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作者: tingroom    时间: 2010-11-26 09:01     标题: LESSON 2 GIVEN BY TINGROOM

Try to improve your ability by making full use of the listening material.If you meet any difficulty,please answer this post to  list your question,we will help you to solve it,let's study together.

Evidence is emerging that the devastating floods in Pakistan are worsening with new reports of rising floodwaters, thousands more people in urgent need of shelter while crops and livestock have been destroyed in isolated communities which can now be supplied only by air. 有证据表明,随着水位的不断上升,此次巴基斯坦特大洪涝灾害所造成的危害正在加剧,在被洪水围困的村落,农作物和家畜损失巨大,数千民众急需住所,而救援物资只能通过空运。




作者: mickey918    时间: 2010-11-26 14:45

本帖最后由 mickey918 于 2010-11-26 14:54 编辑

Evidence is emerging (because?总觉得这边还有个词儿) that the devastating floods in Pakistan are worsening with new reports of rising floodwaters, thousands more people in urgent need of shelter while crops and livestock have been destroyed in isolated communities which can now be supplied only by air.
a senior minister in the province of XXSindh says his team are on an all a war footing.The chief of the United Nations Food and Agricatural  Organization   says the that a significant amount of crops such as rice  maizes and vegetables of being have been destroyed
作者: 潘峙姚    时间: 2011-3-6 20:21

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为您升级进步提供助力,为您找工作.加薪.留学.移民提供国  际IT认证及解决方案!
改变人生的转折点,就在您的把握中,也许从您登录我们网站的那刻开始 。
作者: laura6688    时间: 2011-4-30 18:12

a senior minister in the province of Sindh says his team are on a war of footing.The chief of the United Nations Food and Agricatural  Organization   says the that a significant amount of crops such as rice  maizes and vegetables of being have been destroyed
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2011-7-11 16:27

A senior minister in the province of XX says his team are on the ?? footing. The chief of the United Nations Food and Agricultual Organization says a significant amount of crops such as ?? rice and vegetables have been destroyed.

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