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The exhibition is aimed at helping people recollect Taiwan compatriots' efforts against Japanese aggression.  

Addressing the opening ceremony, Chen Yunlin, director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, called on people in both mainland China and Taiwan to remember the history, join hands to defuse separatist attempts in Taiwan, and promote the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.  

aime at旨在,意在
recollect 重拾,重忆
Aggression 侵略

director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office中共中央台湾工作办公室主任
call on 呼吁,号召
join hands 同心协力
defuse separatist attempts遏制“台独”分裂势力及其活动

The exhibition will last until November 6.  
A seminar marking the event also opened in the capital on Monday.



In 1895, after a war with China, Japan began a fifty-year long colonial rule over the island of Taiwan. It was not until October 25, 1945 that Taiwan was returned to its motherland.  
A series of activities are being held around the country to mark the anniversary.
On Monday, a major exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of Taiwan's recovery from Japanese rule opened at the National Museum of China in Beijing.  

National Museum of China中国国家博物馆


Jia Qinglin, head of China's top advisory body, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivered a keynote speech at the gathering.

Over 600 people including compatriots from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao as well as foreign embassy officials attended the gathering.

top advisory body 政治局常委
head of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference全国政协主席
delivere 发表
keynote 基调(keynote speech可翻译为“重要讲话”)

Compatriots 同胞


grand gathering marking the 60th anniversary of China's recovery of Taiwan from Japanese colonial rule after the World War II opened in Beijing on Tuesday in the Great Hall of the People.

grand 隆重的,盛大的gathering 大会,聚会
marking 纪念
anniversary 周年纪念
the Great Hall of the People.人民大会堂
the 60th anniversary of China's recovery of Taiwan from Japanese colonial rule


The list aimed to represent every side of show business, including actors, directors, screenwriters, musicians, TV presenters, animals, comedians and even cartoon characters.  



The magazine ranked 100 iconic entertainment figures from the last 100 years, with industry figures drawing up a shortlist that readers voted on.  
What a Wonderful World singer Armstrong came second, with Ball in third place.  

Among the criteria for choosing "icons" were their commercial and creative impact, number of imitators, enduring appeal and whether they appeared on T-shirts.  



The Beatles have beaten jazz star Louis Armstrong and TV actress Lucille Ball to be named icons of the century by readers of US magazine Variety.  
It named the Liverpool band "the sole group who has most shaped the face of modern-day show business".  



Per capita disposable income of urban residents rose 9.8 per cent in real terms to 7,902 yuan (US$974) during the first three quarters, while per capita net income of rural residents rose 11.9 per cent to 2,450 yuan (US$302).  

Per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入
per capita net income 均现金收入
rural residents 农村居民

China's fixed-asset investment rose 26.1 per cent year-on-year to 5.7 trillion yuan (US$702.8 billion) during the January-September period, while net exports stood at US$68.3 billion.  

The country's economy will continue to grow at a high rate for the rest of this year, Zheng said.  
The Asian Development Bank earlier predicted that China's economy would grow 9.2 per cent this year, while the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences forecast it would grow 9.4 per cent. For the whole year, "economic growth should be 9 per cent or slightly higher," Zheng said.  
Due to a number of positive factors, China is capable of maintaining high growth rates for a long time, he said, but warned that the economy will also face a number of difficulties such as constraints in energy supplies and weakness in the agriculture sector.

net exports 净出口

Due to 由于
positive factors 积极因素
constraints 限制(高油价的冲击)


The world's largest mobile-phone maker Nokia said its sales in China jumped 76 per cent to 7.4 million handsets in the second quarter.  

China Eastern, the country's third-largest carrier, said yesterday that it flew 2.51 million passengers last month, 55 per cent more than a year earlier.  
Zhuang Jian, a senior economist with the Asian Development Bank 's resident mission in China, said sales were boosted by rising household incomes and stable prices.  

Handset 手机
senior economist 资深经济学家
Asian Development Bank 亚洲发展银行
household incomes 家庭收入
stable prices 稳定的物价


The third quarter's figure follows similar stellar growth of 9.5 per cent in the second quarter and 9.4 per cent in the first.  
Retail sales, an important indicator of consumption, rose 13 per cent year-on-year to 4.5 trillion yuan (US$554.8 billion) during the first three quarters of this year, as people increased spending on goods such as cars and mobile phones and services such as air travel.  

Domestically-made passenger vehicle sales grew by 16.8 per cent in the first three quarters to 2.8 million units from a year ago.  

stellar 怛定的
Retail sales 零售总额
year-on-year 与上年同期数字相比
Indicator 指标
Domestically-made 国产


Rising consumer spending coupled with strong fixed-asset investment helped China's economy grow by a sizzling 9.4 per cent year-on-year in the first 9 months, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Thursday.  

