Environment: Spillcam/oil spill
事件回放: 英国石油公司(BP)在墨西哥湾租用的“深水地平线”钻井平台4月20日发生爆炸,大量原油流入墨西哥湾,持续数月,造成严重环境污染和重大经济损失。
oil spill: 漏油
BP oil spill was the most searched topic for term for a variety of reasons.
Spillcam 漏油实况直播
Spillcam became a household phrase describing the live video of the ruptured sea well in the Gulf Of Mexico that earlier this year led to the world's biggest offshore oil spill.
Sport: vuvuzela
Vuvuzelas have been kicked out of European competition after UEFA said that the plastic trumpets drowned out supporters and detracted from the emotion of the game.
Jabulani ball “普天同庆”
The much-debated official Jabulani ball, mascot Zakumi and the Bafana Bafana national South African team each won four percent of the votes.
此外,备受争议的世界杯官方用球“普天同庆”、吉祥物扎库米以及南非国家队别称“Bafana Bafana (小伙子、小伙子)”分别获得4%的选票。
Politics: wikileaks
泄密网站 secret-spilling website
The founder of the secret-spilling website was asked whether he understood that he could consent to be extradited to Sweden, where he faces allegations of rape, molestation and unlawful coercion.
镜像站点 mirror sites
The WikiLeaks website was also shut down after apparent political pressure on service providers, but WikiLeaks said there were now 750 global mirror sites meaning the data so far released remained readily available.
引渡 extradition
A British judge on Tuesday denied bail for Assange after he told a London court he intends to fight his extradition to Sweden.
自首 hand oneselfself in to police
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange handed himself in to British police on Tuesday.
Military:end of Iraq War
伊战结束 end of Iraq war
A somber President Obama declared an end to the long and costly Iraq war Tuesday night, pledging he now intends to "turn the page" to America's economic revival.
联合军演 joint military exercises/joint drill
Japan and the United States launched a major ground training in Kirishima Training Area in southern Japan's Miyazaki Prefecture Tuesday, as part of the biggest-ever joint military exercises which kicked off in several places in Japan last Friday.
事件回放:国际货币基金组织称此次经济危机为Great Recession。此前,历史上影响最深远的经济危机为1929年至1933年间的全球性经济Great Depression(大萧条)。
在本次经济危机中,各国纷纷采取经济刺激措施,货币发行量大增,尤其以美国为代表。这种央行直接向市场注资的一种货币政策手段称为quantitative easing(定量宽松),其实就是央行开动印钞机器的一种委婉说法。
大衰退:Great Recession
The downturn that some have dubbed the 'Great Recession' has trimmed the typical household's income significantly, new Census data show, following years of stagnant wage growth that made the past decade the worst for American families in at least half a century.
美国人口普查局(Census)最新数据显示,被人们称作“大衰退”(Great Recession)的这几年的经济衰退使典型家庭收入大幅下降,近年来工资收入增长迟滞,过去十年成为至少半世纪来美国家庭最难过的时期。
定量宽松 quantitative easing
He also criticized the new round of US quantitative easing policy, saying it was "totally wrong" that the Federal Reserve tried to stimulate the US economy by pumping a large amount of money into the market. 他(经济学家吉姆•罗杰斯)
Movie: 3D
3D电影 3D film
"For the midnight premiere, we were at 90 percent capacity for the 3D version and 100 percent for the IMAX 3D," she said, adding that the tickets for the IMAX 3D screening sold out two days prior to opening.
她(某影院负责人)说:“零点首映场的3D版上座率高达90%,IMAX 3D版的上座率则高达100%。”她还补充称,在首映前两天,IMAX 3D版电影票就已全部售罄。
4D电影 4D film
4D film (sometimes written 4-D film) is a marketing term that describes an entertainment presentation system combining a 3D film with physical effects in the theatre, which occur in synchronization with the film.
环幕电影 circular-screen movie
Eight projectors inside and outside of the pavilion will create a 360-degree audio-visual effect. Images showing the landscape and people of Iceland will be projected onto the walls. The pavilion will also show a circular-screen movie.
