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lesson54 i like brighter colors

f:  do you like my new dress, mike?
m: frankly, i like brighter colors. they make you look younger.
f:  do darker colors make me look older?
m: well, yes.
f:  then buy me another dress.

i am new here.
to be frank with you= frankly = to be frank =frankly speaking


black tea 红茶
espresso 浓咖啡

prefer to do somthing.
prefer doing something.


lesson 53 country life

my parents prefer to live in the country.
the streets there are cleaner.
the air is fresher, and the people are nicer and friendlier.
besides, it's busier and noisier in the city.
but above all,it's safer to live in the country.
my parents believe in the saying : safety first!

prefer to do sth.
watching TV is interesting ,but i prefer to go to the movies.
he lives a busy life.
he is handsome and clever,but above all, he is kind.


i found i can upload by accident!!!
i will upload it to the "赖世雄初级美语mp3", and post the article both there and here.
i will finish my article here......



Beauty is only skin deep.

[ 本帖最后由 ella 于 2006-8-1 01:58 PM 编辑 ]




lesson52 Sam's ok

m:  Do you like Ray or Sam?
f:   I like Ray.
m:  Why?
f:  Sam's ok, but Ray's taller, cuter and more interesting! What about you?
m: I like Sam better.
f:  Why?
m:  He's less proud .Besides, he's richer.


lesson51 my girlfriend

my girlfriends always complains.
accoring to her,i should be more ambitious.
i should work harder and make more money.
she also thinks i should live in a bigger and nicer apartment.
in a way ,she is right.
however she should be more considerate and less critical.
after all ,i am trying my best.
besides, money isn't everything.

he oughts to be more generous.


i checked the spelling in NEVER STUDY ENGLISH, i have to pay attention to these words:

true                 decide                  

and the capital letter in certain words, for example: English Korean Mr. Mrs. Andy ...
and, leave a blank after each punctuation. :p


lesson50 you're sally,aren't you?

m: excuse me. you're sally,aren't you?
f: yes.
m: hi ,i am george.you remember me ,don't you?
f: no.
m: we met at bill's party.
f: now i remember.nice to see you again.

remember me to your father
he swims like a rock.


lesson 49 never talk to strangers

something strange happened to me yesterday.
on my way to school,i met a stranger.
he stopped me and said:"you are betty,aren't you?"
"no."i replied.
he asked:"you know me ,don't you?"
"i don't"i nswered.
then he said:"you owe me $100,don't you?"
i ran away.
at that moment,i remember my mother's words:Never talk to strangers.

1.he is nice,isn't he?
2.he will do it,won't he?
3.he knows it,doesn't he?
4.let's do it,shall we?
5.study,will you?



**situation VIII  lunch at school

back at school,michael and andy are eating lunch together.

andy: michael,did you speak english in your classes?
mike: i tried to.but some of teachers wouldn't let me.
andy:me too.when i spoke english in my korean language class,the teacher hit my hand with a stick.
mike: yeah,that happened to mee,too.but it was my math teacher who hit me.he said:when we've been in korea,we should only speak only korean.
andy: really?i didn't think anyone still thought like that.
mike: i know.but they do.there are still many people who think that Koreans can't speak English well. but i think if you practice, you can speak english very well.
andy: i think you are right.
mike: of course i am .i am very smart.
andy: heh....
mike: heh....
andy: i know,but i am even smarter.
mike: don't you think so?
andy: yes,i do.why?don't you agree with me?
mike: no. i think i am smarter than you.why don't we make a bet?
andy: ok,what's the bet?
mike: 10000 won.
andy: okey.how will we know who is smarter?
mike: let's see who gets a higher score on the next english test.
andy: it's a bet!



