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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(28)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:27     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(28)a

Test TwentyEight
shake, tremble, quake, shiver, quaver
To be shaken before taking.(药瓶标签用语)服前摇匀。
Her hands trembled with eagerness as she opened the letter.她拆信时,急得双手发抖。
His accusing hand stiffly extended, quaking in mute condemnation.他那控诉的手僵硬地伸出去,在无声的谴责中颤抖。
She is shivering with cold so that her teeth are chattering.她冷得直哆嗦,牙齿咯咯作响。
The breeze set the flames of the street lamps quavering.街灯在微风中摇曳着。
subject, name, title, topic
The subject of their conversation was the war. 他们谈话的主要内容是战争。
What’s the name of the film?电影的名字是什么?
The title of the article is In Search of Silence.文章的题目是“寻寂”。
Here are some topics for discussion.下面是一些讨论题目。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:31     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(28)b


1. We are late. I expect the film ____ by the time we get to the cinema.

A. has startedB. will have started

C. will startD. may start

2. But for sunlight, there ____ no moonlight.

A. will beB. would beC. had beenD. was

3. All flights ____ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

A. had been cancelledB. were cancelled

C. have been cancelledD. having been cancelled

4. ____ seeing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed.

A. ByB. OnC. AtD. For

5. It is high time you ____ that you are not the most important person in the world.

A. realizedB. have realized

C. realizesD. will realize

6. These two areas are similar ____ they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. to thatB. basides that

C. in thatD. except that

7. If he hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ____ here now.

A. wouldn’t be smiling B. won’t smile 

C. couldn’t have smiledD. didn’t smile

8. We will visit Huangshan next year ____ we have enough money.

A. lestB. untilC. unlessD. provided

9. The older worker and the young each ____ their own tools.

A. haveB. hasC. are havingD. is having

10. William told his wife ____ .

A. to have his shoes shone

B. to have his shoes shined

C. to have his shoes shining

D. shine his shoes

11. The task wasn’t easy, but we managed it____.

A. anyhowB. somehowC. any wayD. some way

12. Jane has just ____ a letter from a friend of hers in England.

A. returnedB. answeredC. offeredD. replied

13. Mr. John had given no ____ that he was intending to resign.

A. directionB. symptomC. information D. indication

14. As she opened the gate the lion gave a loud ____ and bounded at her.

A. yellB. cryC. roarD. shout

15. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ____ what he said.

A. catchB. listenC. getD. take

16. It isn’t quite ____ that he will be present at the meeting.

A. sureB. rightC. exactD. certain

17. She has a terribly hot temper, ____ she is really kind.

A. on the other hand B. on the contrary

C. on second thoughts D. on the whole

18. Russel ____ world opinion to condemn their policy of aggression.

A. called onB. called for 

C. called upD. called off 

19. We must ____ technical innovations and raise productivity.

A. speed forB. step upC. switch onD. turn up

20. We advised them to take a rest, but they ____ on finishingthe work.

A. suggestedB. continuedC. insistedD. persisted

21. I love boiled eggs and potatoes; it’s my ____ meal.

A. deliciousB. popularC. favoriteD. fondest

22. When we had finished dinner, Jimmy asked the waiter to bring him the ____.

A. countB. billC. tipD. account

23. Having kissed her son, Eve gave him a dismissive ____ towards the car.

A. pushB. pullC. dragD. draw

24. They climbed to the top of the hill ____ they could get a bird’seye view of the city.A. in caseB. for fear that 

C. in order thatD. as a result

25. The members in the testing team were quite ____ and could change schedule upon request.

A. flexibleB. gentleC. sophisticatedD. shrewd
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:32     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(28)c


1. B)【句意】我们晚点了,估计在我们到达电影院之前电影就已经开始了。

【难点】该句子中的expect意为“考虑,估计”;by the time 意为“在…之前”,常和将来完成时连用。

2. B)【句意】要是没有阳光,也就不会有月光。

【难点】英语中经常用介词短语表示虚拟条件,常用的这类介词短语为: without,in the absence of,but for等。本句中的虚拟语气表示与现在事实相反的一种假设,故主句中谓语为would be。

3. D)【句意】因为暴风雪,所有航班被取消,所以许多乘客只好坐火车。

【难点】该句逗号前是一个独立结构,逻辑主语是All flights,逻辑谓语的动作在那时业已完成,所以选择having been cancelled。

4. B)【句意】看到自己造成的损坏,他觉得非常羞愧。

【难点】“on +动名词”往往用于句中表示时间状语,意为“在…时候”,是一常用的固定搭配。

5. A)【句意】你该意识到你并不是世界上最重要的人。

【难点】虚拟语气也常用于it is hightime that 的结构中,意为“该…了”。that 从句中的谓语一般用一般过去时。

6. C)【句意】这两个地区相似,因为它们这个季节的降水量都很大。

【难点】从句子结构和句意分析可知,两个句子之间构成因果关系,而能够表示因果关系的连词只有 in that,意为“原因是,原因在于”,常放在第二个句子的句首,表示第一句中事件发生的原因。

