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标题: 摆脱当众演讲的恐惧 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-10-31 09:11     标题: 摆脱当众演讲的恐惧

Get Past the Fear of Public Speaking


Mark Twain said, “There are two types of public speakers: those who are afraid and those who are liars.” For anyone who fits into one of those two groups, how do you overcome the fear and become better speaker?

Be Prepared
If you really want your confidence to sky rocket, be totally and thoroughly prepared. The more prepared you are to give a talk, the more confident you become. Prepare by writing out your presentation, at the every least have an outline and rehearse it more than once. At the very least, practice your stories and be sure to have stories every time you present. Try to memorize your opening, your stories, and your closing.
Preparation means not only knowing your subject, but knowing your audience and what they need to hear. Evaluating your audience is a critical but frequently overlooked aspect of presentation preparation. When you you understand your audience and their expectations, you can tailor your presentation content, language, and style to communicate effectively. That will make you more confident that the material you are presenting is appropriate and useful to the audience.

Expect the Best
Take courage from the fact that you have been asked to speak because the organizers feel you have something to say to their group.

Get Out in Front
Don’t hide behind your material. When we are nervous we tend to read our speeches, focus on the Powerpoint notes and hang on to the lectern(讲台) for dear life. The audience wants to connect with you. Get our from behind the lectern. The movement will help release your tension and will draw the audience into the presentation.
This is another area where your preparation comes into play. Set aside your materials and communicate a bigger story than data or facts can provide.
Don’t stare at your notes or the back wall. Connect to your audience as individuals. Look into peoples’ eyes as you speak. Make your presentation personal. Eye contact can help you relax and judge audience reaction to your presentation.

  马克?吐温说过:“公众演说家有这么两种: 要么非常惧怕,要么满口谎言。”不管你属于这两组人中的哪一类, 问题在於你要怎样去克服恐惧,成为一名较为出色的演说家?

      所谓的做好准备,并不单单指要对你的演讲主题理解透彻,还要了解你的观众,清楚他们需要听些什么。剖析观众的兴趣在演说准备中往往是十分关键但又常常被忽略的一个方面。可是一旦掌握了观众心中所期待的东西,你便可以准确定位你的演讲内容和语言模式了,还可以配上一些生动有力的表现风格。 这样一来,你就不用为所要演讲的素材担心了,因为它们对于观众来说是既恰当又实用的。
      不要躲在你的演讲稿后面。 人在紧张的时候一般会不自觉的宣本照读,或一心专注于幻灯片上的提示,而且拼命把身体往演讲台边缘靠。可是别忘了,观众是希望与你交流的。别再畏缩于台后了,勇敢地站到前面去。这个举动之后,你会发觉自己立刻放松了许多,同时也一下把观众的注意力集中到你的演讲上来了。
      不要死死盯着自己的笔记看,也别直直呆望着后墙。一边演讲,一边要跟你的观众进行个别的眼神交流。 你所呈现的一切都应该是面向每一位观众的。 眼神接触会让你感到放松,而这时也正是你判断观众对你演讲内容反馈如何的恰好时机。
作者: 情衷蓝黑    时间: 2008-11-1 09:18

作者: 情衷蓝黑    时间: 2008-11-1 09:19


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