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today is the best day

by Catherine Pulsifer

We sat on the swing enjoying the warm summer air ,truly without a care in the world .Cody ,my 6-year-old nephew laughed,as he swung higher than me .His laugh made me smile .


Afterwards, we went for a walk ,looking at the gardens .As we were walking ,Cody looked up at me and said,"Today is the best day!" I smiled at him and replied ,"yes,it is a great day." I then started thinking about what had we done that day? We didn't really do anything speacial ;there was nothing that we did that cost any money.it was a simple day one where we talked ,went for walks ,and swung on the swing.


So often,we wait for our "best days "without realizing that "today is our best day".Or we say,"when i get this", or ,"if only this" ,or, "when i have more money,i will ", and we forget to live every day ,enjoying today .

的确,我们常常期待着“美好的时刻”出现,却往往没有意识到“今天就是我们最美好的一天”。我们总是说“等我有了……”,或是“只要……”,又或者是“如果我有了足够的钱,我就会……”,我们总是忘记了眼前 的美好,从不去好好地享受今天带给我们的快乐。

We should be more like children ;they truly live in the moment! They don't need expensive things to make them happy; they don't use the phrase, "if only ",or ,"when i get this" , or ,"when i have more money ".


There is a saying ,"Carpe Diem " which means ,"Seize the Day ".As we get older ,we need to remember this saying and
enjoy each and every day .Keep your child like attitude of "living each moment to its fullest "!

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seiza the day!  carpe diem!


学会珍惜,风霜雪雨何尝不是风景呢?很好的提醒,谢谢分享。。。祝福。Learn to treasure, frost, snow and rain did not view? A good reminder, thank you for sharing... A blessing.


If we don't enjoy today, we won't enjoy the rest of our lives.


simple minds,made the best day!






Today is best day


Today is the best day.


Today is the best day.