The gross domestic product, which stood at 10.6 trillion yuan (US$1.3 trillion) during the period, continued to maintain steady and rapid growth, NBS spokesman Zheng Jingping said.  

Rising consumer spending 国内消费拉动
couple with 加上
fixed-asset investment 固定资产投资
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 国家统计局
steady and rapid growth 平稳,快速增长
gross domestic product 国内生产总值


"Major aspects of China's politics, economics, culture and social life are now within the purview of the rule of law," says the white paper.  

"Despite the tremendous achievements scored in building a socialist political democracy, the CPC and the Chinese people are clearly aware of the many problems yet to be overcome," the document notes.  

The major ones include: the democratic system is not yet perfect; the people's right to manage state and social affairs, economic and cultural undertakings as masters of the country in a socialist market economy are not yet fully realized; laws that have already been enacted are sometimes not fully observed or enforced, and violations of the law sometimes go unpunished.  



The democratic rights of people at the grassroots level in urban and rural areas have been constantly increased, and the citizens' basic rights are respected and guaranteed.  

grassroots level 基层

The CPC's capability to rule the country in a democratic manner has been enhanced further, while the government's capability to administer the country in a democratic manner has been strengthened noticeably.


Over the past 20 years and more, great progress has been made in China's practice in building a socialist democratic political system, the white paper says, providing a list of the achievements.  

It points to the fact that the system of the people's congresses, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, and the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities -- all important components of China's democratic system -- have been continuously improved and developed.  

the people's congresses 人民代表大会制度
multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC  
the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities


-- China's democracy is a people's democracy under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).  

-- China's democracy is a democracy in which the overwhelming majority of the people act as masters of State affairs.  

-- China's democracy is a democracy guaranteed by the people's democratic dictatorship.  
dictatorship. 专政  

China's democracy is a democracy with democratic centralism as the basic organizational principle and mode of operation.  
中国的民主是以民主集中制为根本组织原则和活动方式的民主 democratic centralism 民主集中制

The white paper says the CPC's leading status was established gradually in the protracted struggle and practice of the Chinese people in pursuing national independence, prosperity and a happy life.  

"It was a choice made by history and by the people," the document notes.  


Therefore, China's socialist political democracy shows distinctive Chinese characteristics," says the white paper.  
Such characteristics are as follows:  

China's socialist political democracy shows distinctive Chinese characteristics
中国的社会民主具有鲜明的中国特色 distinctive 与众不同 Chinese characteristics 中国特色


In building socialist political democracy, China has always adhered to the basic principle that the Marxist theory of democracy be combined with the reality of China, it says.
adhere to 坚持
the basic principle 基本原则
the Marxist theory of democracy be combined with the reality of China

In the process, China has also borrowed from the useful achievements of the political civilization of mankind, including Western democracy, and assimilated the democratic elements ofrom China's traditional culture and institutional civilization.

In the process 在这个过程中
borrowed from 借签
the useful achievements of the political civilization of mankin 人类政治文明的有益成果
Western democracy 西方民主
Assimilate 吸收
the democratic elements from China's traditional culture and institutional civilization.  


The socialist political democracy "is the apt choice suited to China's conditions and meeting the requirement of social progress," said the white paper.  

The socialist political democracy社会主义政治民主
apt choice 恰当的选择
suited to China's conditions符合中国的国情
meeting the requirement of social progress适应社会发展的要求

Such democracy has enabled the Chinese people, who account for one fifth of the world's population, "to become masters of their own country and society, and enjoy extensive democratic rights, " the white paper says.  

account for 占……
masters of their own country and society 国家和社会的主人 masters主人
enjoy extensive democratic rights 享受广泛的民主权力 extensive 广泛的


The white paper, issued by the Information Office of China's State Council, or the cabinet, is the first of its kind in China, giving a detailed account of the inception, development and contents of the socialist political democracy and the principles the country will abide by.
 The document, titled Building of Political Democracy in China, also points out that the problems the country has to overcome and major steps to be taken in the reforms of its political system.  

Account 说明
Inception 产生 contents内容  
principles 原则 abide by.坚持

Title 标题
Building of Political Democracy in China 中国的民主政治建设
point out 指出
overcome 克服,战胜
the reforms of its political system 政治体系的改革


The Information Office of China's State Council issued Wednesday a white paper on China's political democracy, vowing to actively push forward the reforms of its political system although, it said, tremendous achievements had been scored in this regard.

Information Office 新闻办公室
State Council 国务院
Issue 发布
a white paper 白皮书
political democracy 民主政治
vow 许诺,承诺
Actively 积极地
push forward 推进
score 获得
in this regard. 在这一点上

