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标题: 人力单轨列车赢得百万大奖 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2010-10-3 07:41     标题: 人力单轨列车赢得百万大奖


Shweeb 是一个单轨铁路系统,所谓列车则是一个透明的塑料胶囊,靠乘客脚踏发电来推动。它是在去年夏天某个旅游胜地亮相,当时已经引起大众关注。在新西兰总部的测试轨道上,装备了7个齿轮的列车最高可以时速30英里前进。
Shweeb 注定是是个不甘寂寞的角色,今年它在 Google’s Project 10^100 竞赛上进入前五,获得105万美元的奖金,也许再过不久就可以在你周围看到它。 via popsci
在一些像旧金山、波士顿等空间狭小的繁忙都市,Shweeb 尤为适用,在曼哈顿的中央公园里铺设也是个不错的选择。虽然它不见得适合每个人或者每个城市,但至少可以唤起公众的环保意识。
作者: kobe    时间: 2010-10-3 07:43

顺便就贴上英文了~ 让你们也能在看的时候 学习到东西

Shweeb first surfaced last summer as a gimmicky but eye-catching tourist attraction. It's a monorail system in which the "cars" are clear plastic pedal-powered bubbles, hanging under the monorail. The cars, equipped with seven gears, supposedly travel very quickly, nearing 30 mph over short distances, as tracked on a 218-yard test track built at the company's New Zealand headquarters.

Shweeb seemed destined to be a novelty, but, as the project just secured $1.05 million from Google, it might actually expand to a city near you. Shweeb placed in the top five at Google's Project 10^100, an initiative/contest designed to reward innovations that help people. Shweeb's ecologically-friendly and buzzworthy demonstration helped secure the grant, which the company says will be going to research and development for a showcase Shweeb system somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere.

Shweeb may not be practical for everyone or every city, but for some cities it might make both environmental and fiduciary sense. Compact cities like San Francisco or Boston could have Shweeb lines instead of open-air bus tours, or massive parks like Manhattan's Central Park could avoid clogging up bike lanes with tourists by sticking them up in the air on a monorail. Hopefully the project really gets off the ground and actually gets installed somewhere--who wouldn't want to pedal their way over a city in a little plastic bubble?
作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-10-3 11:48

回复 2# kobe

   你真是模范斑竹哇。。。 加油加油。。
作者: kobe    时间: 2010-10-3 14:07


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