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标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一] [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:27     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

  第一部分 长难句基本句型
  并列从句修饰主语,就是说并列从句作状语。这种句子很简单。翻译时,可以直译,把从句作定语,直接放在主语前面。如果从句很长,可以使用复指代词。另外,翻译从句先行词时,要注意词性的转换,比如hope/ suggest之类的词有名动两种译法。考生要切忌拘于词性。
  1.Many experts suggest that the child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.
  2.How well the prediction will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and approlpriateness of the information and on the skill with which it is interpreted.
  3.Immediately the army opened fire, killing four men and injuring the fifth who later died of his wounds.
  4.The king, whose power is unlimited, and whose treasures surmount all real and imaginary wants, is compelled to ease, by the construction of the Great Wall, the satiety of dominion and tastelessness of a pyramid ,the satiety of dominion and tastelessness of pleasure.
  5.Our hope for creative living in this world house that we have inherited lies in our ability to re-establish the moral ends of our lives.
  6.To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.
  It is quite unevering not to be able to see or to establish contact with the others ,even though we have learnt to talk with people we can not see, as on the telephone.
  To American, being on ones’s own means that one is a fulling dependent functioning part of the whole capable and willing to make choices.
  In their hearts, women think it is men’s business to earn money and theirs to spend it—if possible during their hunsband’s live, but, at any rate, after his death.
  4.I can’t accept this fact because I know that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have either.
  5. With strong will, men can move mountain and fill seas.—and have.
  6.The war finally came to an end ,but not before hundreds of thousands of people had died.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:27     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]


插入语是主谓结构,一般都是“sb say/reason/suggest”这种格式,阅读问题不大,翻译时要提到句首。插入语是介宾结构也是如此处理。定语从句和分词做定语时,如果是插在主谓结构之间也可以看作是插入语。考研翻译中出现最多的插入语是用破折号插入的新话题或者补充信息。这种插入标志很明显,只是翻译处理会有些棘手。另外,因为一些句子成分(一般是定语)过长而出现后置,也可看作是插入现象。只不过这种插入只是句子原有成分间的位子变化,没有新增成分。


  1.Science moves forward , they say ,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.

  译文:他们说,科学的进步与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于诸如改进的技术 和工具等更为普通的东西。

  Those,unaware of what is happening in society today may be surprised to learn that few academic philosophers study death, happiness and so on.


  3.Most experts see in this a paradox -- an endless conflict between the desire to conform and the desire to remain apart.


  4.Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently—this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done --is not being civilized.


  5.Demonstrations are being staged in the town. where opposition is mounting to the construction of a nuclear waste storage plant near the river.





  1.So involved with the book do the boy become that his mother often have to force him to break.


  2.Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this program, has it been possible to modify TV programming policies.


  3.Lonely was seeing his son only once a month since the divorce.


  4.Scientists do not know exactly how the virus damages the immune system, nor do they understand why the natural antibodies developed to destroy the virus are ineffective.


  5.And never before has it been so undeniable that mutually beneficial international institutions of cooperation are a vital global necessity.


  6.The material destruction of the war was not so great but that it could by this time have been repaired, had a good peace been made without delay.


  7.He wrote a novel, and no sooner did he have the synopsis of a story ,but he would invite a crowd of his friends outdoors and read it aloud to them.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:27     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

第二部分 历年考研英语长难句分析



  1. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class , an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.


  Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased …

  shareholders as a class, (which was) an element…


  本句是典型的非限定性定语从句,难点在其主语和宾语都有较长的短语和of结构限定,并且分句是由两个and相连的3个部分组成的。分句an element…landowners 又带有两个定语从句,一个是(which was)representing… ,另一个是(which was)detached…。






  2.Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboune sprang up to house large. " comfonable" classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders' meeting to dictate their orders to the management.

