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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(17)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:20     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(17)a

Test Seventeen
这种虚拟式用在suggest, demand, insist, move, order, propose, recommend, require, request等动词之后的that分句中。例如:
In many countries, the law requires that everyone carry an identification card at all times.
The dean recommended that she be assigned to do the most complicated job.
She insisted that she go to the south for her holiday.
anger, rage, fury, indignation, resentment, wrath
She reproached her husband in great anger.她十分气愤地责骂丈夫。
He broke the flower pot in his rage.他一怒之下摔碎了花盆。
She flew into a fury when nobody would lend her any money.没人肯借她钱,她便勃然大怒。
The news roused great public indignation.这条消息激怒了公众。
I was full of hatred and resentment for the severe criticism.我对所受的严厉批评感到愤恨和不满。
The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck.《愤怒的葡萄》一书是约翰•斯坦贝克写的。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:20     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(17)b


1. ____ the flood, the ship had reached its destination on time.

A. In case ofB. In spite of

C. Because ofD. But for

2. Xenon has a number of applications, ____ may be mentioned its use in flash lamps for high speed photography.

A. among whichB. whichC. and whichD. each of which

3. Take an umbrella with you in case of ____.

A. it rainsB. the rainC. rainD. raining

4. The University of Georgia,____ in 1785, was the first statesupported University in the United States.

A. charteredB. was chartered 

C. it was charteredD. to be chartered

5. ____ that is found is valuable.

A. Not every pearl B. Every pearl that is not 

C. It is not every pearl D.When not every pearl

6. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; ____future events.

A. even influencingB. it may even influence

C. may even influence D.that it may even influence

7. ____, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.

A. When well fitted B. Well fitted when

C. Well fitted ifD. If well fitted when

8. I’ll certainly work all next week except when it ____.

A. will be rainingB. would rain

C. will rainD. is raining

9. I suppose you are not going today, ____?

A. are youB. do youC. aren’t youD. don’t you

10. The size of the audience,____ we had expected, was well over one thousand.

A. whomB. whoC. asD. that

11. Even before he got to the chemist’s he had lost the ____for the medicine, and had to go back to the doctor to get another one.

A. receiptB. remedyC. recipeD. prescription

12. Before I noticed a differece, I had thoughtthe machines were ______.

A. equivalentB. artificialC. identicalD. occasional

13. Robert is reliable, you can ____.

A. count onB. count forC. count upD. count out

14. For weeks after, I would see a girl on the street who ____my daughter and hope in my heart that it was Jane.

A. identifiedB. imitatedC. resembledD. liberated

15. Modern technology and science have produced a ____of new materials and new ways ofusing old materials.

A. wealthB. willC. rewardD. realm

16. There is evidence that such differences do ____intelligence as measured by tests.

A. infectB. effectC. affectD. direct

17. In some small villages in England, tourists can become ____because they do not know that street names are posted on the side of buildings, rather than on signs as they are in the U.S.

A. explicitB. rationalC. perplexedD. positive

18. Your nationality is not ____ when choosing a career, but your ability to speak the language is.

A. relatedB. responsibleC. relevantD. reciprocal

19. His interesting lecture ____ my interest in history.

A. revealedB. revolvedC. retortedD. revived

20. I was shocked at observing the alteration of her ____.

A. appearancesB. aspectsC. outlinesD. looks

21. A carpenter can work best when he uses the ____tools.

A. fitB. suitableC. properD. appropriate

22. We ____him out of going on such a dangerous journey.

A. arguedB. discussedC. debatedD. disputed

23. All ads are intended to be ____, but they can stir up interest and curiosity in varying ways, through humour, information and so on.

A. provocativeB. cooperative 

C. effectiveD. comparative

24. No one’s face is perfectly ____ . For example, one eye is often slightly higher than the other.

A. similarB. subtleC. balancedD. symmetrical

25. My brother’s habit of giving advice without being asked makes him seem ____.

A. presumptuousB. premature

C. presumptive D. predominant
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:21     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(17)c


1. B)【句意】尽管发了洪水,船还是准时到达了目的地。

【难点】in case of 意为“万一”,because of 意为“由于”,but for意为“要不是”,引导一虚拟条件句,因而此处缺少一个让步状语,因此B)正确。


【难点】此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,因此,which前不能加连词and ;另外从句句子结构完整,不缺主语和宾语,因此C)和D)不是正确选项。

