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标题: 趁着年轻旅行的五大理由 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2009-1-3 08:59     标题: 趁着年轻旅行的五大理由

5 Reasons To Travel When You're Young

Traveling is unarguably one of the most gratifying(adj.令人高兴、满足的) experiences a person can have in their lifetime. Traveling awakens the soul, stirs the senses and paints the world in a new light. It may seem like a pastime(n.消遣、娱乐)for only a certain kind of person, but in all actuality, anyone and everyone can and should travel.

1.   Traveling can help you figure out what you want to do with your life: Exposing yourself to new places, people and cultures can awaken your sense of purpose. Learning about what's out there in the world can help you determine what feels like you - and what doesn't.  It's also especially useful in helping people realize that there's no one way to live a lifetime.
2.   It promotes independence (and honesv.磨练)survival skills): Catching flights, keeping track of passports and navigating foreign-speaking cities, can force you to think on your feet and make decisions quickly. Being away from your comfort zone really pushes a person to think independently.
3.   It eliminates resentment later in life: How often do you hear someone much older than you comment on how they should have done something when they were younger? No one wants to be sitting in a rocking chair at age 80, wishing that they had taken that trip when they had the chance. Don't let someone or something stop you from traveling.
4.   It makes you a more interesting person: Nothing sucks (v.[]令人讨厌) more than talking to a person who has absolutely nothing to say. Traveling can create amazing memories and it serves as a great conversation starter. You'd be surprised how many times travel comes up in conversation, whether it be at a party or at the office.
5.   You work hard and deserve it: Today's youth works harder than ever to achieve more than ever, and there's no better way to reward ourselves and take time out than with a good old vacation.

I'm sure that one of the main reasons that a young adult would refrain from traveling is lack of funds or overwhelming feelings of not knowing where to start. Traveling doesn't have to be expensive or overwhelming for you to have a great time. There are some affordable deals out there for just about every trip you can imagine; it's all about timing and planning.  Make it a priority to do your homework and planning a vacation will ultimately be fun, exciting, and rewarding - an experience that you will certainly never forget.

第一,     旅行可以帮助你找出这一生中自己想做的事情:当自己处在新环境时,那儿的人们和文化氛围会唤醒你的目标感。通过探知世界的未知地带能帮助自己确定什么是自己想要的和不想要的。 而且它特别能帮助人们意识到人的一生并不是单一的。
第二,     旅行能培养独立的能力和磨砺生存技能:搭乘航班,记录护照并飞行于不同的说着陌生语言的城市,这些都能迫使你独立思考并迅速做出决定。离开自己适应的生活的确会促使一个人独立地思考。
第三,     旅行可以避免日后的怨恨:多少次年长的人们在你面前感叹当初年轻时本来应该做的事?没有人想在80岁的时候坐着摇椅,感叹要是还有机会,一定去旅行。不要让任何人和事情阻止你去旅行。
第四,     旅行令你变得更加引人注目:跟一个毫无话题而聊的人聊天是最糟糕的事情。旅行可以创造许多令人惊奇的回忆,这些都会是很好的话题来源。不管是聚会还是办公室的谈话,旅行出现的频率绝对会令你惊讶。
第五,     努力工作,值得去旅行:如今,年轻人工作特别卖力,追求着更多的东西。除了利用假期好好出去放松一下,恐怕没有更好的奖励方式了。


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