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作者: tqw4321p    时间: 2008-2-28 11:06     标题: 请各位朋友给我的翻译提点意见!忠心感谢!

American news experts at the Associated Press have chosen the top stories of 2003.
Almost all the news directors named the war in Iraq as the most important event of the year.
The United States led a military coalition against Iraq beginning March nineteenth.
The military action began after President Bush repeatedly warned Iraq
to report about its weapons of mass destruction.
By April seventh, much of Baghdad was under control of the coalition.
Mister Bush declared major combat operations over on May first.
Many Iraqis said they were happy that Saddam Hussein's rule was over.
But Iraqi resisters have continued to attack and kill coalition fighters and Iraqi civilians.
American troops captured Saddam Hussein on December thirteenth. 美国军队在12月13日抓住了撒达姆,候赛因。
But so far the coalition has found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The news experts named the loss of the American space shuttle Columbia as the second most important story of the year.
Columbia broke apart on February first as it returned to Earth after a sixteen-day research flight.
Seven astronauts died in the explosion. 7名宇航员在在爆炸中死亡。
The Associated Press experts said a special recall vote by citizens in the state of California
was the third most important story of the year.
On October seventh, California voters removed Democrat Gray Davis as governor.
10月17日,加利佛利亚投者去掉了民主党人Gray Davis做为政府领导。
They chose actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, to replace him.
他们选择演员Arnold Schwarzenegger,一个共和党人替代他。
Under Governor Davis, California had suffered severe financial problems.
The news experts said the disease SARS was another top story.
In February, health experts in Asia reported the first cases of a new disease later named
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.在二月,亚洲的健康专家报道了第一例新疾病后来被称之为严重的呼吸综合症。
Over time, about eight-thousand people around the world became sick with the disease.
Almost eight-hundred people reportedly died.大约800人报道死亡。
The news agency experts identified a power loss in North America as the next most important event.
On August fourteenth, a power company computer failed in the American state of Ohio.
This caused a loss of electricity in eight American states and part of Canada.
Next, the experts noted America's improving economy. 下一个,专家注意到美国的经济增涨。
The nation's growth rate from July through September was the best in nineteen years.
But estimates said the federal debt increased to five-hundred-thousand-million dollars.
Another top story was the deadly wildfires in California in October and November.
The news experts said the tax cut of three-hundred-thirty-thousand-million dollars for American
taxpayers was also an important story. 新闻专家说美国纳税人减少了330亿美元的税务也是一件重要的事情。
The safe return of a kidnapped fifteen-year-old girl was voted the ninth biggest story.
Finally, the news experts chose the campaign for the Democratic Party's nomination for president in the two-thousand-four election.
Former Vermont governor Howard Dean now appears to lead eight other competitors.
作者: XKC81579859    时间: 2008-2-28 12:41

Almost all the news directors named the war in Iraq as the most important event of the year.
作者: tqw4321p    时间: 2008-2-28 14:22     标题: thank you

Thank you  ,"Gold Member"===金牌会员?

Thank you ,"King Member"=====金牌会员?
Which sentence is better?Could you (someone /who) tell(tells) me how to translate "金牌会员"into English?

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