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vacancy n. emptiness; available space; room; available position; job opening
vacant adj. empty; unfilled; unoccupied; not in us e; lacking expression; not claimed (e.g. an inheritance)
vacate v. to cease to occupy or hold; give up; to empty of occupants or incumbents
vacation n. holiday; fixed time in which public establishments (government offices, schools, etc.) and regular businesses cease their regular activities; period of time away from work devoted to rest and relaxation; act of vacating
vacation v. to go on holiday
vaccinate v. to render unsusceptible to a disease by inoculating
vaccination n. act or instance of rendering unsusceptible to disease by inoculating
vaccine n. a preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen; a preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox
vacillate v. to sway to and fro; to fluctuate; to hesitate; to waver
valid adj. legitimate; legally acceptable; not expired; based; logical; well-founded
validate v. to confirm; to sanction; to legalize
valuable adj. of great worth; costly; cherished; dear; important
valuable n. something of great worth
van n. large closed vehicle used for transporting goods or people; railroad car (British)
variation n. degree of diversity; change; modified version (as of a musical piece); deviation
variety n. assortment; kind; sort
various adj. assorted; different; individual; several
vary v. to change something; to alter; to change; to fluctuate; to give variety to
vast adj. large; enormous; huge
vegetarian n. one who does not eat meat; herbivore
vehement adj. characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid; marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong
vehicle n. means of transport (car, bus, etc.); instrument; means; medium
veil n. length of cloth worn by women as a face covering; netting attached to a woman's hat; something which hides or conceals (such as a curtain); nun's headdress; vow's of a nun; membrane which covers an immature mushroom
veil v. to cover; to hide
vending machine n. automated device used for selling items
vendor n. salesman; supplier; equipment salesman (for example in the field of computers, etc.); automatic machine for selling goods
venture n. risky undertaking; enterprise whose results are not certain; business undertaking which promises to bring great profit but involves a good deal of risk; amount invested or wagered
venture v. to take a risk in order to achieve a goal; to dare to express something (even in the face of possible opposition); to chance investing money in a risky but possibly lucrative business venture
veracity n. truthfulness; something that is a truth
verdict n. the finding of a jury in a trial; an expressed conclusion; a judgment or opinion
verify v. to confirm the truth of something; to ascertain the truth of something (as by investigation); to witness or swear to the truth of something (Law)
versatile adj. fulfilling many functions; multi-purpose; skilled to do many things; changeable
version n. particular form of something; variant; rendering; translation
vessel n. large craft made for navigation on water; boat; ship; container; receptacle (especially for holding liquids); tubular duct through which bodily fluids flow (e.g. blood vessel)
viable adj. capable of living; having a reasonable chance of succeeding; practical; having the ability to survive outside the uterus (of a fetus)
vicinity n. the state of being near in space or relationship; proximity; a nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region; a neighborhood; an approximate degree or amount
victim n. person who falls prey (to an attack, deception, etc.)
viewpoint n. attitude; stance; opinion
vigor n. physical or mental strength, energy, or force; strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity
vilify v. to slander; to defame
violation n. transgression; desecration; attack or disruption; rape
virtual adj. being such in power or effect though not formally recognized; imaginary; hypothetical; computer simulated
virtual n. computerized representation of an actual object (Computers)
visibility n. quality of being clearly seen; distance to which one can see clearly (Meteorology); state or quality of providing an unobstructed view
visible adj. can be clearly seen; in view; observable; obvious; apparent
vital adj. lively; living; animated; vigorous; crucial; critical; necessary
vivid adj. lively; lifelike; bright; dazzling; clear; distinct; graphic
void adj. containing no matter; empty; not occupied; unfilled; completely lacking; devoid; having no legal force or validity; null
void n. an empty space; an open space or a break in continuity; a gap; a feeling or state of emptiness, loneliness, or loss
volunteer n. one who offers his services of his own free will or without pay
volunteer v. to offer to do or give something for free; to propose; to put forward (without being invited to do so); to offer that someone else will do or give something freely
voucher n. certificate that bears monetary value; coupon; receipt; authorizer; endorser
voyage n. trip; journey; travel; cruise; story of a journey
voyage v. to take a cruise; to travel; to make a journey
vulnerable adj. susceptible to physical or emotional injury; susceptible to attack; liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation |