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标题: 系列节目一:同学们来练听力啦!(更新...) [打印本页]

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-10-31 09:41     标题: 系列节目一:同学们来练听力啦!(更新...)



The Open Door
The other day, something strange happened when we came home. When Daddy opened the door and we walked into our flat, we heard a sound. It came from the kitchen. It sounded like the back door closing. Mommy went for a look. The back door was not shut. She thought that we might have forgotten to close it before we went out. But when she closed it, she heard noises from the outside. It sounded like someone bumping into our trash can. Then she heard the back elevator close. Daddy said that he remembered closing the back door that morning before we left. So he thought that someone might have been in our house and that the person left by the back door when he heard us come in. But Daddy said that we did not have to be scared because Buster would be there to protect us, and that God was always in control.

[ 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2008-9-26 09:42 AM 编辑 ]
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-10-31 16:22     标题: Puppy Buster

When we first got Buster, he was just a little puppy. He was so small that he could fit on Mommy's palm! When he first came home, he cried all night. He missed his mommy. I felt so sad for him. He reminded me of the time when I was in kindergarten when I waited and waited and did not see my Mommy nor my Daddy to come pick me up. So I got out of bed in the middle of the night to play with Buster so that he was not so lonely. After a few days, Buster got used to staying with us and was not lonely anymore. So we were all very happy. Buster was so cute when he was a puppy. I let him chew on my fingers and it did not hurt. I think he knew not to chew very hard. But one time he chewed too hard and I screamed. So immediately he knew he should not have done it, and he licked my fingers. That was his way of kissing me to say sorry.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-10-31 16:23     标题: Potato Chip

Buster will eat almost anything that we give him. One time, Daddy gave him a piece of a potato chip. Buster had to smell it first, because dogs always smell things to make sure that the things are not bad and will not hurt them. After he had sniffed it, he licked it off of Daddy's fingers and started to chew it. But it was not very long until Buster started choking. Buster began coughing, and Daddy tried to help him. Daddy patted Buster's side and opened his mouth. All of a sudden, Buster coughed up the little pieces of potato chip and they landed all over him, including his face! Mommy saw the mess on Daddy and started laughing, but Daddy did not like slimy pieces of potato chip on him. Mommy helped wash Daddy and reminded him never to feed Buster a potato chip again.

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-10-31 16:27     标题: Buster's Brush

Every day I have chores that I have to do. I clean my room, wash the dishes, and sometimes help Mommy sweep the floor, dust, or make dinner. I also have to take care of Buster. I feed him two times every day, and I make sure that he is clean and that he stays out of trouble. Daddy bought a big red brush for Buster and told me that I should brush Buster when his fur is messy and matted. Buster enjoys being brushed. But sometimes when Buster's fur is very tangled, I try to be very gentle so that i will not hurt Buster when I brush him. Even if it does hurt him, he does not get mad. After I finish brushing Buster, his fur is soft and smooth and shiny, and if he has been a good dog, I give him a treat.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-10-31 16:29     标题: Friend on Guam

I have a friend who lives on Guam. She told me about a storm that Guam had two years ago. It was a super typhoon, with winds that were over 180 miles per hour. My friend told me that in many houses, windows broke during the storm and the houses flooded. Most of the island was wet and salty after the storm. In some places, cars were blown on top of each other. Some buildings lost their roofs, and others were nearly flattened. There were also many other things that were broken, destroyed, or blown away. I would not have liked to have been in a big storm like that. I do not think Buster would have enjoyed it either. My friend on Guam has a big dog like Buster. Her dog stayed in their porch during the storm, but the dog did not like the loud noise that the storm made.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-1 16:52     标题: My Friend's Dog

My friend who lives on Guam has a dog that is very similar to Buster. My friend's dog is named Sam. Sam and Buster both have golden-colored fur, and are both big dogs; however, Sam does not live inside like Buster does. Sam lives outside and has his own "house." Sam's house is very small and is made out of wood. He likes to go inside his house when it is raining or when he wants to sleep in there. Sam lives in my friend's front yard and protects my friend and her family, just as Buster protects me and my family. Sam loves to dig in the dirt. He will dig holes in the ground and bury things. He likes to dig holes in the ground so that he can lay down in the cool dirt when it becomes hot during the day. I wonder if Buster would dig holes if he lived outside.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-1 16:55     标题: Buster Likes Our Food

