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标题: TOFEL每日词汇1 [打印本页]

作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-7-8 17:15     标题: TOFEL每日词汇1

Having Faith 信任

You can call me A.J. , which is an abbreviation of my full name, Alexander Justice. 你可以叫我A.J., 这是我的全名Alexander Justice的缩写。

I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember.我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记忆.

I work for a museum that collects aboriginal artifacts.我在一家收藏土著手工艺品的博物馆工作。

I would like to tellyou why I have an abiding faith in the legal system.我要告诉你为什么我会始终不遇的信任法制。

The story you're about to read has been abridged to reduce its length.下面你将读到的故事已被删剪,以免冗长。

I used to live in an area where criminals abouded and where the legal system seemed powerless.我曾住在一个罪犯多如牛毛而法律又软弱的地区。

One day, mydaughter was abducted.我女儿遭到绑架。

Although I abided by the kidnapper's monetary demands,they refused to release her.尽管我遵从了绑架者的金钱要求,他们仍拒绝释放她。

I had no choice but to put my faith in the legal authorities我别无选择只好寄希望法律

The police responded immediately and searched the area.警察立刻行动全面搜查该地

Despite their lack of success, they refused to abandon their search or to call an abort to their mission .They knew that any abortive action would surely result in my daughter's death.虽然徒劳无获,但他们不愿终止行动放弃搜查,因为他们知道任何失败都将导致我女儿的死亡

The investigation eventually led the police to conduct an abrupt search at the home of a local official who was abashed when he learned of the search.

My daughter was found in his basement .警察在他的地下室找到了我女儿

She had abrasions to her wrists where the abrasive pope had scraped her.她的手腕有多处磨伤,那是被粗糙的绳子擦伤的

The official was arrested along with his bodyguard who abetted him in the kidnapping.那名官员连同唆使他绑架的保镖双双被捕

The official was forced to abdicate his position and was sent to prison for life.那名官员被迫辞职,判处终身监禁

The judge told him that he was lucky that capital punishment had been abolished and that it was only due to this abolition that he would not be executed.

The swift apprehension and strict punishment of these criminals helped to abate my lack of faith in the legal system.迅速抓获罪犯并严惩的做法减少了我对法治的不信任感

These days,I truly believe in "justice",and it's not because of my name!


abandon vt. 抛弃,放弃; n. 放纵,沉溺于

abash vt. 使羞愧

abate v. (数量、程度等)减少,减轻,缓解

abbreviate vt. 缩短;缩写

abbreviation n. 缩写,缩写词

abdicate v. 让位,辞职;放弃(权利或责任)

abduct vt. 绑架,拐走

abet vt. 帮助;教唆,唆使;煽动,怂恿

abide vi. 遵守;vt. 忍受

abiding adj. 持久的

abolish vt. 废除,取消

abolition n. 废除,革除

aboriginal adj. 土著的;原来的;土著居民的

abort n. 中止计划(任务)

abortive adj. 失败的,无结果的

abound vi. 充满;富于

abrasion n. 表面磨损

abrasive adj. 研磨的

abridge v. 缩短,删节

abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-7-9 17:29     标题: TOFEL每日词汇2

Love of Numbers

As an academician, I think Mathematics is an intriguing and absorbing science. How ever, many of my students consider it an abstract science and they hate it because the equations are too difficult to absorb and to remember. I think my students would laugh if they knew how I became so interest in Math.

When I was a freshman in college, I also believe Math was a mere abstraction. Study it was like falling into a spinning abyss of numbers and symbols. Just thinking about it seems like an abuse of my brain. However, my entire tuition was financed by an academic scholarship, so I have to maintain high marks in all of my classes, including Math.

My most abstruse class was Advanced Calculus Mathematics. It was taught in a large lecture hall which abutted the North access gate of the University. Unlike many absentees in my class who often abstained from attending the boring lectures, I dare not absolve myself from this responsibility. Any degree of absenteeism would cause me to fail Math and to lose my scholarship. I was so afraid of failing that I even pledged abstinence from my abundant supply of alcohol.

It wasn't until the fourth week of Math class when I met the wonderful person who would accelerate my interest and understanding of this absurd subject. She was a foreign exchange student from Beijing. She was also a brilliant mathematician. She would come to the class everday in a coulorful silk scraf that accentuated her lovelt smile.