**situation VII    at cafe

mrs.lee and mrs. chow finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk some more.

lee:  going a cafe was a great idea. i have almost no time to rest during the day.
chow: i understand how you feel.that's why i go to a cafe for 1 hour everyday,it gives me a  chance to rest,to think,and sometimes,to talk.
lee:  yes,i think resting and talking are both very important,especially when you are always busy.
chow: why don't we order first?
lee: that's a good idea. let's order.
chow: waiter~~oh,excuse me.
waiter:yes.may i take your order?
chow: yes,i would like an espresso.please.
lee:    i am a coffee.
chow: oh,that's a korean expression.you should say:i will have a coffee.
lee:    oh,thank you.i didn't know that.i will have a coffee.
waiter: one espresso and one coffee.would you like anything else?
lee:   no thank you.
chow:  um,actually ,could i have a piece of cake?
waiter: of course.i will get that for you now.
chow:  i like cake ,too.but i am on a diet.
lee:    why? you are so thin.
chow:  my husband says i need to lose weight.
lee:   that's funny.
chow: why?
lee:   because my husband always says i need to gain weight,he thinks i am skinny.
chow: ha.....oh
lee:   ha.....


it feels strange speaking english to you ,dad.
then i remembered that you majored in  english literature in college.
i am going to buy lettuces ,mushrooms,tomatoes,potatoes,onions and garlic.
but tomato is not a fruit,it's a vegetable    (fruit  与   food)
i am going to buy pork ribs,beef steaks and chicken breasts.
i am also going to buy some shrinp,crab and tuna.

kimchi       韩国泡菜             spicy   
literature  文学,文献            
lettuces    莴苣
pork rib     猪肋        
tuna         金枪鱼



**situation VI  grocery shopping

mrs.lee drives her car to mrs. chow's house,then they drive together to the supermarcket.

lee:  sorry,i am late.
chow: that's ok.it's only 2:10.
lee: yes, but it's cold outside,i am sorry.
chow: no,really,it is no problem.where are we going grocery shopping?
lee: let's go to the  LG supermarket.
chow: i've never been there.how is it?
lee: it's really nice.the prices and services are very good.
(they arrive at the supermarket ,park their car and go inside)
chow: wow~this is really nice.they have everything.
lee:  yes ,they do have a good selection.what do you need to buy today?
chow: today i need to buy vegetables.
lee: what vegetable are you going to buy?
chow: i am going to buy lettuces ,mushrooms,tomatoes,potatoes,onions and garlic.
lee:  but tomato is not a fruit,it's a vegetable.
chow: oh,really?i didn't know that.what are you going to buy?
lee:  my husband really likes meat,so i will have to buy a lot of meat.
chow: what kind of meat are you going to buy?
lee: i am going to buy pork ribs,beef steaks and chicken breasts.
chow:  what about fish?
lee: oh,i almost forgot. i am also going to buy some shrinp,crab and tuna.
chow:  that's a lot of meat and a lot of seafood.
lee: yes.but my family eats a lot.



**situation V  a telephone call

mrs.lee makes a telephone call to andy's mother mrs. chow

lee:     hello,may i please speak to mrs. chow?
chow: yes,this is she.may i ask who is calling?
lee:    yes,it's mrs.lee, michael's mother.
chow: oh, hello!how are you?
lee:   i am  fine, thank you.how have you been?
chow: fine,thank you.may i ask you a question?
lee:    of course.
chow: why are we speaking in english?
lee:    oh,yes.i am trying to teach english to michael by speaking only english to him,then i remembered that you majored in  english literature in college.i was wondering if you would help me.
chow: i would be happy to help you.but i graduated from college 15 years ago,my english is not very fluent.
lee:    then i would be good practice for you,too.
chow: that's ture.and it would be great to andy.he  really wants to improve his english.
lee:    i am so happy.thank you so much.
chow: you're very welcome.
lee:    by the way,what are you doing this afternoon?
chow: i have no plans,why?
lee:   well ,i am going to go to the supermarket,would you like to go with me?
chow: yes,that would be great.i need to go grocery shopping too.
lee:    i will drive my car.what time should i pick you up?
chow: how is 2 oclock?
lee:    perfect.see you then.
chow: see you then.