Buster has his own bowl for food. Usually we feed him dog food. He eats a lot and we have to buy big bags of it. His food is dry and crunchy. I have never tried it, but I know it is crunchy because when he chews on it, it sounds like me biting on a crunchy cookie. He needs to eat dog food because it has things it in like vitamins that are good for him. Sometimes we also give him something from our food. And he really likes it. Sometimes we throw it up in the air for him to catch with his mouth. At first he would miss, and it would drop onto the floor. But nowadays he is very good at catching it. But we don't feed him from our food that much because he needs to eat his own food.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-9 11:03     标题: Buster and His Toy

Buster likes to play games. His favorite game is wrestling. He has a toy that looks like a rope, with two knots tied on either end of it. This is the toy that we use to play wrestling. Buster grabs one knot with his mouth, and I grab the other knot with my hands. We both start pulling, and if I pull it out of his mouth, I win. If he pulls it out of my hands, he wins. When Buster pulls the toy out of my hands, sometimes I fall down backwards. After I am done playing, I let him take the toy, and I walk away. Then Buster likes to go lie down and chew on his toy. I do not want to play wrestling with him when he does that, because he makes the toy very wet.
作者: rong123    时间: 2007-11-9 11:23

作者: lancetsd    时间: 2007-11-9 20:54

作者: qhj1964    时间: 2007-11-12 20:55

作者: sherry520    时间: 2007-11-15 11:56

作者: Demi_lily    时间: 2007-11-16 13:28     标题: HE

作者: lml    时间: 2007-11-17 13:11

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-17 13:48

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-17 14:05     标题: Buster Sitting in Front of the Door

One thing that I know Buster likes to do is rest. When he is tired, he finds a place on the floor that he likes and he lies down. Sometimes he chews on his bone or his toy, and other times he likes to take a nap. Sometimes Buster tries to take a nap on the couch. But Mommy does not want Buster to lie there. Buster leaves his fur all over the couch if he takes a nap on it. Buster likes to take many naps. I like to sit by Buster and pet him when he is sleeping. His fur is soft and he always enjoys having his head scratched or his side rubbed. I know that he enjoys it because he wags his tail when I pet him. Daddy told me that when dogs wag their tails, it shows that they are happy or excited about something.
作者: jiamu    时间: 2007-11-17 15:58     标题: 3ks gr

thanks so much dear
you are the best
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-17 16:06     标题: 回复 17# 的帖子

hi,jiamu-the busy boy,welcome your coming back and we all mis you very much.Also,thanks for your encouragement
作者: zjcj008    时间: 2007-11-18 12:31     标题: 谢谢,楼主!

作者: pop    时间: 2007-11-18 13:39

thanks too much
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-22 09:13     标题: Buster Jealous of Puppet

Last week Daddy bought a puppet. We decided to name the puppet "Fred". Mommy and I laughed when Daddy acted silly with his new puppet. On the day Daddy brought the puppet home, Buster saw all of us playing with the puppet, and he was jealous. Buster wanted us to play with him instead of Fred. When Daddy walked around the house with Fred, Buster had to follow Daddy wherever he went. When Daddy saw that Buster was getting jealous, Daddy took Fred and sat down on the couch. Then Daddy did not pay any attention to Buster, while he played with Fred, to see what Buster would do. Buster became very jealous and jumped onto the couch with one of his toys. We thought Buster was very funny to be so jealous, but we felt sorry for him too. So Daddy stopped playing with Fred and played with Buster for a little while.
作者: chuchu    时间: 2007-11-23 13:55

作者: liter1980    时间: 2007-11-23 16:38

作者: ada12    时间: 2007-11-23 17:21

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-24 08:20

作者: chuchu    时间: 2007-11-27 18:15

作者: ada12    时间: 2007-11-27 20:21

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-28 09:09     标题: 回复 27# 的帖子

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-29 15:47     标题: Buster Jealous of Puppet