It was so nice to meet someone from my home country. She inspired me to love Math. Although we now live and teach in different countries, I still see her smiling face between every number I write!







absenteeism     n.  旷课,旷工

absentee           n.   缺席者

absolve              v.    宽恕;赦免(罪行、过失等),解除(责任等)

absorb                vt.    吸引(液体、知识等);理解,掌握

absorbing           adj.   吸引人的,引人入胜的

abstain                 v.      自制,自动放弃;戒绝,有意回避

abstinence           n.       自制,节制(禁欲、戒酒等)

abstract                 adj.    抽象的;难解的  ,深奥的

abstraction            n.        抽象概念

abstruse                 adj.     难懂的,深奥的

absurd                    adj.     荒谬的,可笑的

abundant                 adj.     丰富的,充裕的;大量的

abuse                       n.       (权利等的)滥用;(物品等的)不精心使用

abut                          vi.         邻接,毗邻

abyss                        n.          深渊,深坑

academic                 adj.       学术的;学院的;理论的

academician            n.          学会会员;院士;学者

accelerate                 v.          加快,加速;促进,促进。。。早日发生

accentuate                v.          突出,强调

access                       n.          接触,接近(的机会);入口,通道
作者: Thursday4    时间: 2009-7-10 17:26     标题: TOFEL每日词汇3

A Writer's Method

For the last ten years, I have written novels for a living. Through my work, I have been able to accumulate a fair amount of wealth. I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics.

My latest accomplishment is a mystery novel. It is a fictional account of how a clever and accomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank. Having extensive knowledge of accounting, ha and a woman accomplice use the bank's computer system to accomplish the biggest theft in history.

To be a good writer, I think you must find a quiet environment where you can think, preferably one with limited accessibility. Some of my acclaimed work was written at an isolated island hotel off the coast of China. I highly recommend this place.

The island is accessible only by boat and the hotel is accredited by the Asian Resort Association as a five-star accommodation. Upon arrival, the manager will accompany you to your room and show you how everything works. The staff was trained to accommodate your every need. Any errors in service are purely accidental. The security is excellent and there's little chance of being accosted by strangers.

Each room has a balcony with a view of the ocean. On the balcony you will find a large leather chair and a study writting desk. The bathroom is very mordern and contains many unique accessories. The most useful bathtub accessory is their mini-desk, which allows you to write while soaking in a tub of hot water.

To continue being a good writer, you must find a way to relax your mind after a long day of writing. What's my secrets method of relaxtion? Playing the accordion!








accessible            adj.      可接近的,可接触的;可得到的

accessibility           n.         易接近;可到达

accessory               n.          附件,零件;小摆设

accidental                adj.     意外的,偶然的

acclaim                     n.         赞誉,赞许; vt.   喝彩,欢呼;称赞

acclaimed                adj.       受赞誉的

accommodate         vt.          容纳,包含;供应(住宿);使适应;迁就,满足

accommodation      n.          住处,膳宿

accompany              vt.          陪伴,陪同;伴奏

accomplice              n.           同谋者,帮凶

accomplish              vt.          完成,达到,实现

accomplished          adj.       精通的,熟练的

accomplishment      n.          成就

accordion                 n.          手风琴

accost                       v.          向人搭话

account                     n.          记述,描述;报道,报告;说明,解释;户头,账目;理由,根据;考虑

accounting               n.           会计学

accountant               n.           会计员,会计师

accredit                    vt.          委派官员到国外,授权;鉴定....为合格,确认......达到标准

accumulate              vi.           堆积,积累;积聚
作者: Thursday4    时间: 2009-7-11 17:06     标题: TOFEL每日词汇4

The Accused

Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen. Unlike many other lawyers that need to use acronym to remember certain legal principles, Bob simply used his photographic memory. What makes Bob even more special is his acute sense of reading people's emotions, especially those of jurors.

Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases. His jealous competitors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business. But I respect Bob for his many achievements. I remember the first trial he ever did.

Bob was hired by an acquaintance named Jim to defend him against a criminal charge. Jim was accused of intentionally throwing acid on another man's arm in a laboratory where they were both activating chemicals. Jim was adament that the accusation was false. He claimed it was an accident that occurred during an argument. Being a contract lawyer, Bob was not accustomed handling trials in front of a jury. However, he agreed to the acquisition of Jim's case because he strongly believed in Jim's innocence. The thought of an innocent man being convicted of a crime he didn't commit actuated Bob's hidden trial skills.

At the trial, Bob proved that the other man caused his own arm injury by pushing Jim while Jim was working with dangerous chemicals. Bob also proved that the man claimed of an acute injury was false. The actual injury was minor. Bob asked the jury to acquit Jim of all criminal charges. Amazingly, Bob achieved an acquittal for him.

