大家的画在布局上十分讲究,他们常常把画中的主要事物放在险处,例如以猫为主体的画却把猫画在画幅的边沿上,用一块大石头占满画的空间,而处处用线形色把观者的视线吸引到边角的猫上,这样小事物的天地也十分寥廓.—黄苗子 《画坛师友录》
1. Every week, every employed man and woman in Britain has to pay the State a certain sum of money as a compulsory contribution for National Insurance and National Health, in return for which the State provides certain allowances and services in times of sickness and unemployment.
仅仅这一句话,就点明了国度(Britain),纳税人(every employed man and woman),纳税(pay a certain sum of money)税收的去向(national insurance and national health),税收的用途(provides certain allowances and services)享受补贴的条件(in times of sickness )
2. 在当今各国,农业高等教育日益成为培养农业科技和管理人才的摇篮、引领农业科技革命浪潮的基地、服务经济社会发展的重镇,以及促进国际扶贫开发与合作交流的桥梁。
At present, higher agricultural education is increasingly playing a vital role in the cultivation of scientific and managerial talents in agriculture, in the innovation of agricultural technology, in the promotion of social and economic developments, and in the communication and cooperation of international poverty relief programs.
3. 不久前,总理访问了波兰,在会见记者时,波兰电视台记者向他提出这样一个问题。
Version1: The premier paid a visit to Poland. When he gave an interview to reporters, one of them from Radio Poland asked him a question.
Version2: Not long ago, during his visit in Poland, at an interview with reporters, the Premier was asked a question by one of them from Radio Poland.
1.It was a day on the end of August, this year. We, about twenty youths, decided to take a picnic. But what a pity day it was! A thin rain was dropping in the morning, as if to prevent us from going. As you know, the persistent mind of a youth, is not so easily to be stricken. Eventually we started off, in spite of rain and wind.
2.It was on a day toward the end of Au gust this year. About twenty of us had a picnic. The drizzling rain which was falling in the morning could not prevent us from going, as we young men are not to be discouraged by such trifling obstacles.