After having had dinner, my girlfriend always leaves me holding the bag. I must sweep the floor and wash the dishes.
She is a big gossip.
gossip指的就是八卦新闻,但它也可以拿来形容一个人很八卦。所以She is a big gossip.就是说她是个八卦夫人。
或是你也可以说,She is gossipy.按中文讲意思是她是一个广播电台。这种说法在美国倒是不常见,反而是有另一种说法和这个意思很接近——She is an information bureau. 她是一个情报局。
as plain as the nose on one's face
plain本来就有“简单清楚,明白朴素的”之意。所以从字面上看这个片语的意思就是“像某人脸上突起的鼻子一样清晰明白的”,当然这个意思就是我们常说的“很明显的”之意了,相当于it's very clear that...
He is very nervous. That is as plain as the nose on his face, because he stands awkwardly in front of the microphone for several minutes and says nothing.
put on a brave face
意思是“假装很勇敢”,put on是我们熟悉的片语,除了穿上衣服之类的意思外,还做“装出,假装”的意思。所以片语put on a brave face从字面上看就是装出一副勇敢的面孔。这个片语常用来表示作出表情,以不让别人看出他的懦弱尤其是不让别人看出他的痛苦或担忧等,所以也可以译为假装若无其事。
When I saw a snake winding to bushes, I was putting on a brave face, but actually I was quite scared.