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标题: 你不完美且永远不会完美 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2009-2-21 14:39     标题: 你不完美且永远不会完美

You’re Not Perfect and You Never Will Be: 12 Reasons Why That’s a Good Thing

1.        No one gasps(v.气喘吁吁地说) in horror when you inevitably screw something up. Instead, you can get away with an “Oops” and a charming smile.
2.        When you do get something incredibly right, you get to celebrate and bask(v.享受乐趣) in the glory–not get a chorus(n.合唱) of “Yeah, yeah—what else is new?”
3.        You get to try new things without fearing they’ll ruin your perfect track record.
4.        People trust your advice because it came from trial and error, not from some superhuman talent.
5.        Expecting amazing things from yourself can be a great thing. Having the outside world expect amazing things from you can be soul-crushing. Just ask Superman.
6.        Sometimes the best ideas, art, and inspiration come from mistakes.
7.        Who wants to color inside the lines all the time or live life like a paint by number?
8.        The straight and narrow may be the fastest way to get somewhere, but it sure as hell isn’t the most exciting or even fulfilling.
9.        Incredibly high standards of perfection can only alienate(v.疏远) the people in your life and make them feel judged.
10.    Having “off” days is a part of life. They’re what make the other days sparkle.
11.    Perfection is so much more thrilling(adj.令人发抖的,毛骨悚然的) when it hasn’t become routine and mundane(adj.世俗的,平凡的).
12.    Persistence can work just as well as perfectionism, without all the stress and guilt.
    What do you think? Is perfection overrated(v.过高估价)?

1. 没有人在你不可避免地搞砸某件事情时惊恐地倒抽一口气。相反,你可以“哎呦”一声,笑笑走开。
2. 当你顺利地完成了某事时,你可以去庆祝,并沉浸在喜悦中--而不是齐声说“是的,是的--还有什么新鲜事?”
3. 你应该尝试新事物,不要担心其会破坏你之前完美记录。
4. 人们相信你的建议,是因为其来自不断尝试与犯错,而不是来自超人的天赋。
5. 自己期待奇迹的发生是件好事,而外界期待从你身上出现奇迹将会给你心灵带来巨大压力。去问问超人(就可以知道这种痛苦的感受了)。
6. 有时,最好的主意,艺术和灵感来自于过往的错误。
7. 谁愿意一直在条条框框里规规矩矩地作画或者让自己的生活如同按顺序配色作画一样按部就班地去生活?
8. 直线也许是到达某地最快的路线,但肯定的是,其也是最不令人振奋或令人有成就感的。
9. 完美主义难以置信的高要求只会令人们疏远你,他们会觉得在受到审判。
10. 留下一些“喘息”是生活的一部分,它们令你的其它日子更为精彩。
11. 当完美主义不再贴近生活(而是高高再上)时,它更加让人不敢亲近。
12.  没有重压和内疚感下的坚持不懈会发挥和完美主义一样的作用。

注:Painting by Numbers is a system where a picture is divided into shapes, each marked with a number that corresponds to a particular color. You paint in each
shape and ultimately the picture emerges as a finished painting.

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