I'll never forget what Bob did for Jim, because I was there. I am Jim. In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn."







accusation          n.         谴责,控告

accuse                vt.         指责,归咎

accustomed       adj.      习惯了的

achieve               vt.         完成,实现;赢得

achievement       n.         成就,功绩

acid                      n.        酸      adj.    尖酸的,刻薄的

acquaintance       n.       熟人

acquire                 vt.       获得,学到

acquisition            n.        获得;收购;接受

acquisitive            adj.      想获得的,贪得无厌的

acquit                    v.          宣告无罪

acquittal                n.          宣判无罪

acronym                n.          用大写字母表示的缩写词

activate                 vt.         刺激,使激活

actual                     adj.      实际的,现行的

actuate                   vt.        开动,促使

acumen                  n.         敏锐,聪明,才智

acute                      adj.       灵敏的,敏锐的;(事情)剧烈的,严重的

adage                     n.          格言,谚语

adament                 adj.       固执的,坚定不移的
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-7-14 17:03     标题: TOFEL每日词汇5

Adaptation Is the Key

I must admit, I didn't like Tom in the begining. He live in the house that was adjacent to mine, and I knew he was addicted to painkillers. He had injured his back while building adobe houses in the countryside for the local government administration. The painkillers numbed his back pain and allowed him to continue performing his heavy construction work. However, it wasn't long before he got caught for failing to adhere to the drug laws.

I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned the court, "You'll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to living in the prison that adjoins this courthouse." 

I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation. I felt that the judge was making me an unwilling and unnecessary adjunct to the court system. But I had no choice. I thought to myself, "Adaptation is the key." So I change attitude towards Tom and I soon learned that Tom wad just as adaptable.

Tom heeded the judge's warning. He quit his construction job and stopped using painkillers. He put all of his time and effort into inventing a new adhesive for constructing brick houses. His dedication was admirable. He became quite adept at chemisty and before long, he discovered a key additive that made his glue superior to all another adhesives. 

Now, I greatly admire Tom and he was become a good friend. I guess adaptation really is the key!







adapt                  v.           (使)适应,调整;改编

adaptable          adj.        能适应的,适应性强的

adaptation         n.            改编,改写;适应环境

addict                 vt.           使沉溺,使上瘾

addictive            adj.        加法的; n.    添加剂

adept                  adj.        熟练的,擅长的,拿手的,有一手的

adhere                vi.           黏附,粘牢;追随,坚持,遵守

adhesive             n.            粘着物;  adj.  粘着的

adjacent              adj.         接近的,毗连的,临近的

adjoin                  vt.            相邻,毗邻

adjourn                v.            延期,休会

adjunct                n.            附件,附属,附庸

adjust                  vt.            调整,使适应于

administer      vt.            管理

administration      n.           管理,经营;当局,政府

admirable             adj.        值得称赞的,令人钦佩的

admire                  vt.            钦佩,崇拜;欣赏

admit                     vt.           准许进入;承认

admittedly             adv.        公认地;诚然地,无可否认地

adobe                    n.            泥砖,土坯房 
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-7-16 17:03     标题: TOFEL每日词汇6

Christmas  圣诞节

I'm a big advocate of Chistmas celebrations. It'll still my favorite time of year. Although China doesn't adopted this special holiday, there's still hope. With the advent of China's membership in the WTO, Chinese will be exposed to a number of Western holidays. I guess is that they will adore Christmas.

My strong affinity for Chritmas comes from my childhood days. In my hometown, we would prepare for Christmas by buying a big Christmas tree. If we feeling a big more adventurous, we would hike up the mountain and find one on our own. Adorning the tree is the next step. We'd use all kinds of adornment to decorate the tree, from pinecones and candy coated angels to colourful Christmas balls and fake icicles. My dad was specially adroit at making small hand-painted ornaments. Since my dad's company was affiliated with a light bulb company, he was also able to bring home the most beautiful and colourful Christmas lights.

After decorating the tree, we would make small Gingerbread houses out of bread and candy. These houses were aesthetic but not edible. It was always advisable to keep these appetizing houses out of reach of young children.

There is no adversity on Christmas day. Even the soldiers are adverse to fighting.Everyone is affable. Lover are specially affectionate and they ofter show their affection by giving each other romantic gifts. Children usually receive toys as gifts. But my most memorable gift was not a toy. It was an aquarium, complete with an air pump to aerate the water. Raising all those fish was such an adventure for me.

What is my favorite holiday? All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year.







adopt             vt.            采用,采纳;收养

adore             v.             崇拜,崇敬;极喜爱

adorn             vt.             装饰

adornment      n.            装饰,装饰品

adroit               adj.         熟练的,灵巧的

advent              n.           (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来

adventure         n.           冒险经历

adventurous        adj.      喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的

adverse              adj.        负面的,不利的;敌对的

adversity             n.          不幸,灾难

advisable            adj.       可取的,明智的

advocate             n.          提倡者,主张者;vt.   拥护,主张

aerate                  v.          充气,让空气进入,(水、饮料等)加气

aesthetic             adj.       审美的,美学的

affable                 adj.        易接近的,和蔼可亲的;亲切友善的,慈祥的

affection              n.          友爱,挚爱,情爱

affectionate        adj.        亲爱的,挚爱的

affiliate                vt.           使隶属于;使接纳成为成员

affinity                  n.            密切关系;吸引,喜爱

affirm                   vt.            断言;证实
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-7-19 17:22     标题: TOFEL每日词汇7

 Another Day, Another Dollar  多上一天班,就多挣一美元

Life as a newspaper reporter can be aggravating. Every morning at 5 a.m. , there's a staff meeting where the managing editor goes through his agenda for the day. He's not at all agreeable in the morning. In fact, he's akin to a grouchy bear. Oh does he love to agitate us! I drink coffee to calm my nerves but sometimes it just aggravates my stomach.