  [句子主干] Towns…sprang up…classes who…, and who…


  1)有并列从句。分析句子主干很容易看到这也是一个典型的定语从句结构,分句由who…,and who…两个并列结构组成。注意like并不是谓语而是介词短语作定语,真正的主句谓语是sprang of。retire on指“依靠什么而退休(多跟表收入的名词)”。

  2)that of drawing dividends 结构中,draw是收取的意思,dividend指红利,that of sth结构是名词性的,that of sth相当于which is结构,目的都是修饰前面的名词。注意后面还有attending…是省略了which were的定语从句,把of sth结构和定语从句交替使用是英语中长难句的惯用手法,目的是避免行文的单调,考生朋友们要注意分辨。





  retire on依靠……退休/have…relation…to与……有关系/up to 达到……的规模

  3.Robert Fulton once wrote, "The mechanic should sit down among levers, screws, wedges, wheels, etc. ,like a poet among the letters of the alphabet , considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts, in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea. "

  [句子主干]Robert Fulton once wrote, “The mechanic should sit down…, like a …, considering them as…, in which a…”


  1)like…分句是省略了who 的主语从句中的分句,considering…分句是现在分词引导的状语从句。这个状语从句可以拿到句首,也可以在句尾。一般来说较长的状语从句置于句尾,较短的置于句首,为的是使句子看上去显得简洁一些。

  2)like分句中出现了比较多的省略,补全以后是who like a poet who is among the letters…。英语中的从句之所以是难点就是因为大量地省略引导词。





  4.Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.


  Some of these causes are reasonable results…, Others are consequences of advances…


  主语是some of these causes,实际的主语就是some,不过谓语是单数还是复数则取决于of后面的成分是单数还是复数。being to…是定语从句的分句结构,意为“属于”。




  这个翻译比较简单,注意being to的翻译即可。

  5.This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

  [句子主干]This trend began during …, when…,that…


  1)有套和从句。这个句子实际上是This trend began.其余的成分都是在起修饰和限定作用。在分析长难句时一定要注意找出句子的主干,关键是确定句子的主语和谓语,只有这样才不会被众多的修饰成分所迷惑。

  2)When引导的是时间状语从句。第一个that引导的是修饰conclusion的定语从句,第二个that引导的是修饰demands的定语从句,wants前省略了which,是引导的修饰a government的主语从句。




  come to the conclusion形成某种结论/make of提出/in detail详细地
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:30     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

6.This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.

  [句子主干]This seems …done by supporting a certain amount of research not…but…





  严格说来,not…but结构应译为“不是……而是……”,但这样就显得罗嗦,所 以译为“与……无关”,但(另一些有关)。a amount of指“数量达到……”。be related to指“与……有关”。

  7.However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascination and delightful aspects.


  However, the world is so made that…systems are …unable to deal with some of the …aspects


  so made指“如此构成”,so和后面的that构成so…that结构,意为“如此……以至于……”。

  be…(un)able to指“可以(或不可以)……”。




  be so made that意为“如…构成”,不符合汉语表达习惯,所以译为“就是如此”。

  in principle 总的说来/deal with应付……

  8.New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.


  New forms…as well as new subjects…must arise…as they have in the past, giving rise to…


  1)主语较为复杂,为并列结构,分别是new forms和new subjects,中间用as well as连接。

  2)as在这里引导了一个介词结构(as they have in the past),have的宾语省略了,其内容与本句主语一致。

  3)giving rise to…分句为非限定性定语从句的从句,省略了which are。



  [翻译技巧]as well as 和,以及/give rise to给……以机会

  9.For Lloyd Nickson, a 54 year old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally III law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing condition.

  [句子主干]For Lolyd Nicks, the NT Rights…means he can get on with living without…


  插入成分很多。此句实际上是个简单句,其核心结构为Rights means…,只不过添加了诸多限制结构使句子看起来很复杂。”For Lolyd Nicks”为主句的状语成分,“a 54-years old…cancer”为Lolyd Nicks的同位语。




  同位语从句在汉语中很少出现,对同位语从句的处理就把它当作定语从句即可。如此句中就将同位语成分作为前置状语成分的主语的修饰成分即可。haunting fear指“向看到鬼一样恐惧”,表示非常恐惧。

  10.Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement.

  [句子主干]Someone…, if…, often had nowhere to turn except…






作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:30     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

 11.We live a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.

