"So migration is blamed for everything, starting from economic, social and even political issues. So this is a huge misrepresentation because it does not look at all sides of migration. We don't deny that there are some negatives in migration." 他说:“所以从经济开始到社会甚至再到政治问题,这一切都被归咎于移民。这是一个巨大的失实陈述,因为它没有看到移民的各个方面。当然,我们也不否认移民存在一些负面因素。” _____________________________.But Jumbe says the positives outweigh the negatives through an exchange of talent, services, skills and diverse experience. In addition, migrants send billions of dollars to their home countries in the form of remittances. These may be a huge part of national budgets但是Jumb说利大于弊,移民可以促进人才、服务、技能和不同经验间的相互交流与合作,此外,移民还可以向自己的国家以汇款的方式发回数千亿的美元,而这些钱将可能组成国家预算的一个很大的部分。