"Jim, you'll be covering the recent acts of aggression in the Middle East. We can't afford to ignore this important development. You need to be airborne and on your way to the Middle East within the hour."

"Jane, come in here, you're late. Don't leave the door ajar, this is a private meeting. I need you to get a copy of that new alien alert from the Immigration Department. The aggregate number of aliens in this country is growing, but it seems to me that such an alert will only serve to alienate our own minority groups.'

"Sam, you're the most agile of us all. Use your agility to catch up with the world-class runners who are in town for maraton. Come on Sam, don't agonize your assignment, just do it. "

"Mary, the children in Central Africa are afflicted with an unknown disease. It's not just an ailment. It's something far more serious. Hey, stop looking so aghast, you don't need go there. Just find out the source of the affliction and write a report on it by this afternoon. By the way, I think you should quit drinking coffee, it does nothing to calm your nerves! "

Oh well, I guess I better get going. Can I afford to quit this wonderful job? Not today.

报社记者的生活时常相当恼人。每天早上五点有一次全体员工会议,会上主编会一一讲述当天的日程安排。早上的主编根本谈不上和蔼可亲。 实际上,他就像头爱发脾气的狗熊。噢,他偏偏要弄得我们狂躁不安!我喝点咖啡以镇静神经,但有时咖啡又会加剧我的胃痛。







afflict               vt.       折磨;使苦恼

affliction          n.         痛苦,苦恼

afford              vt.         买得起;担负的起(损失、后果等);足以;提供

agenda           n.         日程,议程

aggravate       vt.         使恶化,使加重

aggravating     adj.      恼人的,讨厌的

aggregate        n.         聚集体,聚集物

aggression       n.        进攻,侵略

aghast               adj.      惊骇的,吓呆的

agile                  adj.       敏捷的,活泼轻快的

agility               n.            敏捷,活泼

agitate             v.             鼓动,煽动;使激动,使恼怒;使狂躁不安;使焦虑

agonize            vt.           使受苦(身体上);使苦闷(精神上)

agreeable        adj.         (指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的;容易相处的

ailment             n.             疾病(尤指小病,轻病)

airborne           adj.          空气传播的;空运的;空降的;搭乘飞机的

ajar                   adj.          (门窗等)微开的

akin                  adj.           同类的,近似的,有密切关系的,相近的

alert                  adj.           机敏的; vt. 警报;使随时掌握,了解;n. 警戒,警报

alien                 adj.           奇怪的;陌生的;外国的,外侨的; n. 外国人,外侨

alienate            v.               使疏远,离间
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-8-17 16:54     标题: TOFEL每日词汇8

Lesson 8 Funny Things Happen  趣事发生

Yesterday, I decided to get my pants altered. I had $200 in my wallet, which was more than enough for the alteration. Foolishly however, I got lost taking an alternate route to the tailor shop. Fortunately, I had aspirin to alleviate my headache.

Walking further, I noticed a red balloon aloft, rising to the higher altitude. It distracted me, causing me to bump into two young brothers. They look alike but seemed opposite in personality. One was clearly aloof but the other appeared to be an altruistic individual. He could sense I was lost and happily gave me directions. Such altruism is so rare there days. What an ally he can be to a lost person! The contrast in their personalities reminded me of the biblical allegory of Cain and Abel. But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.

I continued on my way but was allured into a bike shop by a windown photo of a lovely girl on a mountain bike. Below the photo, it said, "ride rough, ride real," a clever alliteration. I felt there was no alternative but to enter the shop.

The ower was an alumnus from my university. He alluded that the best bike for me would be the $200 bike that was displayed in the window photo. It was made out of a special lightweight alloy. He also offered to adjust my tire alignment for free.