  [句子主干]We live in a society in which…substances is pervasive…



  in which引导了一个定语从句。该从句的分句谓语动词是is而不是are,是因为在这个从句中主语是use,而不是substances,这一点要注意分辨。





  12.Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.

  [句子主干]Dependence is marked first by…, with…, and then by…


  有并列从句和省略。With引导的是伴随结构作状语,修饰的是整个第一分句描述的状态。and引导的分句省略了谓语动词marked ,所以要注意其实该分句并不隶属于第一分句,而是与之并列的结构。





  13.But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.

  [句子主干]But he talked as well about …, and he announced that…







  14.Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July.

  [句子主干]Average inflation…fell to a mere…, close to its…, before


  close to分句是非限定性定语从句,省略了which was。Before后面的成分是对全句的补充说明,是状语成分。状语成分可以置句首,也可以置句末,并无定规。之所以用rising,是因为这里需要一个名次性的结构the inflation which was,





  the big seven industrial economies是指西方七大工业国。close to是靠近的意思。fall to是“跌落至……”的意思。

  15.Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britain and the United States, since conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America's, have little productive slack.

  [句子主干] Economists have been…

  surprised by…and…, since…,and especially…, have …


  主句用现在完成时have been…是因为经济学家长时间以来关注,现在也在关注,是一个从过去持续到现在的动作。Since引导的是表原因的状语从句。




  favorable表示的是“非常好的”,不是“非常喜欢的”,与个人取向没有关系。productive slack是“生产滑坡”的意思。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:30     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

16.Actually, it isn't, because it assumesthat there is an agreed account of human rights, which is somethingthe world does not have.

  [句子主干]Actually it isn’ t, because it assumes that…, which is…


本句为主从复合句。主句很简单,而because引导的原因状语从句中,又有一个that引导的宾语从句。这个从句中,主语an agreed account of human rights由一个which引导的飞行定性定语从句修饰,而这个非限定性定语从句中又有一个限定性定语从句the world does not have来修饰something。




  agree为“约定的”意思,agreed account直译为“约定的看法”,意译为“共同的认识”。可见翻译中一定要结合汉语的语言习惯灵活转换。an agreed account of human rights不可译为“有同意的人权记录”。此外,将不定代词具体化,也更符合汉语习惯。

  17.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.

  [句子主干]Some philosophers argue that…, as part of an exchange of…


  该句仍为主从复合句That引导的宾语从句中,as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements充当了补充语的角色。

  [句子翻译] 有些哲学家论证说,权利只存在社会契约中,是责任与利益相交换的一部分。



  18.It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all.

  [句子主干]It leads the discussion…: it invites you to think that…, or with…


  有并列从句和省略。冒号把句子分成两部分,后一部分对前面部分作进一步解释说明。前面部分是简单句。后面部分是复合句。that引导的宾语从句中,主语是animals,谓语是should be treated,either… or…引导两个介词短语作状语,either引导的介词短语中,humans extend to other humans是一个省略引导词that的定语从句。




  it 的所指要明确。leads thediscussion to extremes译成“将讨论引向两个极端”,at the outset译成“从一开始”。注意把被动句译为主动句,更合乎汉语习惯。

  19.Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.

  [句子主干]Arguing from the view that humans are…, extremists of this…


  有套和从句。逗号前面是一个现在分词短语,作状语,里面又有一个that从句作the view的同位语,逗号后面的that从句是一个宾语从句。




  in every relevant respect译成“各相关方面”,不要把respect 译成“尊重”;extremists为极端主义者;let outside the area of moral choice译成“不在道德范围内,不关乎道德”。

  20.When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.

  [句子主干]When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is ….instinct…, an instinct that should be…


  以冒号为界,将全句分成两个复合句。前面的复合句里,时间状语从句when that happens叙述的是前一句to see…的情形的出现。That修饰这种行为,主句表明这种行为并不错。冒号后面的复合句解释为什么。这里有一个that从句,作instinct的定语。




  将that,it等代词具体化,使译文表达明确;reasoning不能译成“原因”,而应译为“推理,推论”;in action不能译成“在行动中”,而译成“在起作用”,action在此是“作用,性能”的意思;翻译被动语态时,使用“得到”,“遭到”等,使译文流畅自然。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:31     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

21.The Aswan Dam, for example stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.


