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2011-01-10 美文欣赏:生命有难 解决有道(双语) part2

本帖最后由 星期一 于 2011-1-10 18:35 编辑

生命有难 解决有道(双语) part2

6. 孤独

6. Loneliness : The belief that no one loves us, that no one cares and we must desperately cling to anyone who finds us attractive or acceptable. This creates dependency, not intimacy.
6. 孤独:相信没有人爱自己,没人关心自己。遇到什么人能接受自己、对自己有兴趣就死抓住不放。要知道这样的行为导致的是依赖性、不是亲密感。

The solution

Accurate Self-Assessment : Not everyone will love you, but many people will if they meet you, get to know you, and spend time working/playing along side you.

7. 怨念

7. Resentment : Holding anger and refusing to move beyond real or imagined mistreatment in the past . Some people spend their whole lives as "victims", nurturing a terrible event in their past.
7. 怨念:憋着一股气、拒绝向前看、困在过去发生在自己身上的不公正待遇里(这种不公正不尽真实)。有些人一生都在扮演“受害者”,死抓住过去的坏事不放。

The solution

Let go! Life is not fair and people do not always behave well or kindly. Use your trauma to make you wise, kind, gentle, and strong . Holding anger will not work.

8. 自我怀疑

8. Self-Doubt : The repeated, endless questioning of your own abilities, opinions or actions . The inability to take a stand, to act boldly, or to follow-through.
8. 自我怀疑:重复、持续地质疑自己的能力、观点和行动。无法做抉择、勇敢执行或跟进。

The solution

Action! Think clearly, then take action and follow-through : Start small, but do it! You are the world's expert on your life! Use your wisdom to live well.

9. 固执

9. Stubbornness : The refusal or inability to re-assess a situation, change your mind, or admit you were wrong.
       9. 固执:拒绝或无法重新评估一个状况、无法改变决定或承认自己错了。

The solution

Wisdom and Humility : Only a fool stays on a course that is headed for disaster! Search for new and better information, remain flexible, open and creative . When the situation changes, adjust accordingly and set a new course.

10. 瘾

10. Addiction : Humans become addicted to drugs, but we also become addicted to our jobs, our opinions or our lifestyle . We can be addicted to people and need them rather than love them.
       10. 瘾:人类已经对各种药物上瘾了,但我们同时也变得对工作、对自己的意见或是生活方式上瘾。我们也可能对“人”上瘾,需要他们多过爱他们。

The solution

Take a vacation! Periodically, walk in someone else's shoes. Break your habits, re-arrange your schedule, delegate those things that only you can do "right" . Use habits and traditions to set you free, don't let habits enslave you!

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回复 5# tjhd



回复 4# waihaiss

    Isn't it near our Spring Festival?


i want to Take a vacation..


回复 2# 扣儿

    Yes. Hope is the best things of the world.


Tomorrow is another day.

