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标题: When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes pretty little package [打印本页]

作者: x-ace    时间: 2009-11-21 15:03     标题: When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes pretty little package

When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes pretty little package. --- Ruskin
  wrap means arrange or fold (something) about as cover or protection:包裹,整理或折叠(某物)作为封皮或护套的意思。例如:She wrapped her fur coat closely about herself. 她用皮大衣把自己紧紧裹起来。
  wrap up, means bring to a conclusion; settle finally or successfully,是得出结论、最终或成功地解决的意思。例如:wrap up a business deal.做成一笔交易。
  be wrapped up in,means completely immersed or absorbed in,是指全神贯注于、完全沉浸于或专注于的意思。例如:She is wrapped up in her studies.她埋头苦读。
82、Idleness is the root of all evils.  懒惰是万恶之源。
  Idleness, to spend time doing nothing,是形容词idle的名词形式,解释为懒散的;无所事事的。An idle fellow 游手好闲的家伙。表示懒散的词还有 laze; indolence; lentitude 等等。
  Root, the main cause of a problem,根源,来源。Social (historical, ideological) roots社会(历史,思想)根源。Be the root of sth,表示“是产生什么的根源”。
  Evil, a very harmful or unpleasant influence or effect,邪恶,罪恶。Do no evil.不干坏事;不作恶。Colonialism is an evil.殖民主义是一种罪恶

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