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春假游 Spring Break in Kentucky

Spring break is a big event for many of the college students in America. Each year during the spring semester, universities will give the students a one-week vacation in the middle of the semester. This is a holiday that most students use to go on vacation, either to overseas or just in the US.

For my own spring break last year, several of my friends and I went on a camping trip together. We drove to my friend's home in Kentucky - one of the states in the US. It took sixteen hours of driving to get there, which was a long trip.  While we were there, we took camping trips, climbed rocks, and hiked on trails close to his home. It was a very tiring week, but it was also fun and memorable.

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very good !


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户内飞霜 Snowing Inside

Each year in February, my school would organize an alumni week, so students who have graduated can return and visit the school. Last year, some of the alumni told us a story of one of their adventures while they were at school.

In the dorm building, there is an attic that connects the top floor of the guys' and girls' dorm. The alumni had climbed up into the attic, and crawled over to the girls' side of the attic. They quietly uncovered the opening, and luckily for them, there was a girl reading directly under the opening. Without the girl knowing it, the guys carried a bucket full of snow into the attic, and dumped the snow down the opening, and on top of the girl.  When the director of the college heard what they had done, he called them into his office to punish them. But the alumni told us that while the director was punishing them, he was smiling, and even started laughing at how funny the story was.
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校园美食 College Food

At college, because we all live in dorms, and aren't able to cook our own food, we have to go to the cafeteria to eat our meals. The cafeteria at our school is called the Dining Commons, or we usually call it the D.C. for short.

The bad part of having to eat at the cafeteria is that the food is usually not really tasty. The school lets an outside company make the food for the students, so the food isn't made very good. Every once in a while however, the cafeteria has a really good meal. The best meal that they have is called Steak and Shrimp night, where they serve us barbecued steaks and fried shrimp. Most all of the students love it, so there is always a long line waiting to get more of the food.
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弦外之音 Class

Although college is a serious place for education, and the professors are all experienced and smart, that does not mean that the classes are all boring. Many of the professors will use interesting ways to help the students learn better.

One time in our philosophy class, the professor started teaching some new information, and all of us students were busy writing it down in our notebooks. After about five minutes of his teaching, a girl in the back of the room raised her hand.

When the professor asked her what the problem was, the girl asked if the professor was joking. Smiling, the professor asked her why she asked. The girl answered, "Well, because what you are teaching is wrong." The professor laughed, and answered, "Exactly, I wanted to see how many of you students were actually thinking about what I was saying, or if you were just writing it down."

All of us were embarrassed, but we learned a good lesson that day.

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足球广告 Super Bowl

One of the biggest events in America each year is the Super Bowl. It is the final of the professional American football league, called the NFL. The game is played in the winter, and almost every man in America, as well as many people around the world, all watch the game live.

Because of the popularity of the game, the advertisements that play during the game have become a big business. Companies pay a large amount of money to play their ads, short for advertisements, on TV during the game, and they will often spend millions in making the ad.  

Because the ads are made almost like a small movie, many people now watch the game mainly for the ads.

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虎咽之后 Wing Bowl

One of the most interesting school activities that I remember was the "Wing Bowl". This was a speed-eating contest that was held, where people would see how many chicken wings they could eat in five minutes.

My friend Dave won the male's side of the contest, eating forty chicken wings in the time given. But the most memorable person was the girl's champion. She was a staff member at the school, but she beat all of the younger students.  During the five minutes that she was allowed, she tried her best to eat as many chicken wings as possible, and she had her head right above her bowl, trying to stuff as much into her mouth as possible. Everyone was laughing as she ate, and when she was done, she had food all over her face.
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放短假 J-Term Break

At the end of January, my school gives the students a 4-day holiday, called the J-term break. This gives us a short break between our January term, and the main Spring semester.

For this past J-term break, a few of my friends and I decided to take a trip to North Carolina, one of the eastern states in America. Our main plan was to go out to the beach on the eastern coast of the state.  It took us 17 hours of driving to get to the coast, but it was worth the long drive to get there. The place that we visited, Kitty Hawk, is a popular area for tourists in America. It is a beautiful beach town, and it also is where the Wright brothers invented and tested the first airplane in history.  After spending a few days in Kitty Hawk, where we visited the Wright memorial where the flight took place, as well as walking on the beach, we had to return to school. It was a long and tiring trip, but it was an enjoyable break from regular college life.
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激情讨论 Bad Discussion

Professors in college often have students do group discussions as homework. In one of the classes I took, we were required to discuss a book in groups of four, then write a report and give it to the professor. When my group had the discussion one night, it almost turned into a fight.

During our discussion, we started arguing about one of the ideas in the book, two of us agreed with the author, while the other two disagreed. Although the idea wasn't very important, for some reason, we all argued strongly. We started yelling at each other, and almost even started fighting.

We soon realized how foolish we were acting and all stopped. We finished the discussion quietly and wrote the report. The next day we all laughed at how foolish our argument was.

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乘雪橇 Sledding

  Two weeks ago, we had a lot of snow fall in the town that my college is at. Because of this, a few of my friends and I decided that we should make use of the snow while it lasted, and go sledding down the hill in the park.         
  Sledding is a fun sport, and it is very simple to learn. All it takes is a long piece of plastic called a sled, and the only thing you have to do is to sit on the sled and slide down a hill covered with snow.   
  We waited until nine o'clock at night, so all the younger kids would be at home. We went to the park near our school, and climbed to the highest hill. Three of us got into one sled, and pushed ourselves down the hill. We started slowly, but started going faster and faster. By the time we hit the bottom, we were going at a very fast speed. At the bottom of the hill was a wall made out of hay, to protect the people sledding. Although the wall was soft, it still hurt as we were going very fast.   
  After falling out of the sled, we climbed back up the hill and did it many more times. We finally left at eleven o'clock, tired but happy.
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宿舍疯云 College Dorm Pranks

  Although being at a college or university means a lot of studying, it also means staying in a dorm with many other young college students. Because of that, there is always something fun happening. One thing that they love to do is to pull pranks on each other, meaning to play a trick on someone.

  One prank that I remember being particularly significant, as it affected almost everyone. Two students on the bottom floor found the hot water switch, and in the morning before class, when almost everyone was taking a shower, they turned the hot water off. Everyone who was taking a shower screamed, as the cold water suddenly hit them.
  Needless to say, the two students responsible were the only ones laughing after that prank.

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