LL: It turned out that there was more to the project than I originally thought, but I really wanted to come see this movie. I had to rush and wound up running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
LH: 那Larry, 你说鸡真的会砍掉脑袋还跑来跑去吗?
LL: I am not sure Li Hua. But the point is that if they do run around, it is chaotic. Similarly I was running all over the place at my office to try and get this project done.
LH: 这倒让我想起我同学Carrie. 她星期天才知道星期一有项目展示,所以一整天都忙得昏天暗地。She was running around like a chicken with her head cut off!
LL: What do you mean, Lihua?
LH: 她一直在自习室和图书馆之间跑来跑去,手忙脚乱的。
LL: That certainly does sound right. After running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I feel pretty flustered too! How did Carrie's presentation turn out?
LH: 说实话,我还真不知道,整个过程,我都在开小差儿。
LL: It sounds like you were a total space cadet. What about you, have you ever had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off because you left something to the last minute?
LH: 我?怎么可能!我做事从来都是井井有条,绝不会临时抱佛脚。
LL: Sure. Well let's get our tickets and watch this movie.
今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是space cadet, 指心不在焉,爱忘事的人。另一个是running around like a chicken with its head cut off, 意思是忙得象没头的苍蝇一样。