Well, I didn't make it to the tailor that day. But I did ride home on a new bike. As for my pants? Well, the bike shop owner cut the pant legs off for free. Now I have a cool pair of shorts for riding.







alignment          n.       成一条直线;直线排列;队列;联合,联盟

alike                  adj.    相同的,相似的

allege                 v.        宣称,主张,断言

allegory              n.        寓言

alleviate             v.         缓和,减轻

alliteration          n.         头韵

alloy                    n.         合金;vt. 使成合金

allude                  v.         间接提到,暗指

allure                   v.          引诱 n.  诱惑,吸引

ally                       n.          联盟,同盟者

aloft                      adv.      在高处;在空中

aloof                     adj.        远离的,冷淡的,漠不关心的

alter                      vt.           改变,修改

alteration              n.           变更,改造

alternate               adj.         交替的,轮流的;替代的,另选的;vi. 轮流,交替

alternative            adj.         (两种或以上的东西中)另一可选的,另外的;n. 可选事物,另一选择

altitude                 n.             (海拔)高度

altruism                n.             利他主义

altruistic               adj.          利他的,无私的

alumnus               n.              男校友

[ 本帖最后由 Sunday7 于 2009-8-17 04:55 PM 编辑 ]
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-8-22 17:05     标题: TOFEL每日词汇9

The Speech and the Vote 演讲与表决

Good morning everyone. I'd like to make a new remarks. Let me start by saying, I think the merger is a good idea. If we amalgamate our two businesses, we can creat a more powerful one. With our increased size and financial power, we can amass new investors and raise ample funds to renovate the old hotel. We can attracts more guests by adding amenities, like a swimming pool, and planting more greenery to creat a peaceful ambience. To make it ever more special, we can build a special walkway that will allow people to amble amid the trees. The result of our ambitious project will amaze the community.

After we finish the renovations, we can take photos and post them on our Internet site. My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual. I'm sure he won't charge us for taking photos, as long as we keep the amount of photos down to a reasonable number.

then, before openning the hotel, we'll need to hire and train a new staff of amicable people. We don't want anyone who is ambivalent towards the concept of "personal services'. Such ambivalence is bad for business. We want people who are hardworking and amiable. We'll also need a manager who has enough ambition to keep the hotel running efficiently.

Okay. Thoes of you suffering from temporary amnesia, recall that we must vote to amend the company's by-laws before we can initiate the merger of our two companies. So let's vote. Everyone in favor of the amendment, say "aye!"

诸位早上好,我来说几句。首先, 我认为合并是件好事。如果将我们两家小企业合并起来,就能创造出一个实力更为雄厚的大企业。随着企业规模的扩大和资金力量的增强,我们将征集新的投资者,筹集到足够的资金,将我们的饭店整修一新。为了吸引更多的客人,我们还有添置游泳池等娱乐设施,多种花草树木,营造出一个安静祥和的氛围。为了让饭店变得更为独特,我们可以在树林里修一条走道,这样客人就能在林中漫步了。这一雄心勃勃的项目定能创造出令世人惊叹的成果。





amalgamate              v.         混合,合并

amass                        vt.        收集,积聚

amateur                      adj.     业余的 n. 业余爱好者

amaze                         vt.        使吃惊,使惊叹

ambience                    n.         周围环境,气氛

ambition                      n.          雄心,抱负

ambitious                    adj.       有雄心的,渴望成功的

ambivalence               n.          矛盾心理

ambivalent                   adj.       有矛盾心理的

amble                            vi.         漫步,缓行

amenable                     adj.       经得起检验的;顺从,应服从的

amend                          vt.          修正,改正

amendment                  n.           修正,改正

amenity                         n.           amenities (常做复数)生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所,方便设施

amenity                            (不可数名词),愉快,惬意

amiable                        adj.         亲切的,和蔼可亲的

amicable                      adj.          友善的,和平的,和睦的

amid                              prep.       在。。。。中

amnesia                        n.             健忘症

amount                          n.              量,总和;vi. 总计,等于

ample                            adj.           富足的,充足的

[ 本帖最后由 Sunday7 于 2009-8-22 05:07 PM 编辑 ]
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-9-14 16:28     标题: TOFEL每日词汇10

A Search Back in Time  搜寻历史

I often wondered my ancestry. I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my father's Spanish ancerstors.  But what did they do for a living?

My father, who is very animated, would try to satisfy my curiosity by telling me funny anecdotes about his father and grandfather. His stories were often intriguing, but the information I wanted had to be more than anecdotal. So one day, I went to the library and searched through the annals of Spanish history.

I found a good book that thoroughtly analyzed the relevant time period and amplified its analysis with charts and illustrations. In it, I discovered several interesting historical figures who shared my surname, Sierra.

One was an anarchist. He worte books in which he expressed his belief and society in the rural areas should be allowed to exist without a government. He believed that the government was purposely creating a fear of anarchy merely to justify its first taxes on rural area farmars.

Another Sierra is a Doctor of anatomy. He was credited fot inventing the first anesthetic. The anesthesia allowed him to operate on his patients without causing pain.

The most interesting Sierra was a former high-ranking official who worked in an ancillary department of the central Spanish government. He spent most of his life protecting the Spanish military's efforts to annihilate and annex samller and weaker countries overseas. From the government's point of view, his protests were analogous to treason, and they sentenced him to a life of auguish in prison.

