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There are about 1 million blind people in the United States. The largest and most influential organization of blind people in this country is the National Federation of the Blind. Its officials say the nation doesn’t have any colleges or universities that serve only blind students.(1)__________________________. American colleges and universities do accept blind and visually impaired students, and they provide services to help these students succeed. For example, colleges find people who write down what the professor say in class and they provide technology that can help blind students with their work.(2)_______________________________. One blind American student named Timcordez recently made news because he graduated from medical school at the University of Wisconsin. He said technology was one of the reasons he succeeded. He used a computer that read into his earphone what he was typing. He also used a small printer that permitted him to write notes about his patients in the hospital. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.(3)___________________________. Some can even get financial aid. The Federation awards about 30 scholarships each year that have no citizenship requirement.


they say the reason for this is the blind people must learn to live among  people who can see


  • Rebecca949


they say the reason for this is that the blind people must learn to live among  people who can see
however,experts say colleges can best help blind students by making it clear that the students should learn to help themselves
National Federation of the Blind officals say blind students ' mothernations do come to the Unite states  to attend college


  • Rebecca949


1.they say the reason for these, is that blind people must  learn to live among people who can see
2.however, expersts say colleges can best help blind students  by making it clear for the students should learn  help themselves
3.Nation federation of blind fiscal say blind students for  mother nations do count in  Unite states to attend to colleage


  • Rebecca949


they say the reason for this is blind people must learn to live among the people who can see
however,experts say colleges can best help blind students make it clear for the students should help themselves
National Federation of the Blind says blind students for mothernations do count in UN to attend college


  • Rebecca949


