大发明家爱迪生所说的一句名言“成功等于1分灵感加99分汗水”,Jerry从小就听过无数次,一年练习英语的过程才让他对这句话有了深深的体会。他说:“我是个完美主义者,总是希望自己把一件事情做到完美无缺,但即便是这样,我以前也还是从来没有这样逼过自己,现在不逼不行了,在一个讲英语的国家,不把英语说得‘完美’永远就不会有‘出头’的日子。‘完美’两个字是支撑我在痛苦的练习过程中坚持下来的动力。”文章的最后,我们希望写一句酝酿已久的话送给所有正在英语学习道路上求索的朋友们:I have good news for you. I have developed the system to help you do exactly what I did. Seems like you don't have to build your own boat to go across the river now, I've already done that for you. So please jump on board, enjoy the ride. I will see you on the other side the river, on the land of perfect English communication!