3. C)【句意】你带把伞,以防下雨。

【难点】in case of 后要加名词,意为“万一”。

4. A)【句意】乔治亚大学1785年得到办学执照,是美国第一家州立大学。


5. A)【句意】发现的每一颗珍珠不一定都有价值。


6. B)【句意】历史小说不仅仅反映历史,它甚至会影响未来的事件。


7. A)【句意】如果眼镜配得好,它将能够矫正健康眼睛的多数视觉缺陷。

【难点】原句中已出现完整句子,那么前面填入的只能是从句。When well fitted是 when they are well fitted 的省略形式。

8. D)【句意】除非天下雨的时候,下星期的全部时间我都将工作。


9. A)【句意】我想你今天不走,是吗?

【难点】当陈述部分的主句是I suppose, I think, I believe, I suspect等结构时,附加疑问句部分往往与that分句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。

10. C)【句意】象我们所期望的那样,观众的人数远超过一千。

【难点】填入的词是用来指代size,因而,不能用whom 和who。that的通常用法是紧跟在指代的词后面,不能有标点符号。因此选项C)正确。

11. D)【句意】还没等他到药店,他就把药处方弄丢了,所以不得不回到医生那里又开了一份。

【难点】prescription意为“处方,药方”;receipt 意为“发票,收据”;remedy 意为“治疗,补救”;recipe意为“食谱,烹调法”。

12. C)【句意】在我发现一处差异之前,我还以为这些机器都是一样的。

【难点】identical意为“相同的,一模一样的”,后接with; equivalent意为“相等的,相同的”,后接to;artificial 意为“人工的,人造的;人为的”;occasional意为“偶然的”。

13. A)【句意】罗伯特很可靠,你可以依赖他。

【难点】count on意为“依靠;指望;料想”;count up意为“算出…的总数;共计”;count for 意为“值,计”;count out 意为“不把…算入”。

14. C)【句意】在之后的几星期,我在街上总看见一个很像我女儿的小女孩,我心中真的希望她就是简。

【难点】resemble 意为“相似,像”;identify意为“把…看(与…)同一个东西;视为相同”;imitate意为“模仿,仿效”;liberate意为“使获自由,解放”。

15. A)【句意】现代科学技术为我们提供了大量新材料和使用材料的新方法。

【难点】a wealth of 意为“大量的,丰富的”,等于a lot of; will意为“意志,意志力”;reward意为“报酬,奖赏,酬谢”;realm意为“领域,范围”。

16. C)【句意】有证据表明,这种由考试测出的差异的确影响智力。

【难点】affect意为“对…影响,发生作用”;infect 意为“感染,传染”;effect意为“产生,导致”;direct意为“指挥,指导,监督”。

17. C)【句意】在英国的一些小村里,游客会感到十分困惑,因为他们不知道街道的名称是贴在楼房的两侧的墙上,而不像美国是贴在路标上的。


18. C)【句意】选择职业并不关乎你的国藉,却关乎你的语言能力。

【难点】relevant 意为“有关主题的,切题的,有关系的”;related 意为“有关连的,亲戚的,同种的”;responsible意为“负责任的”;reciprocal意为“相互的,互惠的”。

19. D)【句意】他授课的趣味性又唤起了我对历史的兴趣。


20. D)【句意】看到她表情的变化,我感到震惊。


21. C)【句意】当木匠用最顺手的工具时工作效率才最高。

【难点】proper意为“合适的,恰当的”; fit意为“合适的,恰当的”,但不修饰名词,后接介词for;suitable 意为“合适的;适宜的”,尤指场合,后接介词for 或to;appropriate意为“适合的,恰当的”,比较正式,后也接to 或for,和proper相似,但修饰tool时,多用proper.

22. A)【句意】我们劝说他不要去进行这样危险的旅程。

【难点】argue意为“辩论,议论”,argue sb out of (into)doing sth.意为“说服某人不要做(要做)某事”;discuss意为“讨论”;debate意为“辩论”,为说明自己正确;dispute意为“就…发生争论,纠纷”。

23. A)【句意】所有广告的目的都是要激起观众的兴趣,但是他们所用方式是不同的,通过幽默、信息等等。

【难点】provocative意为“引起讨论(深思,好奇心)的”;cooperative 意为“合作的”;effective 意为“有效的”;comparative意为“比较的”,后三词不适合本句题意。

24. D)【句意】没有一个人的脸是绝对对称的,比如,一只眼睛常常比另一只稍高。


25. A)【句意】我弟弟有个习惯:在别人并未征求他意见的情况下,给别人出主意,这使他显得很专横。


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