From this research, I was able to see many analogies between the characteristics of my ancestors and my own personality. It made me feel very proud to be a Sierra!









amplify            vt.        放大;扩大;增强;详述

analogous       adj      类似的

analogy             n.       类比,类推;类似物

analysis             n.       分析;分析报告

analyze              vt.       分析,分解

anarchist           n.        无政府主义者

anarchy              n.        无政府,混乱

anatomy             n.        解剖;解剖学

ancerstor            n.       祖先,祖宗

ancerstry             n.        (总称)祖先,列祖列宗;家族,血统

ancillary              adj.        辅助的

anecdotal           adj.        趣闻的,多轶事趣闻的;具有轶事形式(风格)的

anecdote            n.            短故事,轶事

anesthesia          n.           麻醉

anesthetic            n.          麻醉剂,麻药

anguish                 n.          极度的痛苦,苦闷

angular                  adj.       有角的,尖角的

animated              adj.         活泼的,有生气的

annals                   n.            编年史;历史记载,历史

annex                    vt.           兼并,附加

annihilate              vt.            消灭,消减
作者: Sunday7    时间: 2009-9-18 08:21

Lesson 11 Time Not Lost  时间没白费

I first met her at the university 8 years ago. My major was anthropology and her was history. We fell in love and wed, but three months later, she announced her intention to annul the marriage. She said that I never seemed interested in talking about history and that my apathy annoyed her. She moved away and I never anticipated seeing her again.

Then, I ran into her last year while attending an annual convention at the University. She had passed to me an anonymous note that simply said,"look behind you." I had no idea it would be her.

Now, she teaches an American History class at the University. She stimulates interest in history by taking her students to historic sites and having them experience antiquity in person. It thrills them to annotate their textbooks with first-hand information. Her anomalous teaching method draws a large number of students.

Last month, I joined her class for a trip to a house that antedated the American Civil War. We were fascinated by the antiquated furniture and the post-war antiques. In one room, I found a rusty bronze music box that plays the National anthem. In the bedroom, I found a hand-sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems. In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic. Perhaps the most interesting piece was an old box-styled camera, one of the first to use an aperture. It still worked.

I never realized how interesting History could be. For that, I must thank my former wife, or should I say, my present wife. They are now one and the same!







annotate          v.        注解,注释

announce         vt.        宣布,发表,通告

annoy                vt.         使恼怒;打扰

annual               adj.       每年的

annul                  v.          废除,取消

anomalous        adj.       异常的,反常的,不规则的

anomaly             n.          异常,不规则;异常的人或事

anonymous        adj.       匿名的

antedate             v.          发生于(存在于)。。。以前,(时间上)前于;提早日期

anthem                n.          圣歌,赞美歌

anthology             n.          诗集,文选

anthropology       n.           人类学

antibiotic              adj.        抗菌的,抗生的

anticipate             vt.           预期,预料

antiquated           adj.         陈旧的,过时的;古老的,年老的

antique                 n.            古董;adj.   古时的,陈旧的

antiquity                n.            古迹;古物;古代,古老

antiseptic              n.            杀菌剂,防腐剂

apathy                    n.            冷漠,无兴趣

aperture                  n.           开口,孔;(照相机等的)孔径,光圈
作者: maopaihuo_211    时间: 2009-9-18 18:32

作者: x-ace    时间: 2009-9-19 09:00

原帖由 maopaihuo_211 于 2009-9-18 06:32 PM 发表

作者: Raphael    时间: 2009-10-9 09:04

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作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-9 10:36

作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-9 10:40

Lesson 12 What Job Do I Want?  我想做什么工作?


aphorism           n.          警句,格言

apology              n.           道歉,歉意

apotheosis         n.           神化,典范

appall                  vt.          使惊骇,使恐怖

appeal                 n.           吸引力;vi.  呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉

appease              vt.          使平静,满足

appetite                n.           胃口,食欲

applaud                vi.           喝彩,欢呼;称赞,赞成

appliance              vt.          用具,器具

applicant                n.           申请人

application             n.            申请;施用,运用

apply                      vt.            应用,适用;vi. 申请

appoint                   vt.            任命,选派

apportion                vt.            (按比例或计划)分配

apposite                  adj.         适当的,恰当的

appraisal                 n.             评估,评价

appraise                  v.              估计,评价

appreciable             adj.          (数量或变化等)很大的,足以感受到或产生影响的,值得重视的

appriciate                 vt.             赏识,鉴赏;感激;(充分)意识到;领会,体会,觉察;充分理解

appreciation             n.              欣赏;口味,兴趣

apprehend                v.               逮捕;领会,理解;忧虑,畏惧

Have you heard of the aphorism, "Procrastination is the thief of time'? I think it applies to me. I need to thinking about a job for which I have apposite skills. I think it would appease my parents if I do so this summer. Otherwise, I'll have to make an applogy to them for brrowing money again.

