- 433767
- 帖子
- 1872
- 积分
- 4954
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- 16344 个
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- 466 个
- 在线时间
- 721 小时
1. Drunken friends喝醉的朋友
2. News 新闻
3. Old school friends 老校友
4. Female colleagues at work 女同事
5. The sexiest girl at work 漂亮女同事
6. Spreading rumours 传闻
7. Promotions 晋升
8. Sexual relationships 性关系
9. Salaries 薪水
10. The boss 老板
1. Other women其他女人
2. News 新闻
3. Relationship problems 人际关系
4. Other people's relationships 其他人的人际关系
5. Sexual relationships 性关系
6. Friend's weight gain 朋友的体重
7. Soap operas 肥皂剧
8. Other women's boyfriends / husbands 朋友的男友/老公
9. The mother-in-law 婆婆
10. Celebrities 名人
A study has found that men spend an average 76 minutes a daytittle-tattling with their friends or work colleagues, compared tojust 52 minutes for women.
Favourite topics include the antics of drunken friends, oldschool friends, and the most attractive girl at work.
The poll of 5,000 people was conducted by global researchcompany .
It found the office is the preferred place for men to exchangegossip, whereas women prefer to confide in their friends from thecomfort of their own home.
A third of men are happiest when chatting with work colleagues,and 58 per cent admit that being a gossip makes them feel "part ofthe gang".
And for 31 per cent of men, having a gossip with their partner isactually better than sexual relations.
Other topics good for male chat include the local news agenda,rumours about possible relationships in the office or the boss,promotions, sex and salaries.
A spokesman for Onepoll said: "It is commonly believed that womenare the ones who love to spread rumours, and gossip about theirfriends behind their backs.
"But this poll proves that men aren't as bad as women, they'reworse! Men just love a bit of scandal, and will do anything theycan to be centre of attention with their colleagues andpeers.
"At the end of the day, hot gossip spices up what would otherwisebe another boring day at the office."
Women also love to talk about news, but rather than focusing onpolitics or government issues, news about soap operas andcelebrities are more likely to cause a debate.
And any type of relationship is up for discussion--whether it istheir own, their friends, their friends' friends or their bond withtheir mother-in-law.
More than half of women openly admit to regularly discussing theins and outs of their private lives with their friends.
But whereas men's discussions are more influenced by what ishappening at work, women are more inclined to take note ofcelebrity lifestyles, soap gossip and other people.
A spokesman for Onepoll continued: "Although they discuss verydifferent things during their gossiping sessions, men and womenagree on one thing--talking with mates, work colleagues or partnersmakes them feel like they belong."
Onepoll的发言人说:"尽管男人和女人闲聊时的话题大不相同,但他们在一点上是一致的,那就是与朋友、同事或伴侣聊天会让他们有归属感。" |