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标题: 天秤座本月运程 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:24     标题: 天秤座本月运程

There are many words that describe you. Nice, smart, caring, interested, engaged, kind (not to mention, good-looking!). The 1st, your best qualities are coming through (because, yes, there are times when words like cranky, tired and maybe even a tad bit impatient could be used to describe you too). Your innate kindness, particularly, is playing a role in your interactions with others. What results will your kindness have down the road? There's just no telling, actually. Wait and see! The 4th and 5th, spend the afternoon getting active, exercise-wise as well as socially. You'll feel great. The 9th, don't be too shocked if you wake up to find that some emotional problem (a fight with a friend, a disagreement with your boss) has evaporated into thin air. The 13th and 14th, make sure you've scheduled all of your medical check-ups (no harm in being healthy, now, is there?) and the 19th, a new idea could transform into a great plan overnight. The 22nd, you achieve a Zenlike state of acceptance of 'what is,' then on the 26th, you change anything you don't think should be the way it is. The 30th, relax. What a month!
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:25     标题: 天蝎座本月运程

The 1st, you may well be on the road again -- literally or figuratively. Whether you're getting your kicks on Route 66 on your way to a brand new life in a brand new town, or you're launching a brand new work project, or you're heading off, hand-in-hand with a brand-new (or even not-so-brand-new) partner into the age-old sunset, there's action in store for you this month. There's movement, and newness, and maybe even the need to fasten your seatbelt. By the 5th, you might feel like it's really time to pull over and grab a cup of coffee. Go right ahead -- unless it would be wiser for you to take a cat nap. The 9th, get out the old roadmap if you have the feeling you might be lost (Unless, of course, you want to wander a little -- sometimes you make the most interesting discoveries when you don't quite know where you are or how to get where you think you want to go.). The 13th and 14th, it's all business where you're concerned. By the 18th and 19th, it's all good where you're concerned (enjoy it!). The 23rd and 24th, traffic clears, so put the pedal to the metal and ride. The 29th, spend the day on the go, and by the 30th, you'll have an inkling of where it is you've gotten to.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:26     标题: 射手座本月运程

There are times when it doesn't really matter what you do, because you won't have that much of an impact on how things are playing out. The 1st of this month is not one of those times. Nope, as this month gets going, what you do could alter the course of your projects (at work and at home) in a big way. Yep, you're the major player in that thing called 'your life' and this month it's all about stepping up to bat when it's time. Swing batter! The 5th, if your pitching is weak, well heck, go ahead and recruit a couple of folks with strong arms to play for your team! The 9th, spend some time in the stands signing caps and cards for your fans (or family and friends, as the case may be). By the 13th and 14th, a newfound sense of maturity and a snazzy new design for your team uniform make you feel like an all-star (and you are!). The 19th, maybe there's a problem out on the field (are your players falling asleep out there?). Fix it, and you'll have a fabulous 18th and 19th (Suh-wiiing, batter, batter!). The 23rd, you and a buddy are up to all kinds of tricks -- and have a ball doing it. The 28th, heads up: What you do now could have big, exciting consequences
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:26     标题: 摩羯座本月运程

Maybe you've been feeling a little bit like Sisyphus, lately: You know, like every time you roll that old boulder up to the top of the incline, it rolls right back down and you have to start all over again? Well, good news: The 1st, get ready for everything to get easier. The boulder's not so heavy. The incline's not so steep. And best of all, when you get up to the top, that boulder just doesn't roll right back down. What does that mean? It's lunchtime! So take a break, wipe your brow and rest up a bit. By the 4th and 5th, you'll have a whole new set of responsibilities on your plate (and you'll like it). The 9th, take another break. Yes, really. The more rested you are, the better things are going to go for you. The 11th and 12th you could be leading a seminar in boulder rolling -- or doing something equally instructive. Whatever it is, you've been there, and your students can sense your authority. The 17th, whether you're doing some public speaking or public singing or a boulder-rolling-techniques demonstration at the mall, you're in the public eye (and they love you!). The 21st and 22nd you run into a problem. Don't run away from it. By the 27th and 28th, things ease up ... again.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:27     标题: 水瓶座本月运程

So, what old, outdated, outmoded, overused, no-longer-helpful, no-longer-useful, no-longer-good-for-you, only-getting-in-your-way habits have you neglected to cut out of your life? Ask yourself this question on the 1st. Write down any and all answers (or potential answers, or fragments of thought, or hints or suggestions of ideas). Then spend the month fleshing out your list. Do you shut down when you should get angry? Do you smoke? Do you get angry when you should feel hurt? Do you drink too much coffee? Do you feel hurt when you're actually furious? Do you eat too many sweets? Do you still talk to people you shouldn't? Do you not eat enough? Do you not talk to people you should? Do you skip the gym? The 4th and 5th, make at least one change. The 9th and 10th, get some help -- whether it's a friend, a therapist, a dietitian or a yoga instructor. The 11th and 12th, rest, relax and process. By the 17th, you'll have learned at least one very interesting new thing about yourself. The 22nd you'll learn something interesting about someone else who's close to you. Do they have a crush on you? How do you feel about them? The 27th and 28th, go out at night. Sometimes a little (or a lot of) human interaction is one of the most effective ways to achieve insight into yourself
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-31 15:27     标题: 双鱼座本月运程

Well, guess whose day it is on the 1st? Yep, it's your day! You're feeling great, you're doing great and there are great things in store for you all month long. Don't forget to take a little time out from all the excitement on the 1st to check in with yourself -- the more in-touch you are with what exactly it is you want and need, the easier it will be for you to direct your energies to the right places. The 3rd, welcome any obstacle -- they'll help you distinguish what you really want from what's just easy to get. By the 5th, the road to what you really want clears, and the 7th, what you do will affect how things turn out (in a really big way!). The 13th and 14th you want to pay attention to little details and give yourself a rest. How to do both? Get creative and you'll figure it out. The 19th, watch out -- somebody isn't on your side. By the 23rd and 24th, you're ready to excise said not-on-your-side person from your life. Go ahead and do it. The 28th, things are great, good and glowing -- again. The 29th and 30th, try something new. You're almost sure to like it! And if you like it, it's almost sure to be good for you. Funny how that works.

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