Last week Daddy bought a puppet. We decided to name the puppet "Fred". Mommy and I laughed when Daddy acted silly with his new puppet. On the day Daddy brought the puppet home, Buster saw all of us playing with the puppet, and he was jealous. Buster wanted us to play with him instead of Fred. When Daddy walked around the house with Fred, Buster had to follow Daddy wherever he went. When Daddy saw that Buster was getting jealous, Daddy took Fred and sat down on the couch. Then Daddy did not pay any attention to Buster, while he played with Fred, to see what Buster would do. Buster became very jealous and jumped onto the couch with one of his toys. We thought Buster was very funny to be so jealous, but we felt sorry for him too. So Daddy stopped playing with Fred and played with Buster for a little while.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-11-29 15:48

This week, Daddy told me about the earthquakes in Indonesia. Daddy said that the earthquakes were so big that they sent a giant wave, called a tsunami, all the way to Sri Lanka. Thousands of people were killed in Sri Lanka. I am glad that God kept me safe, but I feel sad when I know that a lot of people were killed. I hope that many of those people went to heaven after they died.
Buster cannot understand what my Daddy says and does not know what an earthquake is, but I think that Buster knew that I felt sad when I thought of all the people who were hurt. I wanted to help those people, so Daddy said that the best way I could help would be to pray for all the people who were not killed.
作者: Catherine.lee    时间: 2007-12-6 12:34

i have downloaded,thank you a lot!
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-12-8 15:03     标题: Dog in a Shirt

Winter can be very cold. When my family and I were visting in America, we saw a lot of snow, and even built a snowman. I had to dress in very warm clothes every time I went outside in the snow. It can be cold in Hong Kong, too, and Mommy makes me wear a jacket when I go outside. But Hong Kong does not get as cold as North America and Northern Asia do in the winter. One day, I saw a dog that had a shirt on. I think that the owner of the dog wanted him to stay warm, just like Mommy wants me to stay warm. I do not think that Buster would like wearing a shirt, and I think it would be very hard to put a shirt on Buster. But Buster does not need a shirt or a coat, because God gave Buster fur to keep him warm.
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-12-13 15:50     标题: Christmas Tree

Every Christmas, we get a Christmas tree, and we decorate it with many beautiful things. Buster tries to help me, but he is a dog. And dogs cannot decorate the tree because they do not have any hands. Buster likes to smell all the colorful little balls. One time, he tried to smell the one in my hand, and the ball slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor. The glass ball broke into many, many pieces. I was mad. I had to clean up all the mess. But I could not stay mad at Buster. He did not mean to break the ball. But I told him to go lay down while I finished decorating the tree. The tree was very pretty when my family was done decorating it. I think Buster liked it too!
作者: hehuhu    时间: 2007-12-13 15:53

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-12-22 09:49     标题: Christmas Time

Christmas is always fun for Buster. Every Christmas my mother bakes a big turkey. After we eat our turkey dinner, there is always some left over for Buster to eat. I think that is Buster’s favorite part of Christmas. Buster likes getting presents too. Last year, my father bought Christmas hats for everyone, even Buster. Buster’s hat fell off many times. Almost every time he moved, his hat would fall off. Maybe next year, my dad should buy a hat with a string on it, so we could tie it onto Buster’s head. But Buster may not like having a hat tied to his head. He would probably try to take it off. So, we will still have our fun Christmas, even without a hat with a string on it.
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-2 09:11     标题: Christmas

Every Christmas, Daddy tells me the story of the very first Christmas when Jesus was born. Daddy told me the Bible teaches that Jesus is God's son, and God sent Jesus to earth on Christmas Day about two thousand years ago. The man and woman who took care of Jesus were called Joseph and Mary. When Jesus was born, Daddy said that angels came and told some shepherds the news of Jesus' birth. The shepherds left their sheep and went to see Jesus on that very first Christmas. Each Christmas, my family buys gifts for each other, and we put them under our tree until Christmas morning when we open them. Mommy said that giving helps us to remember how God gave his Son as a gift to the world. This year I am giving Buster a new bone, even though Buster does not know what Christmas is. I cannot wait until Christmas because then I will open all of my presents and eat a big Christmas dinner that Mommy will make.
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-4 17:03     标题: Buster's New Hat