  The Aswan Dam, … stopped the Nile flooding…but…


for example是个插入结构,不是句子的主要成分。but后面省略了the Aswan Dam。注意so…that…结构,是“如此……以至于”的意思。



  [翻译技巧]the Nile是尼罗河。All in return意思是“换回来的全部则是”。

  22.The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.

  [句子主干]The trouble is that…is due to …, and so is not …


  有套和从句。the trouble is that…是表语从句结构。后一个that引导的是修饰rebound的定语从句。




  part of the recent acceleration不可译为“一部分的最近的加速”,而是“最近加速部分是由于”。business cycle是指“商业周期”。

  23.New ways of organizing the workplace all that reengineering and downsizing - are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.


  New ways of … workplace…are only one contribution to…, which is…, and…


  有插入语。两个破折号中间的成分为插入结构,可以视为括号里面的内容。Such as后面的内容是对many other factors的列举。在阅读的时候基本可以跳过不看,除非后面有细节题考查这里的内容。




  all that译为“这一切包括”。overall productivity译为“综合生产力水平”。Joint investment译为“联合投资”。Drive译为“驱动”。

  24.His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long term profitability.

  [句子主干] His colleague,…, says that… ,chopping out costs without giving…


  有省略。chopping out costs without giving sufficient …分句是非限定性定语从句。修饰的是前一分句的整体意思。without后面要跟现在分词giving。




  far too many译为“太多的(比实际需要)”。re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion应译为“以简单机械的方式”。chop out译为“削减”。

  25. As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked “antiscience” in several books, notably Higher Superstition, by Paul R.Gross, a biologist at the University of Verginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University; and The DemonHaunted World, by Car Sagan of Cornell University

  [句子主干] As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked…, notably…






  antiscience意思是“反科学”。Higher Superstition译为“高级迷信”。attack是“攻击”的意思。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:37     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

26.Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as “The Flight from Science and Reason,” held in New York City in 1995, and “Science in the Age of (Mis)information,”which assembled last June near Buffalo.

  [句子主干]Defenders of science have also voiced…, and…, which assembled last June…


held in New York City in 1995是非限定性定语从句,省略了which was,修饰的是前面的the flight from science。




  defenders of science译为“科学的捍卫者”。the flight from science and reason译为“飞离科学和理性”。reason译为“理性”。

  27.This development and its strong implications for US politics and economy in years ahead - has enthroned the South as America's most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation's head counting.

  [句子主干] This development…has enthroned the South …


  有省略。ahead是补足语。有一系列词如ahead,alive,alone都只能作补足语或表语而不能作定语。实际上在ahead前面加上which were的话,ahead就成了表语,句子意义则没有任何变化。




  strong implications译为“重大影响”。For the first time in the history指“历史上第一次”。head counting译为“人口普查”。

  28.Unlike most of the world's volcanoes, they are not always found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth's surface; on the contrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate.。

  [句子主干]Unlike…, they are not always found…that make up…; on the contrary, many of them…


  unlike…分句是状语结构,修饰的是they(the world’s volcanoes)。该句结构其实并不复杂,因为on the contrary将句子分成清晰独立的两个部分。讲一个阅读时的小技巧,在看到on the contrary这样表明逻辑顺序的连词时,就可以在阅读时有所取舍。像on the contrary,必然强调的是后面的部分,所以之前的部分可以不看。




  most of译为“大多数”;drifting plate译为“大陆板块”;make up指“组成”。

  29.But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look sin to the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.

  [句子主干] But even more important, it was…had been able to…, for what they were seeing were…


  有套和从句。该句的总体结构是“主句+for+原因状语从句”。主句是强调句,强调的内容是the farthest。在原因状语从句中,“what they were seeing”是从句的主语,“that existed 15 billion years ago”为定语从句,修饰前面的“the patterns and structures”。





  30.The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.

