and saying no to all the unnecessary things? Heck, good strategy! On the 26th, you get reflective -- and thankful for all of the good things in your life. By the 31st, boy are you ready to write those resolutions up! Great! Then go out and have a great time.



On the 1st, you put the 'in' in 'insight.' (And you do that when you aren't busy putting the 'sight' in 'insight.') Yes, you see pretty darn clearly, and that puts you in the know when it comes to understanding your situation. And you see the meaning behind all of it: the good, the great and the challenging. What a way to start the last month of the year! On the 2nd and 3rd, it's time to take all this insight (or some of it) and turn it into action. By the 8th and 9th, you're deep in a phase that consists of shifting things and shaking things up and rearranging and redoing and starting again from zero. Your insight continues to serve you when someone used to the emotional status quo gets upset about the changes. (Don't forget: you've got to do what you've got to do, so do it!) On the 13th and 14th, something shifts, big-time. Is it a new romance? An old romance with a new spark? A breakthrough with a family member? A change at work? All of the above? By the 19th, you see things in a new way. On the 23rd, start something (anything) new. It could be as major as a job change or as minor as a new cranberry dressing recipe (which isn't actually that minor). Set a goal or two on the 26th, and on the 31st, make your goals official (hint: Make a New Year's list). Then have a great night.



You're not one to stand by and watch while something big is happening. Nope, you get involved -- whether you're snatching a child out of danger's way on a busy street or mediating a problem between two of your close friends. That's part of what makes you who you are. On the 1st, you encounter a situation that demands your attention and benefits from your intervention. On the 3rd, you and a friend work something out together. By the 7th, you're busy getting in touch with a few old friends -- that is, when they're not busy getting in touch with you. You may be surprised to know that you're a lot closer to a few folks from your past than you thought! On the 11th and 12th, you're playing mother hen, clucking over your chicks and making sure they have enough to eat and their feathers are dry. You have some kind of breakthrough on the 17th. Do you know, finally, what you want? Whom you want? Knowing where you're headed really (really, really) helps you get there. On the 21st, you pitch in to help your community. You feel fantastic on the 23rd. By the 28th, you're ready to jump in again, if you're needed. If you aren't needed, go for a nice, long jog! On the 31st, make a few far-reaching resolutions, then enjoy the night! What a year.