On New Year's Eve, we went to the flower market and bought Buster a little hat that looked like a chicken. When I first put the hat on Buster's head, he did not like it. Buster scratched at the hat with his paw until it came off. After it came off, Buster looked at it and sniffed it with his nose because he wanted to know what it was and if it was safe to have it on his head. When Buster was done examining the hat, he let me put it on his head again. It is fun to put hats on Buster. I think his Christmas hat was my favorite. One time I tried to put Daddy's hat on Buster, but the hat was too big and fell down in front of Buster's eyes. Buster did not want to wear a hat that was too big for his head.
作者: cuiyfa    时间: 2008-1-7 08:02

good guy
作者: guodinglai    时间: 2008-1-8 21:27

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-9 08:17     标题: 回复 39# 的帖子

作者: zsbing79    时间: 2008-1-9 23:42

it is a  good story for practise listening
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-11 08:49     标题: Buster's New Year Gift

This New Year's, we gave Buster a gift. We bought him a stuffed toy pig with soft, pink fur. Buster took his new toy, went to his favorite rug, and laid down with it. He chewed on the stuffed pig just like he chews on his bone, and he tore a hole in the pig's neck.

  When I came back to see Buster later, buster was sleeping on the rug next to his pig, but his pig was torn to pieces! Buster had ripped the head and legs apart and had even torn off both of the pig's eyes and one of its ears! Buster made many holes in the pig, and all the stuffing that was in the pig was all over the floor. I told Buster that he was bad to make such a big mess. I think that next year we will buy him a bone or some dog treats instead.
作者: mikezjq    时间: 2008-1-13 09:04

作者: xiexiejuan    时间: 2008-1-13 11:26

作者: xiexiejuan    时间: 2008-1-13 11:27

作者: xiexiejuan    时间: 2008-1-13 11:48

作者: xiexiejuan    时间: 2008-1-13 11:49

作者: xiexiejuan    时间: 2008-1-13 11:49

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-14 08:31     标题: 回复 48# 的帖子

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-17 15:47     标题: Dog Baby

One day, when I was at a food court with Mommy, I saw a man carrying a little dog in a bag. I thought it looked a little funny because he carried the dog as if it were a little baby. I do not treat Buster like a baby because I think that he is too big to be one; but Mommy said that some animals, like elephants and whales, are very big even when they are babies. I remember one time I went to a zoo and saw a little elephant that was bigger than Daddy! I do not remember being a baby. I can only look at the pictures of me when I was a baby. Mommy said she liked dressing me in pretty clothes and putting ribbons in my hair. Maybe one day I will have a little girl that I can dress in pretty things too.
作者: 清风朗月    时间: 2008-1-19 14:43

作者: amy-xyan    时间: 2008-1-21 13:25

作者: samantha1981    时间: 2008-1-22 12:08

作者: shy0037    时间: 2008-1-24 09:30

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-24 15:45     标题: 回复 54# 的帖子

在线英语听力室 里的东西是可以在线听的,论坛里的资料不都是在线听的,有些需要花金币下载
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-28 14:52     标题: Oink! Oink!

The gift that we gave Buster this New Year's was a stuffed pig. Buster was scared of the pig when we first gave it to him, because when he tried to chew it, the pig would oink! The stuffed pig had an electronic part inside of it that would oink if someone squeezed it. I think that Buster thought the stuffed pig was alive, because Buster tried to kill it! Buster sniffed it and pushed it a little with his nose. Then Buster went to his favorite rug to chew on it, and he chewed on the pig so hard that he tore it into many pieces. Now, all that is left of the stuffed pig is the electronic part that oinks. Buster did not break that part, but he does not understand how the part can still oink even after he tore the pig into many pieces.
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-1-30 16:47     标题: Paper Fire-Crackers

In Hong Kong, we celebrate the Chinese New Year. I see many people decorating and getting ready for the celebration. I saw many stores put up paper fire-crackers for decoration. Daddy said that people can not light real fire-crackers any more because they were dangerous and made many fires. Buster does not like fire-crackers because they make a lot of noise. Mommy told me that dogs can hear things better than people, so some really loud noises can hurt a dog's ears.  I like to watch firework shows when I visit my family in America. Some fireworks have different shapes like hearts or circles. Other fireworks are very big and seem to light up the whole sky. The fireworks that glitter are my favorite! Sometimes the loud noises from the big fireworks scare me because I hear the noise after the light is gone.
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-2-14 09:06     标题: Chinese New Year

Everybody loves Chinese New Year. My friends and I like it because we do not have to go to school. We also like it because we get red packets and new clothes. Sometimes, we even buy Buster a present. Mommy also makes a lot of good food for Chinese New Year, just like she does for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  One of my friends gave my family a candy tray with candied melon, peanuts and lychee nuts on it. Some people believe that those things will bring you a long and happy life, but Daddy told me that only God can give you those things. God will give us everything we need because He loves us and knows what we need. He will take care of us throughout the New Year.