7. A)【句意】如果你掉下来的时候,他没站在梯子下接住你,你现在就不会还在这儿笑眯眯的了。

【难点】此句为一错综时间条件句,从句表示与过去事实相反的一个假设,按照常规虚拟语气的要求,主句中的谓语动词应为wouldn’t have smiled才能表示与过去事实相反;但从时间状语判断,主句实际要表达的是与现在事实相反,所以谓语动词为wouldn’t be smiling。

8. D)【句意】假如我们有足够的钱,明年我们就去游黄山。

【难点】provided 意为“假若”,相当于if 或on condition that,常用于引导条件状语从句。lest意为“以防,以免”,由其引导的从句常常用虚拟语气。until 的用法为:如果主句的谓语动词为延续性动词的肯定式,则until意为“直到,到…为止”;如果主句中的谓语动词为非延续性动词,则主句应该用否定式,此时until意为“直到…才”。unless 意为“除非,如果不”,相当于if not。

9. A)【句意】年长和年轻的这两位工人各有自己的工具。


10. B)【句意】威廉告诉自己的妻子给他擦皮鞋。

【难点】have sth done 是一个常见句型,意为“使某事被做”;shine 作擦皮鞋讲时,过去分词是shined”。

11. B)【句意】这项任务不易完成,但我们还是想办法完成了。

【难点】somehow 意为“以某种方式,用某种方法”;anyhow 意为“无论用何种方法”;any way 意为“任何方式”,是名词;some way 是“某种方式”,也是名词。

12. B)【句意】简刚刚给她英国的一个朋友回了一封信。

【难点】answer a letter 意为“回信”,此时,answer不能换成reply 。return意为“归还,退回”,offer意为“提出”。

13. D)【句意】约翰先生没有作出打算辞职的暗示。

【难点】indication 意为“暗示,迹象”;direction 意为“方面,方向,指令”;symptom意为“征兆,征候”;information意为“消息,情报”。

14. C)【句意】她打开大门,狮子大吼一声,向她扑去。

【难点】roar 意为“吼声,怒号;轰鸣”;yell 意为“叫喊,号叫”;cry 意为“喊叫;哭”;shout意为“呼喊”,但和yell不同。shout强调一个人以最高音调喊叫,以与周围声音对抗,可表示愤怒或救援等;yell指响亮而刺耳的喊声,尤指求救的喊声或运动时发出的不由自主的叫声。

15. A)【句意】他说的非常快,我没听懂他说什么。

【难点】catch 意为“听清楚,领会,理解”;listen 指“(注意地)听”;get 意为“学会;掌握;记住”;take 意为“领会接受”。

16. D)【句意】说不好他会不会出席会议。

【难点】certain意为“肯定的,必然的”,只作表语,主语可以是人,也可以是it,后面接真实主语从句;sure意为“确信的,有把握的,自信的”,主语一般是人,即可作表语也可作定语;right 意为“正确的,对的”;exact 意为“精确的,准确的”。

17. A)【句意】她脾气暴躁,但另一方面她很和蔼。

【难点】on the other hand 意为“另一方面”;on the contrary 意为“正相反”;on second thoughts意为“又一想;重新考虑后”;on the whole 意为“总的来看”。

18. A)【句意】罗素呼吁全世界舆论界谴责他们的侵略政策。

【难点】call on 意为“呼吁,号召,要求”;call for 意为“要求”;call up 意为“召集,征召…入伍”;call off 意为“取消”。

19. B)【句意】我们必须加快技术革新,提高生产力。

【难点】step up 意为“加快,加速”;speed for 不是固定搭配;switch on 意为“用开关接通电流;打开(电器开关)”;turn up 意为“开大(声音),调高”。

20. C)【句意】我们建议他们休息,可是他们坚持要完成这项工作。

【难点】insist on意为“坚持,主张”,后接名词或动名词,是习惯搭配;suggest 意为“建议”,后面不可接on ;continue 意为“继续,持续”,后接名词或不定式;persist意为“坚持,固执”,后接介词in。

21. C)【句意】我喜欢煮鸡蛋和煮土豆,那是我最喜欢吃的。

【难点】favorite 意为“最喜欢的”;delicious 意为“美味的,好吃的”;popular 意为“受欢迎的,通俗的”;fond 意为“喜欢的,喜爱的”,后接of,构成be fond of,意为“喜欢…”。

22. B)【句意】我们吃完饭之后,吉米让侍者把账单拿给他。

【难点】count 意为“计数;总数”;tip 意为“小费”;account 意为“账户,户头”;bill 意为“账单”,是正确答案。

23. A)【句意】吻过儿子后,夏娃把他推向小汽车,表示他自由了。

【难点】push 意为“推,推动”。后三个词中,pull是最一般的词,可指朝任何方面的移动,用力可大可小。drag 指与地平线平行或斜着向上拖动,常表示在有阻力的情形下,拖一种很重的东西费力地行进。draw表示平稳地持续抽或拉。

24. C)【句意】他们爬上山顶,想鸟瞰全城。

【难点】in order that 意为“目的在于…,为了”,后接从句;in case 意为“免得,以防”;for fear that 意为“生怕,以免”;as a result 意为“作为结果,因此”。

25. A)【句意】测试组成员非常灵活,可根据要求改变时间表。

【难点】flexible 意为“灵活的,可变通的”;gentle 意为“温和的,温柔的”;sophisticated 意为“老练的,富有经验的”;shrewd 意为“机灵的,敏锐的,狡猾的”。

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