全景电影 cinerama/cinepanoramic
Cinerama is the trademarked name for a widescreen process which works by simultaneously projecting images from three synchronized 35 mm projectors onto a huge, deeply-curved screen, subtending 146° of arc.
People: Chilean Coal Miners/ “Super Mario” Mario Sepulveda
上帝与魔鬼 God & Devil
The second miner to be rescued, Mario Sepulveda, 40, gave a euphoric display before admitting: “I have been with God and with the devil. I seized the hand of God, it was the best hand. I always knew God would get us out of there,” he said.
Technology: tablet PC /iPad
从本月起,Verizon无线开始在全美38个城市部署采用LTE(长期演进)技术的新一代无线网络。此外,沃达丰在德国、Telenor和Tele2在瑞典、NTT DoCoMo在日本也分别公布了LTE网络的定价方案。LTE、Wi-Max和HSPA网络的下载速度将达到3Mbps至5Mbps,进一步推动全球移动网络革命。
平板电脑 tablet PC
Tablet PCs have become a hot topic among venture capital investors in China. Total sales of 3 million iPads have alerted venture capitalists to the business opportunities in the industry, especially in China.
4G网络 4G tech
The new year will generate a lot of buzz about 4G as operators scramble to roll out network upgrades and new devices become available.
娱乐:Lady Gaga
事件回放:Lady Gaga被众人奉为“时尚雷母教主”,向来能以出位夸张的服装吸引观众眼球,更成为国际时尚风向标级别的人物,不仅持续蝉联最具话题女王的宝座,而且她本身也成为一种现象和话题。
流行教主Gaga女士 pop star Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga dramatically won the attention of the MTV Video Music Awards when she took to the stage in a matching dress, boots, hat and purse apparently made from raw meat. 当Lady Gaga身着看似由生肉制成的套裙、靴子、帽子,拎着手袋登上美国MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖台时,她立即成为全场的焦点。
Climate: Snowmagedden
暴雪 Snowmagedden
Cheekily dubbed “Snowmagedden,” by President Barack Obama, the massive snowstorm ended late Saturday, leaving thousands without electricity.
极端天气 extreme weather
Since extreme weather events cause loss of life and property, it is important to understand what impact climate change may have on their occurrence.
娱乐:Lady Gaga
事件回放:Lady Gaga被众人奉为“时尚雷母教主”,向来能以出位夸张的服装吸引观众眼球,更成为国际时尚风向标级别的人物,不仅持续蝉联最具话题女王的宝座,而且她本身也成为一种现象和话题。
流行教主Gaga女士 pop star Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga dramatically won the attention of the MTV Video Music Awards when she took to the stage in a matching dress, boots, hat and purse apparently made from raw meat. 当Lady Gaga身着看似由生肉制成的套裙、靴子、帽子,拎着手袋登上美国MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖台时,她立即成为全场的焦点。
Climate: Snowmagedden
暴雪 Snowmagedden
Cheekily dubbed “Snowmagedden,” by President Barack Obama, the massive snowstorm ended late Saturday, leaving thousands without electricity.
极端天气 extreme weather
Since extreme weather events cause loss of life and property, it is important to understand what impact climate change may have on their occurrence.
娱乐:Lady Gaga
事件回放:Lady Gaga被众人奉为“时尚雷母教主”,向来能以出位夸张的服装吸引观众眼球,更成为国际时尚风向标级别的人物,不仅持续蝉联最具话题女王的宝座,而且她本身也成为一种现象和话题。
流行教主Gaga女士 pop star Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga dramatically won the attention of the MTV Video Music Awards when she took to the stage in a matching dress, boots, hat and purse apparently made from raw meat. 当Lady Gaga身着看似由生肉制成的套裙、靴子、帽子,拎着手袋登上美国MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖台时,她立即成为全场的焦点。
Climate: Snowmagedden
暴雪 Snowmagedden
Cheekily dubbed “Snowmagedden,” by President Barack Obama, the massive snowstorm ended late Saturday, leaving thousands without electricity.
极端天气 extreme weather
Since extreme weather events cause loss of life and property, it is important to understand what impact climate change may have on their occurrence.
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