  [句子主干] The existence…was…required for the Big Bang…to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.


  有插入语。该句结构简单,不过由于中间插入了一个过去分词短语first put forward in the 1920s,修饰“Big Bang”,致使结构难辨。




  该句翻译的难点在词汇。was required for 应该译为“所必须的”,而不该译成“是……的前提”。“virtually”应该译为“实际上,事实上,实质上”。Big Bang是“大爆炸”的意思,指的是关于宇宙形成的一种学说。可见如果缺乏相应的知识背景,要准确地翻译就会比较困难。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:38     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

31. Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.

  [句子主干]Astrophysicists…are closing in on such structures. And may report…


本句为and引导的并列句,两个并列谓语分别是“are closing in on such structures”和“may report their findings soon”,它们的主语Astrophysicists后面有一个由分词短语充当的定语“working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments”。




  本句翻译的难点在于词汇的正确理解和表达,“ground-based detectors”应该理解成“架设在地面上的探测仪”,“balloon-borne instruments”则意为“用气球运载的仪器”,“are closing in on”原意为“从四面八方包围上来,笼罩”,应该译为“正越来越近地,越来越接近”,不应该译为“密切注意,密切关注”,特别值得强调的是“structures”不要翻译成“结构”,而要结合上下文译成“云系,团状物质”。

  32.If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.

  [句子主干]If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be…, a refinement of the …


  有省略。该句是一个主从复合句,总体轮廓是“If+条件从句+主句”。在主句中,“a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory”是“yet another scientific idea”的同位语,其中“called the inflationary universe theory”是过去分词短语,作“a refinement of the Big Bang”的定语。




  正确处理同位语短语是翻译题中的难点之一。这主要是如何安排语序才更符合汉语表达习惯的问题。一般来说,若同位语成分较短,直接在插入位置翻译即可。对于较长的同位语成分,一般应该处理成一个独立的简单句。refinement应该译成“提炼,改进”,不要译成“修正,精华,最新理论”等等。the inflationary universe theory应该译成“宇宙膨胀理论”,不能译成“宇宙流动理论”云云。

  33.Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.

  [句子主干]Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is…, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for…


  有倒装。该句的结构是“though引导的状语从句+主句”,其中,让步状语从句又用了倒装形式,正常语序应该是though it sounds odd,主句是由and 连接的两个并列分句。




  从句中的it指代的是主句的主语cosmic inflation,按照汉语习惯,应在从句中先译出来。而且汉语中尽量避免像英语中那么频繁地使用人称代词。一般说来,将它所替代的实际内容翻译出来为好。本句中的两个it均指宇宙膨胀理论。scientifically plausible consequence应该译为“在科学上令人信服的推论”,避免如下错误译法“自豪的结果,相应的部分,称道的结果”。for the better part of a decade= for more than half of a decade,实为“十年中的一大半”,故可译为“七八年”。

  34. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary--the dangers of drug interactions, for example--and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured.


  While warnings are often appropriate and necessary…and many are required by…, it isn’t clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from…


  有并列从句。该句的难点在于转折状语从句很长,使主句的主谓结构it isn’t clear that…较难发现。while分句是由and连接的两个并列结构构成的,第一个并列成分中间还插有由两个破折号包住的插入成分,即“the dangers of drug interactions, for example”。




  注意drug interactions应该译为“药物的副作用”。require应该译为“要求”。由于句子已经很长,所以把主句和从句分开,用两句话分别表达。

  35. At the same time, the American Law Institute--a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight-issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones. "


  At the same time, the American Law Institute…issued new guidelines for tort law stating that…


  “at the same time”是状语成分,破折号内的成分是补充说明“the American Law Institute”,实际上如果没有破折号,而用逗号分开就是句子的同位语成分。“tort law stating that…”这是宾语从句,后面的内容是“tort law”的内容。



  [翻译技巧]“tort law”指“民事侵权法”,academics是指“学者”。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:38     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

36.The examples of Virtual Vineyards,, and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers.