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-2-14 09:08     标题: Buster's Brush

Every day I have chores that I have to do. I clean my room, wash the dishes, and sometimes help Mommy sweep the floor, dust, or make dinner. I also have to take care of Buster. I feed him two times every day, and I make sure that he is clean and that he stays out of trouble. Daddy bought a big red brush for Buster and told me that I should brush Buster when his fur is messy and matted.  Buster enjoys being brushed. But sometimes when Buster's fur is very tangled, I try to be very gentle so that i will not hurt Buster when I brush him. Even if it does hurt him, he does not get mad. After I finish brushing Buster, his fur is soft and smooth and shiny, and if he has been a good dog, I give him a treat.

作者: jyq380070882    时间: 2008-2-15 15:36

作者: laoli1112    时间: 2008-2-16 16:36

作者: liuxifu    时间: 2008-2-17 16:36

作者: cuiyfa    时间: 2008-2-20 08:30

you are very generous
作者: dean_gzq    时间: 2008-2-21 16:05

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-2-25 08:39     标题: Dog in Bed

All dogs come in different shapes and sizes. I have a friend who has a dog, but her dog is not big like Buster. My friend's dog is small with white and brown fur, and is called Scotty. When Scotty was a puppy, my friend made a little bed for him with a bucket and some blankets, and Scotty still sleeps in that same bed. Since Buster cannot fit in a bucket, he likes to lie on a rug in my room and sleep.  

I have my own bed that I sleep in. I usually do not let Buster sleep on my bed because my bed is not very big, and when Buster does lie on it, he leaves his fur all over my blankets. But I like it when Buster sleeps in my room, because he makes me feel safe.
作者: magic72    时间: 2008-2-25 21:46     标题: Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!
作者: shujg1    时间: 2008-3-8 11:28

作者: shujg1    时间: 2008-3-8 11:34

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-3-8 14:23     标题: Buster and the Brownies

Last week, Mommy and I made some brownies. I helped her get all the ingredients, like sugar and eggs, and mix them all together in a big bowl. Then Mommy poured the batter into a pan and put it into our oven to bake the brownies. When they were done baking, Mommy took them out and set them on the kitchen counter because they were very hot and needed to cool down.

I was afraid that Buster would try to eat the brownies. Usually, he wants to eat everything that Mommy makes. But Mommy told me that Buster does not like chocolate, and that too much chocolate could hurt Buster.  I am glad I can eat chocolate. If I could not eat chocolate, then I could not have eaten the brownies that Mommy and I made. I would not have liked that, because I love to eat brownies.
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-3-8 14:24     标题: Buster and Elevator

In Hong Kong most people live in tall buildings. So does our family. Every time we go out, we have to take the elevator. In our building, dogs have to go in the back elevator and we have to put Buster on a leash. I think that is to help keep the front elevator cleaner and so that people will not be scared by a dog. Actually, Buster is very nice and friendly. I do not think anybody will be scared of him, but Mommy said that there are people who are scared of any kind of dog. We have a friend who is a man, and he is very afraid of dogs. I think he was probably scared by a dog when he was a child.  Anyway, it takes the elevator less than a minute to get down from our floor to the ground floor. I wonder what Buster thinks of the elevator. He goes into a small room that starts moving after the doors close. Then when the doors open again, he is in a different place. Maybe he thinks that it is a magic room!
作者: laoli1112    时间: 2008-3-11 20:44

作者: ting9903    时间: 2008-3-11 22:53

作者: ting9903    时间: 2008-3-11 22:53

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-3-13 08:30     标题: 回复 71# 的帖子

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 20:53

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 20:57

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 20:58

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 20:59

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:00

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:01

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:01

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:03

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:05

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:06

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:07

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:15

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:16

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:18

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:19

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:35

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:36

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:37

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:38

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:39

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:41

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:42

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:43

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:44

作者: seagull4033    时间: 2008-3-13 21:46

作者: chill2000    时间: 2008-3-13 22:22

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