[ 本帖最后由 ella 于 2006-8-8 12:05 PM 编辑 ]



**situation IV    back at home
mr. and mrs. lee are still back at home.they are talking about the idea of speaking only english.

dad:  i am not sure that speaking only english is a good idea.
mum: why not?
dad:  well ,i am worried that michael will forget korean.
mum: that is impossble.
dad:  no,it's not?
mum: of course it is.even if we speak english to michael ,michael will watch korean television,listen to korean songs and go to korean school,how can he forget ?
dad: you're right.i don't have  to worry.but ,why are we speaking english to each other?
mum: because if we don't speak english,michael won't,either.
dad: but my english is not very good.
mum: yes it is. and  it would get better if you speak it more.
dad: that's ture ,and eventhough it would be difficult , i will do it for my son.
mum: thank you,i knew you would understand.
dad: that's what parents are for,it's our job to help him.
mum: yes.
(mrs. lee looks at the clock)
mum: what time  do you have to go to work?
dad: by 9 o'clock,why?
mum: well, it's already 8.50.
dad: oh i should go.
mum: goodbye,see you tonight.
dad: goodbye, i will be home by 7 .

[ 本帖最后由 ella 于 2006-7-30 08:56 AM 编辑 ]



**situation III going to school
micheal finishes his breakfast and then walks to the bus stop.a little while later,a school bus comes and  he gets on it.on th bus he meets his friend  andy.

mike:  andy,how are you?
andy:  huh?
mike:  no,not huh.you should say what.
andy: what?
mike: that's better,let's speak in english.
andy: okey,but why?
mike: well ,my mum desided that the best way to lear english is to practice it all the time.
andy: everybody knows that!
mike: yes,everybody knows it ,but nobody does it!so we are going to do it!
andy: it sounds like a good idea.
mike: it's a great idea.maybe we should tell our friends and teachers about it.
andy: maybe, but we should think about it first.
mike: you are right.let's think about it before we deside.
andy: what are you doing at lunch time?
mike: i don't know,why?
andy: we can talk about it more then.
mike: that's a good idea.let's talk about it more at lunch time..

[ 本帖最后由 ella 于 2006-7-30 08:54 AM 编辑 ]



**situation II eating breakfast

micheal goes into the kitchen and sits down at the table,his mum and dad  are already there.

mum: micheal,what do you want for your breakfast?
mike: i would like some cereal,please.
dad:  cereal? won't you still be hungry?
mike: dad,you're speaking english, too?
dad:  yes,your mother said it would help you,so i am speeking english, too.
mike: it feels strange speaking english to you ,dad.
dad: don't worry about that.what you should worry about is your breakfast,how can you eat only cereal?
mum: it is not only cereal.he will be eating it with milk.
mike: yes dad.i will be having milk and cereal.
dad:that doesn't matter.i don't think only milk and cereal is enough ,you also need to eat some rice and kimchi.
mike: dad,young ppeople don't like kimchi for  breakfast.
mum: yes dear.you know micheal doesn't like spicy food in the morning.
dad: when i was young,we had kimchi 3 times a day and liked it.and if i don't eat rice,i will be still  hungry.
mike: you always say that ,dad.but grandpa said you only like bread and chocolate.
dad: that's not the truth.
mike: oh,that's what grandpa said.
mum: micheal,it is 7.30,you'll be late.
mike: ok,let me eat the cereal,and then i will catch the  bus at 7.45
mum: hurry up!
dad: and tomorrow you should eat some rice .
mike: dad,that's not right.it's rice with an R, not lice with an L.and,i will eat some rice today.
dad:  you will? good. here,have some rice now!
mike: no ,dad.i will eat  for lunch and dinner,i just don't liket it for breakfast.
dad: alright,you win!


lesson48 don't mention it!

f:  excuse me,chris.could you pass me the sugar,please?
m: sure.here you are.
f:   thanks
m: don't mention it!

would you open the door,please?

