In his words, "It was not the best night of my life, but it has been a good morning because we have managed to reach a major agreement." He said the agreement includes a Ukrainian promise to provide constitutional guarantees of what he called "the rights of the people" in two areas: Donetsk and Luhansk. The rebels have claimed both cities.___________________________用他的话来说"这不是我生命中最好的晚上,但是是一个美好的早晨,因为我们已经达成了重要协议." 他表示协议包括,乌克兰承诺提供他们所说的两个地区:顿涅茨克和卢干斯克人民权益提供宪法保障.反动派已经要求承认这两个城市的合法权益.________________________