Should I be a chef? It would be fun to appease the appetite of hungry people. But I don't even know how to operate the simply appliances in my kitchen!

Maybe I can appraise property for a real estate company. How hard can it be to make an appraisal? But I'd have to be good at observing the appreciable differences between various properties.

Perhaps I should be a criminal lawyer. I could use my big sad eyes to appeal to the judge for mercy. However, I don't think my parents would appreciate my choice. Defending murderers and thieves would appall them.

What about being a pliceman! I could apprehend crinimals and put them in prison. I can imagine the warm feeling of appreciation I would get for saving someone's life. On second thought, I don't think I can be an applicant for a position that involves guns.

I could be a politician. I'd have the power to appoint people to positions of importance. But then I'd have to make really difficult decisions like how to apportion our limited water supply.

What I'd really to be is an NBA basketball player like Michael Jordan. He's the apotheosis of athletes. Everyone applaunds his amazing skills. But I should be more realistic, shouldn't I?

I think I better start with a simpler job. This summer, I'll submit an application to McDonald!








作者: 暴君    时间: 2009-10-9 15:53

作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-12 15:49

Lesson 13 A Tough Case 棘手的个案


apprehension          n.          担心,害怕;理解

apprehensive          adj.        恐惧的,忧虑的,担心的

approach                 n.            方法;   vt. 接近,靠近;探讨

appropriate             adj.         适当的,恰当的;vt. 拨款

approve                   vt.            批准;vi. 赞成,同意

approval                   n.            赞成,正式批准

approximate             v.            接近,近似;adj. 大约的,估计的

apt                             adj.         (习性)易于。。。的,有。。。倾向的,善于的;恰当的,贴切的

aptitude                    n.             才能;自然倾向

aquatic                     adj.           水生的,水栖的,水中或水上的

aquarium                  n.              水族馆

arable                        adj.           适于耕作的,可耕的

arbitrary                     adj.           专横的,专制的,武断的

arbitrator                   n.               仲裁者

arbitration                  n.               调停,仲裁

arboreal                    adj.             树栖的;树的;乔木的

archaic                       adj.            古代的,古老的,陈旧的,过时的

archetype                   adj.             原型,典型

ardent                         adj.             热烈投入的,极热心的

ardor                           n.                激情,狂热

arduous                      adj.              费力的,艰难的

For the last 20 years, I've worked as a arbitrator of disputes involving land. Arbitration is an arduous process that requires patience. Both parties in a dispute are typically ardent about their opinions. It's this state of ardor that makes it difficult to approach a satisfactory solution. Fortunately, I have the aptitude for understand's people's needs and finding an appropriate solution that satisfies the approximate requirements of both sides.

The parties who approve me to judge their case know that I'm apt to make a fair and reasonable decision, not an arbitray one. This knowledge tends to lower the apprehension of both parties. I find that if the parties are less apprehensive, they are more cooperative. But no case is easy. There's always a sticking point.

Presently, I'm working on a dispute between an old farmer and the government. The old farmer owns a piece of arable land on which he has grown fruit trees for 25 years. He wants to keep his land just as it is, not only because of his trees , but also due to the arboreal life it supports. The government believes that the old man's farming methods are archaic and not a productive use of the land. They want approval to use farmer's land to build a huge high-tech public aquarium. They want to display unique aquatic creatures to help educate the public. The government plans to make this project the archetype for all future public aquariums.

Well, it's going to be a tough case. In fact, it may be my toughest case yet.




作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-15 14:55     标题: TOFEL每日词汇14

Lesson 14 The Way Home 回家的路


aria                n.          独唱曲,咏唱调

arid               adj.       干旱的

aristocrat      n.          贵族

arithmetic      n.          算术

armament      n.          军备,武器

armor              n.          装甲;装甲车

aroma             n.          香气,芬芳,芳香

aromatic         adj.       芬芳的

arouse             vt.         刺激,激起;唤醒

array                n.          展示,陈列;一系列 an array of 一系列

arrogant           adj.        傲慢的,自大的

arsenal             n.           兵工厂,军械库

arthritis             n.           关节炎

article                n.           论文,文章;物品,条款

articulate           vt.          清楚的讲话,清晰的发音

artificial              adj.       人造的,人工的;虚假的,矫揉造作的

artisan                n.          手工业工人,手艺人

ascend               vi.         (渐渐的)升高,上升

ascent                n.            攀登,上升

ascetic               n.            苦行者,禁欲者;adj.  禁欲的,苦行的

asceticism         n.             禁欲主义

It seemed like a long ascent to the top. The mountain appreared barren, as though it had suffered through many years of arid climate. I had no idea why I have to climbing this mountain. All I could recall was that I had been reading a fascinating artical about climbing. But with my arthritis, how could I possibly make it to the top?

