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聚会 Party Time!

This Thursday, the floor that I live on in the campus dorms here, had an end of the year party, with a camp fire, food and drinks. The party was supposed to start at ten o'clock, so a couple of friends and I arrived at around 10:05. We were really surprised because no one else was there, not even the two students who were in charge of the party. We looked all around campus trying to see if we could find them, but we didn't see anyone outside at all.

We finally went back into the dorms, and the first student we saw was surprised to see us as well. "Didn't you know that the time was changed to eleven?" he asked us. We all laughed at the mistake that we had made. By that time, it was nearing eleven o'clock, so we went back out to the party. This time, It was nice to see that the party was actually happening. We all had a good time talking and having fun around the camp fire that night.
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考试 Finals

The last week of school at universities is called 'Final Week'. Each class has a final exam, testing the students on what they had learned the past semester. After the finals, school is done, so everyone looks forward to the finals to be over.

Because the final exams are about all of the schoolwork over the past semester, the exams are really hard, and students spend a long time studying for the exams.

The week before the finals, and especially the weekend before the exams, students will start studying very hard, and will often stay up until very late each night.

But as soon as your last final is over, it feels very good to be done with schoolwork, at least until next semester.
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毕业 Graduation

At the end of the spring semester, most students are looking forward to a summer back at home, working at a job, or relaxing with friends, before they return to school in the fall for a new semester of school.

Senior students have a different experience however. Because they are finishing up their last semester at college, they face a different type of summer than most other students. They have to do everything else normal students do, like finish projects, study for exams. But they also have to start looking for a job and a place to live, as well as getting ready for graduation. They also are getting ready to leave a college that they have been at for the past four years.
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短片 Short Films

During the last week of class before the summer, we had a communication convocation for all the students. That is basically just the fancy name for the meeting that we show the films that we had made the last semester.

As a film student, I made about five or six short films this past semester, and along with the other film students, we chose four of them to show to all the students in the school.

It is a nice opportunity to let other people watch what we have done, and hear what they think of the films. This year, our films were fairly good, and we heard from a lot of people that really liked them.
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奖品 Awards

At the end of the year, our school holds a special event, to celebrate that the end of the school year has arrived. At this event, the school gives out awards for each department, so there are, for example, the history student award, or the art student award.

Besides these awards, there is also the professor of the year award, as well as the student of the year award. Both of those are decided by all the students' voting.

At the event, all the students come dressed up in funny or strange-looking costumes. It is almost like Halloween with everyone dressed up. Even the professors come dressed up as well, showing a less serious side of themselves outside of class.
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复活节 Easter

This past Sunday was Easter here in America. Easter is a Christian Holiday that celebrates the day that Jesus rose from the dead, and it is an important day for all Christians around the world.

One of the traditional ways to celebrate that people here in America do, whether they are Christian or not, is for the children to go on an Easter egg hunt. Eggs are a symbol for life, which fits the meaning of the holiday.

This Easter, I spent the day at my uncle and aunt's house, and since they have a few small children, I helped them set up their Easter egg hunt for their children. My uncle and I hid about a hundred eggs around the outside of their house, and then we let their four children try to find them all.

The children were all excited and it took them only about twenty minutes to find all of the eggs. The eggs were plastic, and inside these plastic eggs were small pieces of chocolates.
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课程辅导 Advising

This past week was the week of advising, which each student here in college has to experience. Advising week is when each student will meet with their 'advisor' and plan which classes they will have to take the next semester. The advisor is usually a professor that teaches in the area of study that the student is in.

I had a few troubles this year during advising, because I am a transfer student. What that means is that I attended a different college before, and transfered in to the school that I'm at now. Because of this, many of the classes that I took in my previous school don't fit into my college now.

With my advisor's help however, I was able to plan the classes for next semester, and I am already looking forward to many of the interesting classes that I will take.
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棒球 Baseball

The baseball season has begun again here in America and it will last until October, when they play the championship game called 'The World Series'.

Baseball is often called the national pastime of America, and it is because baseball is the most popular sport here in the U.S. It doesn't matter which area of the country you are in, every person there always has a favorite team that they are fans of.

There are all together 162 games in one year, so it seems like each game doesn't matter too much. But fans of baseball teams will watch each game closely, and learn a lot about each player on the team by the time the year is over.
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