洛德·史都华(Rod Stewart),英国的国宝级歌手,豆沙般的嗓音,桀骜不驯的舞台形象,源源不断的创作灵感构成了他的形象。他的这首《Sailing》更成为英文情歌代表作,听得连中国人的耳朵都起了茧子,他的歌声丝丝的、毛毛的,再加上温暖而细腻的和声,如同一只小狗的舌头,将你的手心舔了一遍又一遍。《Sailing》,1975年英国冠军曲,漂洋过海只为与你在一起,有谁会不感动
一把如烟老嗓子,也不知道迷倒了多少人? 三十几年来,Rod Stewart以独特的沙哑歌喉、丰富的音乐风格、精彩的演唱会魅力不仅屡创音乐生涯新高,也奠定了他稳固的乐坛地位。从融合民谣、摇滚、蓝调、灵魂乐、迪斯科的70年代;接着加入New Wave电子之声的80年代到以翻唱曲再显风华的90年代,都让我们不断地享受Rod所带来的音乐新意。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjE1MzU3Ng==.html I am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea. I am sailing stormy waters,to be near you,to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky. I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free. Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away? I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say? Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away? I am dying,forever crying , to be with you, who can say? We are sailing, we are sailing home again cross the sea. We are sailing stormy waters,to be near you, to be free. Oh lord, to be near you,to be free. Oh lord, to be near you, to be ree. Oh lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh lord 我在远航,我在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我在远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望 我在远航,我在远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我在远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望 我在飞翔,我在飞翔,像那鸟儿,展翅翱翔 我在飞翔,飞向天堂,为了爱情,为了希望 是否听到,我的歌唱,夜色茫茫,道路长长 我命垂危,人世凄凉,有你依偎,宛若天堂 是否听到,我的歌唱,夜色茫茫,道路长长 我命垂危,人世凄凉,有你依偎,宛若天堂 我们远航,我们远航,穿越海洋,重回故乡 我们远航,乘风破浪,为了爱情,为了希望欢迎光临 英语听力论坛 (http://bbs.tingroom.com/) | Powered by Discuz! 7.2 |