  The examples of…show that …with the right mix of…


“with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, and security will..”是状语结构,修饰的是“a Website selling the right kind of products”,是对后者的补充说明。


  Virtual Vineyards和Amazon.com以及其他开拓者的例子表明:销售对路产品的网站,加上互相合作、礼貌周到、安全可靠这几方面恰倒好处地结合起来,同样地也能吸引顾客。


  “with the right mix of”表示“把……好处结合起来”。“interactivity”“hospitality”“security”分别译为“相互合作”,“热情周到”,“安全可靠”。

  37.But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for all children to attend school until a certain age, It was widely accepted that some were just not equipped by nature to pursue this kind of education.


  But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for…until…, it was widely accepted that…


  有并列从句。该句是典型的主从复合句。从句成分出现在until引导的条件状语从句和“widely accepted that…”后面的宾语从句。




  “this was not the case”是英语的常用用法,译为“情况并非如此”。It was widely accepted that译为“被普遍认为”。“equipped by nature pursue”应译为“本性上不适于……”,不要译为“不具有天生的品质”,这样才更顺畅。

  38. Banking on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringing computers into schools, computer-ed advocates often emphasize the job prospects of graduates over their educational achievement .


  Banking on the confusion between…and…for bringing…into…, computer-ed advocates often emphasize …


  “banking on the confusion between…”是主句的状语成分,注意其中的“between…and…”结构。“for bringing computers into schools”是表原因的状语成分。




  “Banking on the confusion between…”如果直接译为“教育目标和职业目标存在争论”就显得不清晰,应该译为“一方面……;另一方面……”。“computer-ed advocates”译为“计算机教育倡导者”。

  39.Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans , he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment-although no one had proposed to do so--and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton on President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.


  Declaring that he was opposed to using this…to clone humans, he ordered that federal funes not be used for an xperiment…


  有省略。declaring that…分句是主句的伴随成分,主句的骨干结构是he ordered that…,如果不注意分辨就会迷惑。“be opposed to do-ing sth”表示“禁止做……”,注意to后面是跟现在分词,而不是原形,这表示这个to是介词。破折号之内的内容是对“an experiment”的补充说明。“and asked…”是与“he order…”并列的成分,表示两个并列的动作。




  “federal funds”译为“联邦基金”。“an independent panel”译为“独立专家小组”。

  40. In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be "morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning. "


  In a draft preface…, discussed…, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found…would be…


  有套和从句。该句是主从复合句,主句是“Shapiro suggested that…”,“discussed at the 17 May meeting”是非限定性定语从句,用来修饰主句。


  在5月17日开会讨论的建议序言草稿中夏皮罗表示专家们已经取得广泛的一 直意见,认为“试图用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿是违背道德的。”


  “a drift preface”可译为“序言草稿”。“broad consensus”译为“大致上的一致”,不能译为“宽阔的一致,广阔的一致”。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-7 09:39     标题: 考研英语长难句精析·[连载一~十一]

 41. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.


  While…as there are historians , modern practice…conforms to one that sees…recreate and explain…


该句是复合句。while引导的是状语从句,在这个状语从句中又含一个由as…引导的从句;第一个as是程度副词,第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。主句中that引导定语从句,修饰one,而one后的definition省略了。To create and explain都是不定式短语,用来修饰attempt。




  while在此句中相当于although多放在句首。modern practice意为“现代实践”,可引申为“现代史学家的实践”。conform to是“符合于”的意思,转译成“趋向于……”。see…as…意为“把……看作……”。此外,recreate如译为“再创造”,就与句子逻辑意思相反了,应译为“再现”。

  42. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.


  Interest in historical methods…through…challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discioline…more from.…






  翻译时一定要注意适当增词或减词。本句的主语interest in historical methods要根据上下文增词,译为“对历史研究方法的兴趣”,而不要译为“对历史方法的兴趣”。英语interest是名词“兴趣”,可转译为“关注”。

  43.During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.


  During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional…to interpret the new forms of evidence…


  有省略。这是一个简单句。Designed to是过去分词短语作定语,修饰methodologies。




作者: hsj614    时间: 2007-7-23 11:17

作者: hsj614    时间: 2007-7-23 11:17


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