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**situation II
** eating breakfast

micheal goes into the kitchen and sits down at the table,his mum and dad  are already there.

mum: micheal,what do you want for your breakfast?
mike: i would like some cereal,please.
dad:  cereal? won't you still be hungry?
mike: dad,you're speaking english, too?
dad:  yes,your mother said it would help you,so i am speeking english, too.
mike: it feels strange speaking english to you ,dad.
dad: don't worry about that.what you should worry about is your breakfast,how can you eat only cereal?
mum: it is not only cereal.he will be eating it with milk.
mike: yes dad.i will be having milk and cereal.
dad:that doesn't matter.i don't think only milk and cereal is enough ,you also need to eat some rice and kimchi.
mike: dad,young ppeople don't like kimchi for  breakfast.
mum: yes dear.you know micheal doesn't like spicy food in the morning.
dad: when i was young,we had kimchi 3 times a day and liked it.and if i don't eat rice,i will be still  hungry.
mike: you always say that ,dad.but grandpa said you only like bread and chocolate.
dad: that's not the truth.
mike: oh,that's what grandpa said.
mum: micheal,it is 7.30,you'll be late.
mike: ok,let me eat the cereal,and then i will catch the  bus at 7.45
mum: hurry up!
dad: and tomorrow you should eat some rice .
mike: dad,that's not right.it's rice with an R, not lice with an L.and,i will eat some rice today.
dad:  you will? good. here,have some rice now!
mike: no ,dad.i will eat  for lunch and dinner,i just don't liket it for breakfast.
dad: alright,you win!