Despite my confusion, I ascended the mountain. After what seemed like an hour, I stumbled across a small artificial structure. It was hidden behind a large rocks. I was shocked to discover that it was an arsenal containing an array of antiquated armor and armament. All of it appeared to be handmade, probably by a 17th century artisan. It was a bit scray, so I left quickly and continued my acsent.

Further up, I ran into a man dressed like an aristocrat. He was articulating some kind of ancient arithmetic. His presence aroused my curiosity. I asked him what he was doing on the mountain. He rudely responded,"don't you know where you are?" What an arrogant man, I thought to myself.

After what felt like another hour, I spotted a small cave. I found an old monk living inside. Foolishly, I offered him some wine. I should have known that monks practice asceticism. But he wasn't offended. He simply smile and said,"I am indeed an ascetic person."

I told the monk that I was tired and missed my home."Open your eyes" he whispered."You are already home."

Suddenly, I began to hear the sound of my favorite aria. I could sense the aroma of a familiar aromatic substance. It was followed by a familiar voice.

"Wake up" my wife said. "Here's your coffee! You're late for work."







作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-15 14:56     标题: TOFEL每日词汇15

Lesson 15 Aspirations Gone Astray 走入歧途的理想




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集合,装配; vi. 聚集


assembly line



assests 财产,资产;优势,重要的品质;宝贵(或有益)的人(或东西)




助手,助教;adj. 辅助的,助理的

I work in an assembly line in a car factory. Most days, I just assemble car parts. Occasionally, they’ll ask me to assay an unknown drugs substance. Once in a while, I’ll be asked to assist with breaking up a fight. Assault is not common here. But now and then, a frustrated worker will assail his assistant by casting aspersions on some aspect of the other’s work. I’m considered an asset in my company. But before 20 years ago, I was a different kind of asset to an entirely different type of company.

They called it “the company” but it was really a secret government group trained to assassinate political leaders. I never aspired to be an assassin. In fact, I was an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army. All I really wanted was to do something great or important for my country. But sometimes, having too great an aspiration can lead you astray.

I still recall the day of the assembly. It was a small gathering of highly skills people like me. “The company” was assessing our abilities in the areas of weaponry and chemistry. I was a top chemist and a natural marksman, probably the best in my group. They ascribed my success to my steady hands and sharp eyes, the same tools I used for chemistry.

After the assembly, they gave us our assignments. I was assigned to assimilate into the mainstream society of a Latin American country. It wasn’t long before I was doing things that I will forever be ashamed to admit.

It’s been over for about 15 years. But I’ll never feel clean and I’ll never be able to assert that I have been a good man all my life.





作者: ABCjun    时间: 2009-10-15 14:57     标题: TOFEL每日词汇16

Lesson 16 The World of Teacher 教师的世界


associate          v.           交往(with); 关联,联合;n. 伙伴;adj. 准的(比正式的低一级)

association       n.           关联,联合;协会

assorted            adj.        各式各样的,多样混合的

assuage             v.           缓和,减轻(痛苦等)

assume              vt.           假定,设想,(想当然地)认为;承担(责任);采用(....的形式或姿势)

assumption        n.            假设;就职

assure                 vt.           巩固,确保;想...保证,使确信

assuredly            adv.        确实地,确信地;自信地,有把握地

astonish              vt.            使惊讶

astound               vt.            使惊异

astronomical      adj.           天文学的

astute                  adj.           机敏的,精明的

asymmetrical      adj.           不均匀的,不对称的

atheist                  n.              无神论者

athlete                  n.               运动员

atmosphere         n.               大气,大气层;(某一地的)空气

atom                     n.               原子

atomic                  adj.            原子的;微子的

atomization          n.               原子化;雾化

atone                    v.                赎罪,补偿

I love to associate with my fellow teachers. We meet at least twice each week at the Faculty association meetings. At these meetings, we ofter talk about our classes over a wonderful snack of assorted fruits. We're a close-knit group, although we're quite different in character.

Jane is one of my most astute coleagues. She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon. Her students are often astonished when she talks about "black holes" and her theory of the shrinking universe. But she is careful to assuage their concerns. She assures them that her theory is based on a number of assumptions that my turn out to be unture.

My friend Bob teaches nuclear physics. He says it's all about atoms, atomic particles and atomization. I assume he knows what he's talking about. He must know, given how assuredly he speaks about the subject.

Mary teaches religion. However, she is an atheist. She has an excellent sense of humor. She often jokes about how she may end up having ti atone for not believing in God.

Jim is our school's physical education teacher. He's natural athlete and he loves basketball. He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking.

Lastly, there's Sally, our teacher of geometry. She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles. Frankly, it drives me crazy to think about those things. But I like her stimulating personality. She probably knows how to turn a boring subject into a fascinating one.

As for me, I teach art. It brings out my creative side.








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