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What Hurts the Most -- Rascal Flatts

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:09 编辑

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing


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Rascal Flatts, a country trio known primarily for its pleasing harmony, is comprised of Gary LeVox, Jay Demarcus, and Joe Don Rooney. Demarcus and LeVox, both from Columbus, OH, founded the group and later added Rooney, a Picher, OK, native. The blend now known as Rascal Flatts came together when second cousins Demarcus and LeVox invited Rooney to sit in as a substitute guitar player at a Printer's Alley gig in Nashville. Demarcus and Rooney were also playing in country star Chely Wright's band at the time. The rest is history. After landing a record deal with Lyric Street Records, Rascal Flatts recorded an eclectic mix of country, pop, R&B, and more, releasing it as the trio's debut self-titled album. "Prayin' for Daylight" became the group's first smash single. "This Everyday Love" soon followed, with almost as many accolades. The band's second album, Melt, appeared in October 2002. With the success of first single "These Days," Melt sold a million copies in eight weeks. A live album served as an amiable segue between Melt and 2004's chart-topping Feels Like Today, while Me and My Gang arrived in April 2006. Rascal Flatts' 2007 release, Still Feels Good, was certified Platinum that same year.


2000年以来,rascal flatts共卖出了四百多万张专辑,是如今不太景气的市场上的一个亮点。他们的首张同名专辑达到了白金销量,其中有四首单曲进入了排行榜前十行列。他们的第二张专辑《melt》达到了数倍白金销量,至今仍在乡村音乐排行榜高位驰骋。2004年的新专辑《feels like today》,则一举夺取了乡村音乐专辑榜和billboard专辑排行榜双榜冠军,很快达到了白金销量。 俗话说“东西没坏,就别乱修”,这名话似乎对rascal flatts非常适用,就像他们以前的专辑一样,在这张新专辑中,他们依然坚持非常乾净漂亮的路子,这是他们迅速赢得忠实歌迷的基础。带有福音曲风的“bless the broken road”在动听的曼陀林伴奏下,犹如糖浆一般甜蜜而多愁善感,而乐观向上的“when the sand runs out”则是一首纯粹的乡村pop。专辑同名单曲“feels like today”也是专辑中的第一首歌,正在排行榜上节节上升。绚丽华美的旋律,三人嗓音的配合默契而又合谐。 “where you are”是一首慢歌,噪杂的吉它和levox那种teeny-bop风味的领唱(虽然他早已过了teeny-bop的年纪)配合得恰到好处,足以将这首歌送入排行榜前40名。


两位表兄弟主唱gary levox、贝司手jay demarcus和好朋友吉它手joe don rooney三个人于1999年成立了乡村音乐三人组合“rascal flatts”,他们的同名首张专辑在发行后的第一周就卖出了11,274张,登上了billboard乡村音乐专辑排行榜的第14名,在billboard专辑排行榜上名列第122。他们吸收了福音、蓝草音乐,pop和r&b的音乐元素,形成了自己紧密和谐的乡村音乐风格。 livox和demarcus两人是在俄亥俄州哥伦布的音乐世家中长大的。他们的母亲是表姐妹,两家都习惯全家人围坐在一起演奏音乐。demarcus的祖父教给他蓝草音乐,并教会他演奏原声吉它和班卓琴。
rooney是在俄克拉荷马的picher长大的,也出身于一个音乐世家,他的家人经常在俄克拉荷马州和阿肯色州各地进行家庭演出。rooney接触过各种音乐风格,19岁时他就开始在俄克拉苛马州grove的grand lake opry(译者注:美国历史最悠久,专门播放乡村音乐与节目的娱乐机构)节目中每周表演一位grand lake opry的明星。


本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:09 编辑 I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house 空荡的屋顶上,任凭冰雨将我淋湿 That don't bother me  痛楚的心都不会受到任何干扰 I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out 偶尔的热泪盈眶,以至泪水夺眶而出 I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while 这一时的痛哭我都不会在意 Even though going on with you gone still upsets me 即使你的离去依然令我心烦意乱 There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok 我却还在不断地掩饰着自己 But that's not what gets me 但那皆非真正的折磨 What hurts the most 真正伤人至深的是 Was being so close 即使相距咫尺 And having so much to say 心中话语无尽 And watching you walk away 却只能目送你远去 And never knowing 而永远无法得知 What could have been 可能的结局 And not seeing that loving you 遭到冷遇的是 Is what I was trying to do 我对你一直的爱 It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go 无论身到何处,失去你的痛苦都让我难以承受 But I'm doing It 但我会努力面对 It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone 当遇见旧日的朋友,而自己却孤身一人时,我只能勉强迎笑 Still Harder 更加艰难的是 Getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret 每日的起居生活中,我都在不断地悔恨 But I know if I could do it over 假如这一切可以重新来过 I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart 我愿倾出所有久藏心中话语 That I left unspoken 那些未曾流露的话 What hurts the most 真正伤人至深的是 is being so close 即使相距咫尺 And having so much to say 心中话语无尽 And watching you walk away 却只能目送你远去 And never knowing 而永远无法得知 What could have been 可能的结局 And not seeing that loving you 遭到冷遇的是 Is what I was trying to do 我对你一直的爱

