俗话说,“民以食为天”,饮食是我们生活中必不可少的组成部分,它也与黄道十二星座有着紧密的关系。且看一下各个星座都有着怎样的饮食习惯吧。 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
Always on the go and ready to rush off to the next big thing, the Ram will most likely grab some fast food en route. When dining in a restaurant, try a variety of appetizers, which will suit your investigative nature. 白羊:一贯急匆匆的羊儿喜欢边走边吃。各式的开胃食物通常是你的最爱,这很符合白羊座喜欢深究的个性哦。 TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)
The Epicurean Bull will most likely be found savoring succulent three-course meals at posh five-star restaurants. Surely dessert will be one of the three courses -- or will it be the fourth? -- as you have quite a sweet tooth. 金牛:我们最有可能在奢华的五星饭店里找到正享受美味多汁的膳食的牛儿了。当然,饭后甜点对于你也是必不可少的。谁叫你就好这口呢? GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
The intellectual and airy Twins like to keep dinner light. While fast food will do, you're also willing to broaden your horizons by trying different types of food. 双子:聪明善变的双子座一直有吃正餐的习惯。虽然你也能将就速食,不过更愿意尝试其它类型的食物来改变自己的就餐风格。 CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
A homebody at heart, the Crab enjoys a good home-cooked meal or take-out. Due to your delicate tummy, you may not be too inclined or advised to try different cuisines. 巨蟹:典型的居家一族。蟹子最爱品尝自己亲手做的美食或是叫外卖。鉴于你那“脆弱”的胃,最好不要尝试其它的烹饪方法。 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) As the King or Queen of the Jungle, the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty -- those of the five-star variety. Three-course meals in the best restaurants in the world are right up your alley. 狮子:“森林之王”的狮子往往偏爱能体验尊贵感受的皇家饭店-各类“五星饭店”。在世界上最高级的饭店里享受一日三餐感觉当然好了。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) The picky Virgo is equally picky in all aspects of life, including food and dining. A finicky eater, you'll insist upon eating well-balanced, healthy meals that won't pollute your body. 处女:处处要求完美的处女在生活的各个方面都很挑剔,包括食物和就餐环境。对于你这种过分讲究的食客而言,一定会一直选择那些色香味俱全的健康食物了。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
The well-mannered Libra brings refinement and charm to an equally sophisticated eating establishment. Five-star dining in the best restaurant around is right in style with your tastes. 天秤:举止优雅的秤子常常在饮食中也融入了自己精致与迷人的特质。选择五星饭店里就餐确实很合你的口味。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
The tenacious Scorpio prefers to keep a routine and not be bothered with big meals, Your strong constitution will enable you to try a wide variety of dishes. 天蝎:固执的蝎子在就餐上宁愿悠闲地品尝些家常小菜而不愿繁琐地应酬那些山珍海味。不过你的胃口极好,这足以让你享受各种美食。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
Adventurous and enthusiastic, Sagittarius will satisfy their appetite not only for food but also for excitement by dining on foreign cuisine. The more exotic the cuisine, the better; 射手:热情勇敢的射手座不但会为美食折服,而且更会为能在充满异域风情的饭店里就餐而兴奋不已。烹饪手法越独特,你就会越满意。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
The hard-working Goat will be cautious when it comes to parting with their hard-earned pennies. A five-star restaurant that has great food at a great value is your dream dining experience; whether it exists or not is another question altogether. 摩羯:勤奋的山羊在花钱上很谨慎。虽然在五星级饭店里美美地享受佳肴一直是你的梦想,但到底去不去就是另一回事了。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
Original and inventive, the Water Bearer seeks out new and different foods if they're not cooking up some new creation on their own. Your eccentric and intellectual nature will lead you to sample exotic foods from the world over. 水瓶:即便瓶子无法亲自想出创意,具有独创精神的你也会挑些与众不同的食物。你的古灵精怪常常让你愿意尝试来自世界各地的美味佳肴。 PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)
Dreamy and romantic, the Fish will please their palate with an assortment of cuisines. If you can't actually go to Tuscany, at least your mind can travel there, given the proper, fantastical dining experience. 双鱼:恐怕只有最最独特的烹饪手法才能让喜欢浪漫和幻想的鱼儿满意了。就算你不能亲自去意大利的美食之城一尝心愿,要是至少能在梦中神游一番的话,相信它也一定是一种最具梦幻色彩的就餐体验了。