公园里,一个年轻人独自坐在长椅上,沮丧忧伤。In the park ,A young man on the chair, look terriber.
一位智者走过来关切地问:“小伙子,天气这么好,为什么闷闷不乐啊?"An old misom man carefullly: BOy, The weather is so better, Why do you look no happy?
"我很失败,怎么也快乐不起来。”"I an faild ,so I can't happy"
“你能说给我听听吗?也许我能帮助你。”"Could you tell me what happend? May be i can help you."
年轻人友好地望了望智者:“无论做什么,我总感觉背后有无数双眼睛在盯着我,在瞧着我如何出丑。正是这挥之不去的阴影束缚着我,使我总是瞻前顾后,左右为难,我觉得自己活得实在太累了。”The young man looked at the windoer :"No matter what i do ,i fell a lot of eyes behind me ,they are waiting laughing me.