进入8月,毕业生们应该都走上工作岗位了吧。不过,最近有报道说很多大学毕业生工作3年间的跳槽次数也挺可观的,不知道他们当初选择职业是怎么考虑的。是不是也像我们今天的话题一样,只是把第一份职业当作rebound job了呢?
Rebound job is a job you take knowing that it isn't long term, often due to an emergency situation where you know you’re losing your current job. It provides a paycheck while you take your time looking for a better job。
For example:
Starbucks was totally a rebound job, I was minutes from getting fired and needed something fast!
星巴克那份工作就是个“跳板工作”,当时我快被炒了,急需一份工作作者: tingroom 时间: 2011-4-25 11:13
Sometimes,we have no choice and need a rebound job.This is the life.作者: dragon520 时间: 2011-4-26 14:32
For a student,he can't know whick way he will go after he graduated from school,so many of them need a "rebound job",this is why the company need a people who is skilled.